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  1. Player of the Month April 2015

    Pear made 8 accounts just to vote for himself Rofl
  2. The best of Today...

    Spray and pray, still not better than mine yolo in the city hall where i killed 2 swat and 4 cops with deagle ( rofl swat was yelling help me )
  3. Thanks

    Well, its sad to see you go, you were one of the best admins. I hope we will keep in contact + dont call me a trigger bot in cs go :D
  4. You want a game like Perp in a much bigger scale?

    Well in Arma 3 life ( not altis ) there is a thing like going to jail. You need to wait out the 30 mins - 90 mins ingame to get out jail. This is propably going to lower the amount but still i think there will be enough 10 yrs old kids running around asking " where can i get a gun Plz "
  5. Identity : New Real Life RP Game

    You can go ahead and close this thread. Another person made it
  6. Identity : New Real Life RP Game

    Well ,basically Identity is a game made by asylum enternaiment. Its an mmo rpg ( no lvls or skills), real life role play in open world setting. In Identity you can choose who are you going to be ( cop , medic , firefighter, criminal, you can make meth, or live in woods hunting deers ). Its not...
  7. Drug skills

    Make it to craft faster + YOu will need for the drugs to grow
  8. Stores close at a certain time (Idea)

    When shop gonna close there will be a message saying " shops i closing in 10 / 5 mins" after that time you will get pushed outside the door . Not best idea but well
  9. R.I.P. Kitty0706

    He died from cancer in age 19. World can be so cruel. He was a great sfm / vid maker. His videos were always funny and worth to watch R.I.P Kitty0706 / Colin His last Video ( 2 months before he passed away )
  10. 3.4

    + support 3.4 - rule about keeping your life safe, running to get a gun from storage or store something under gunpoint is stupid and unrealistic idea
  11. 1911 to be available for use by Police.

    + support Should be restricted to lt or supervisor + some pick of best geared m4
  12. Craftable Armor

    Already suggested and always gets denied. Armor is overpowered already + Police fails in 75 % even if its fuckin sweater vest with m9 berreta It could be cool to change Secret Service to spawn with black suit with glasses + wearable armor ( only in critical situations ) but i dont realy see...
  13. Leveling up the crafting system

    The crafting system was added to improve rp, and lower the ammount of " combat crafting " situation - you are escaping from cops, no gun on you. You started crafting shotgun. You stop running and turn around with shotgun = rip
  14. Abraham Williams

    + Support User broke 3.4, 3.6 and 3.19
  15. Rules in More Depth

    Well now lets hope people will read it and understand it. Great explanation.
  16. D3V

    Constantly stealing my car, breaking it and trying to kill me. 10/10 rate it ign. + support
  17. How fucked are you?

    Garrys mod / Cs Go. Dark rp explains it all ;)
  18. New swat van with ETS

    Ladder is worthless as there is no way of getting in the windows ( 99 % of them are unbreakable ). +/- neutral
  19. Idea: Whitelisted Police

    Idea from Arma 3 Life. Its basically the best way to lower the amount of Minges and trolls ont he server. Thing that happend to me year ago was that 2 cops just started rdmin everyone for god damn reason. I think the staff need to have opinion on you. Rofl
  20. Michael Boyle - The Song.

    "you fuckin deldo" .
  21. Goodbye.

    You were a great guy, i remember you back in belinsky, its sad that we havent played much after the org was disbanded. Have luck and i hope we may play some cs go and other games ;)
  22. help me!!!

    Use high graphics, you need windows 7 64 bit, 4 gb ram, decent cpu / gpu. Main reason your game crash is using windows 7 32 bit or tons of shitty addons like - Dark rp servur contunt with all fuckin shitty stuff. nuff said
  23. My Goodbye Post

    Well, it seems my interest to the server has changed a lot. I played on it since November 2013 and i had a lot of banterous moments. I've seen how it changed and how people changed. I want to mention few people: - Tanges - Cool guy + had some cool moments in belinsky ( was teaching him polish...
  24. Pear's goodbye

    Its sad to see you go, i remember having fun with ya, all those banter moments. I wish you luck and more cs go. Maybe one day you will come back
  25. Disable snow, rain (clientside)

    I dont see a difference when snow is on or off, but if it would improve your performancei will + support
  26. Ban request

    It looks like luck shot but that was a gun point. From that range irl you can kill him and even person behind him. There is no chance of him to escape. There is no need to + support it as the owner of the thread wants it closed.
  27. MrLewis - Resignation Post.

    Bye Lew Lew. D: Sad to see you go, we wont have more banterous moments, like we had with peter the prophet and other organizations. You have been a great mod and person. Its sad that everyone i know is leaving now. The server won be the same without you D: . have a great time "outside" rofl...
  28. Crashes when joining.

    You need alteast Windows 7 64 bit version to fix the "crashing", 8 gb ram and pretty gud gpu/cpu
  29. When did you first join PERP-heads?

    In game name: Dan Simos Date first joined: August 2013 Time played on server: 1 month ( i left due the crash ) Dont realy remember that much beside learning tanges polish so he knows more words than kurwa, Obviously the old subs and blewing up "Jompas" car ( we used it as a suicide car ), then...
  30. Defibrillator for Firemen

    Thats why there are medics and firemen's, I dont see firemen usind aeds normaly, prob only in critical sit, i will give - support