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  1. Fexxe

    Robert Kingston's awfully late introduction that no one will read

    Welcome to Paralake, and welcome to Perpheads :)
  2. Fexxe

    Mikey (Also a bit to late)

    And a late "Welcome to Perpheads" to you :)
  3. Fexxe

    What kind of music do you like?

    Old school music pretty much. 60's rock n' roll - "I Fought The Law" by Bobby Fuller Four 70's disco - Some bee gees tracks and pretty much all the funky stuff. Kiss with "Strutter", Green Onions, "A horse with no name", "hollywood swinging", 80's pop - "I Ran" by A Flock of Seagulls, "Sultans...
  4. Fexxe

    Taxi Rank

    A parking spot just for taxis in front of the city hall would be great! Like airports have taxi parking just outside the doors, I am sure this would not only give taxi drivers more to do, but help new players get around the map. Not to mention people who just got released from jail can order a...
  5. Fexxe

    Rather small suggestion but why not...

    THIS. I've always felt like there is never any restaurant RP, and as Stephen said, I think its because food is just an "thing" you gotta spam once in awhile. The perfect food system for me, would be the ability to craft food, and gain skill in cooking. Better food will keep you full for longer...
  6. Fexxe


    Welcome to the server! Its good to read such an honest comment, and I'm sure you will have a great time on the server :)
  7. Fexxe

    Steven Arnott's/Swiper The Fox's Introduction

    Welcome back to the server :) Great pistures, made me blow more air out of my nose than I normally do!
  8. Fexxe

    About enforcers

    I do not care if you had called me names or made jokes about my ears, an insult is an insult and shows the clear lack of respect, as can be seen by the way you voice yourself on this forum. Making assumptions like that will only make you look silly. Jack Flagg is perhaps the staff member I've...
  9. Fexxe

    About enforcers

    Respect has to be earned both ways. I have encountered you two times, the first time you instantly started raging at me, because I kept grabbing you with the physgun, because you didn't want to stand still and listen to what I had to tell you, you also started the (almost famous) penis size...
  10. Fexxe

    Panic Button

    This sure would be handy :) I like it
  11. Fexxe

    50 player limit

    With more than 50 players, you have two Major issues. First being the server load will of course increase. But imagine a server with lets say 65 players, and they all spawned their cars. Perpheads is basically a mod of a mod called Garrys Mod. Therefore the game engine is not optimized for...
  12. Fexxe

    Car realism

    If there is no roadcrew, you should be able to get car service somewhere by an NPC, but it should be more expensive that way, than if you do it by calling the roadcrew.
  13. Fexxe

    Cop Skins

    It's awesome man! But please, remove the "9/11 never forget" flag. I honestly don't think we should have national flags like that, since the server is mostly european anyway with all kind of nationalities. Perhaps its just me, but I think it just rings out "Murica, fuck yeah!!" and I'm no fan of...
  14. Fexxe

    Car realism

    This is actually as really good suggestion! My suggestion would be that the Roadcrew could preform these reparations on your car, so it opens up whole new work possibilities for them. Imagine calling for the roadcrew, and they come to your house and preform a service checkup on your car parts...
  15. Fexxe

    Car Indicators

    Very nice idea, if this gets implemented they should also add hazard lights, and if possible make them automatically activate in the event of a crash.
  16. Fexxe

    Paralake City questions

    There is a section of the map called the forest, there you can find cabins to buy, so you will have plenty of remote locations to do your naughty deeds. The map is bigger than Evocity, it's much more detailed and with a much better layout and a great atmosphere, and with a main highway going...
  17. Fexxe


    My words exactly
  18. Fexxe


    Hi Maze, and here is an official Welcome to Perpheads from me :) I don't think I've met you yet on the server, but that will happen I'm sure of it. As far as I can see, you have already made a great contribution to the server by making a skin for the police car that will be on Paralake, and I...
  19. Fexxe

    [PROPOSAL] Secondary Server for PH - Half-Life 2 Roleplay

    I will be honest and say that I have never player HL2 RP for more than 20 minutes. First and pretty much only time I joined a HL2 RP server, I was standing in a big square together with 80% of the server who were all citizens, just standing there pretty much doing nothing. I then walked up to a...
  20. Fexxe

    Derby [Event Video]

    Hahaha awesome! Especially because I won :D I did some nice tricks and moves in that one!
  21. Fexxe

    Cop Skins

    If you just make sure that all the text is centered properly, this will be an amazing skin for the charger :)
  22. Fexxe

    Hey im Martin

    I'm glad to hear you like the server, and that you point out that people can actually RP ;)
  23. Fexxe

    Police body cavity search

    I've been thinking about this for quite a long time now, and I really think its something that needs to be implemented. If the police would be able to search a person for any drugs or weapons on their body while handcuffed, people can no longer just 'not' put a pistol in their hand (but still...
  24. Fexxe

    Cop Traffic Lights

    I don't know if that is needed. I mean, it might sound nice to the use of that would be rare and properly just get abused. Also the Lieutenant is the dispatcher as it is now. People often forget that the LT is in charge of the Police and SWAT, so when they play LT they just act as a normal cop...
  25. Fexxe

    Cop Traffic Lights

    Maze have suggestions to allow the cops to change the traffic lights. How is that a question?
  26. Fexxe

    Cop Skins

    I like it! But it seems like the number on top is a bit off to the right, that will bug my OCD :P And will they shine / reflect like they do on the pictures?
  27. Fexxe

    New popo cars for new map

    An alternative that could replace the Dodge Charger would be a Crown Vic, perhaps.
  28. Fexxe

    New popo cars for new map

    ZOMG YES! *freaking out*
  29. Fexxe

    Paralake Fun

    This will be so amazing!
  30. Fexxe

    My donations to date

    Good job! You are helping out the server, and the people who play on it.