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  1. simplex

    Ryan Harris AR

    "More a case of it's hard to have a mutually respectful dialogue with someone who is flaunting a ticket book in your face from the outset." Let me make this clear.. again. Just because I'm holding a ticket book in my hands means he can't have a dialogue with me? If he actually stood still I...
  2. simplex

    AR Simplex 2

    The reason I was driving fast was because you had friends in regals 5 that was heavily armed and was going to shoot at me ( which they did in the end). My VIP ran out a few days ago, so when I tried playing as a police officer, I had to use the Crown Victoria, I was not completely used to the...
  3. simplex

    Ryan Harris AR

    No, he should of brought the matter up with a Seargent or Lieutenant. He shouldn't of decided to vandalise my car by punching it three times, how in any possible way is that acceptable? And let me state again, it was hard to have a dialogue with him because everytime I got close, he ran away.
  4. simplex

    Ryan Harris AR

    However much you think my roleplay was "piss poor", I had reasons. His actions are not acceptable.
  5. simplex

    Ryan Harris AR

    Okay. It was a $500 ticket not $1000. At 0:17 you can clearly hear his distinctive voice saying "you better fuck off". So once again let me clarify, I did not ticket the wrong person. I couldn't use a microphone at this time, so it was hard for me to have a conversation with him especially when...
  6. simplex

    Ryan Harris AR

    Thanks for the response. Lucia did break 1.1, so as I went to ticket her, Ryan Harris also broke 1.1 by saying "you better fuck off". I decided to ticket Ryan first because he was not in a vehicle and was easiest to handle with first. I did not ticket the wrong person. When I was approaching...
  7. simplex

    Ryan Harris AR

    Why would you raid mcuwes when a cop is 5m away from you? And why would you draw attention to yourself if you were wanted? I gave you a ticket for 1.1. And as you can see in the video, the AK47 was not showing up on your back.
  8. simplex

    Ryan Harris AR

    Your Steam/In-game Name: simplex | Fletcher Harper His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Bajar | Ryan Harris His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:44095993 Why Should This Player Be Punished: User punched my vehicle (cop baiting) and was going to receive a ticket, he then evades and pulls out an AK47 in public area...
  9. simplex

    A half loaded M82

    my cat is nice
  10. simplex

    Sgt. failed so hard

    your laugh makes these videos :D
  11. simplex

    Best SWAT raid but ends with a fail

    fake and gay
  12. simplex

    AR Simplex

    I do extremely apologize here, but please let me clear up what happened. So it was just me and some friends chillin, I thought it'd be funny to make a prank call ( I thought there wasn't gonna be any police on anyway ). When I told my friends that I made the prank, one of them said, " bro I have...
  13. simplex

    Organization Menu Broken

    Forgot to add this at first guys sorry, so I can type in /org and enter org storage, so I'm still in the org. the CH NPC does not give me the option to leave org either
  14. simplex

    Organization Menu Broken

    Whenever I press F3, the menu don't pop up. Yes, it's binded to gm_showspare1. Yes, I've tried rebinding the key. No, F3 isn't binded to anything else. When I type gm_showspare2 into console, the buddy menu pops up, but when I type gm_showspare1 , the org menu does not. Any solutions? Or can an...
  15. simplex

    Sup Bros!

    i recommend to always keep some lube on you in this city, you never know when the next rapist strikes
  16. simplex

    When The Raid Goes Wrong For The Raiders

    not la cosa nostra, look at their clothing. We have a dark blue suit anyways good video
  17. simplex


    bump +support we need this implemented
  18. simplex

    GoodBye For Some Time

    You can still play gaming while doing ya GCSE's ya know? stop being a puss clart
  19. simplex

    AR on simplex/Fletcher Harper

  20. simplex

    AR on simplex/Fletcher Harper

    sry bout dat dunno wut 2 say except shouldn't of handled it that way
  21. simplex

    Small unofficial server for small groups.

    Porn cinema
  22. simplex

    Ar on Simplex

    The evidence that you have shown claiming to be the ninja cuff is not suitable because the video was sped up at 258%, so in the matter of a second in the video, just under 3 seconds of gameplay is shown.
  23. simplex

    Ar on Simplex

    "User broke 2.1 when he knowingly didn't have the right to restrain me to begin with for standing on the mayors head." lol LOL, you complained about ninja cuffing in ooc when it happened, but you didn't show the clip normal speed to see the "ninja cuff" if it did happen (which it didn't)...
  24. simplex

    Lights to light up a room.

    Topic: Lights to light up a room. Short explanation (in notes): Sometimes it gets quite dark in rooms and is hard to see, shit gets dark and i poop my pants Detailed description (why should it become added/...): Currently to light up a room you need to place multiple spotlights in different...
  25. simplex

    Leaving Forever

    Second Life is not a role playing game
  26. simplex

    AR on Alex_:D by Youseff

    Youseff, you honestly have broke many rules yourself in this video ;3 One rule that you broke that hasn't been mentioned is 3.4. At 1:05 you can be seen standing on the edge of the balcony, although oocly you cannot fall off due to the map limits, ICly you wouldn't put your life at risk like that.
  27. simplex

    New! - [WINTER] Player of the Season

    Lewis' voice gives me an instant erection. This wasn't a hard vote for me at all.
  28. simplex

    Large Apartment Complex

    I wasn't just saying all properties were sold out for the sake of it. I meant it.
  29. simplex

    La Cosa Nostra - Applications

    Xhantium Harper informed me I can still make an application even though it says closed on the forums. Steam Name: Simplex -Age (OOC): 16 -Are YOU Active?: Yes -Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:85262218 -Total playtime: 4 days -Are you a VIP: Yes (IC Questions) -Ingame name: Fletcher Knight -List...
  30. simplex

    Large Apartment Complex

    I have seen all residential properties sold out before. I have had to wait at bank for over 20 minutes before constantly spamming the buy button because I couldn't buy anywhere.