AR on Alex_:D by Youseff

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I can't believe you've done this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ez to solve this problem.

In real life when raiding a house known to be a drug factory what do you do?

A. Ask them for the drugs politely
B. Take drugs and shoot people that shoot at you
C. Take drugs and shoot everyone who is armed
D.Shoot everyone because your going to jail for the rest of your life anyway, oh and don't forget the part about them revenge killing you, sounds good to me.

Dunno about you fuckers but I would opt for option D.

Case closed. Please find the nearest bridge and throw yourself off it.

Oh and next time you make an action request maybe you should edit the part out where you break the rules.

2.2 Voice Chat- The in-game voice chat may not be used for anything other than to allow for verbal conversation; where voice chat is of an unacceptably low quality, the offending player should immediately cease its use.

Edit; Oh, at 29 seconds in the video he actually metagames Ayjay's name into a text message, awkward really.
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Alright Lets get Started. Before You read this, I just want to let you know this is MY OPINION Feel free to rate it on what you think of this.

First Of All
Alex had no reason that we know of to kill you but he could of known you were armed by the metal detectors near the door.
I doubt he knew that due to his post that he made on this thread and the Slander he has in his mouth. Him shooting you was a breach of

"2.5 Excessive Negativity- Generally speaking, players are not allowed to excessively negatively affect the experiences of other players while playing on the server. For example, destroying a number of valuable items in a store should only be done under certain circumstances, and more so as a last resort; specifically, reasons such as product prices, a ‘basic’ distaste towards someone within the store, grossly disproportionate methods to quell competition, etc, are not typically acceptable."

I don't know if this counts but he did shoot you on an area where a lot of people could see. But like I said, I don't know if this would count as no Npc's could see you but the NPC at PD Parking. I personally think it was a bit too far for a person to notice someone being shot but if you heard shots and you see some form of weapon in their hand It would be pretty easy to guess. Also there was a busy highway next to them.

"6.3 NPCs- When role-playing within the vicinity of NPCs (Non-Player Characters, for example, the NPC that resides within Fredy’s Bakery, the City Hall, etc.), NPCs must be treated as regular players, where possible; for example, if a player has used just committed a serious crime in the suburbs within the vicinity of the storage NPC they must threaten and/or take the NPC into consideration. Another specific example is if a player is involved in a bank robbery and is visiting the hospital to receive treatment from the NPC the aforementioned player should ensure his and the NPC’s lives are not in immediate danger."

His attitude to this Ar is not something that a normal play would expect. It seems he doesn't really care about this so why wouldn't he care about a warning or ban?
"Case closed. Please find the nearest bridge and throw yourself off it."
As an Ex Staff member this user should know better than to slander people.
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"Case closed. Please find the nearest bridge and throw yourself off it."
As an Ex Staff member this user should know better than to slander people.

First of all you should probably find out what Slander means, because what you quoted has nothing to do with slander.

  • 6.3 NPCs- What NPC's are you referring to?

  • 2.5 Excessive Negativity- I haven't excessively impacted his RP, yeah I fucked him over but he was the one who decided to grow drugs, he should know the risks, if you actually think in real life he would have been kept alive you must have been dropped on your head as a baby.

Finally, "His attitude to this Ar is not something that a normal play would expect. It seems he doesn't really care about this so why wouldn't he care about a warning or ban?"

You're correct, I couldn't give a shit to be honest, I play on the server less than once a month, but that doesn't mean I can't defend myself in a way I feel suitable.
I think the situation could've resulted in a better way than having to kill two people who weren't a threat to you.
Simply tying them up and leaving with the drugs would've been the better thing to do as it wouldn't of alerted anybody around the area.
quick and clean.
-/+support, I hope you don't mind me changing this to an action request on you as well..

1. Metagaming - Why did you text your friend that you were being raided by AyJay? The thing here is, AyJay is obviously not your friend since you know he's going to raid you, which I don't understand how you know his name?

2. Can't remember which rule this is but. - You decided to pick your drugs whilst you clearly knew AyJay was out there trying to raid you as you just told your friend?

3. Storage and trunks - 3.18 - Why did you store your drugs whilst you knew your life was in danger as you were being raided? You knew you were at danger as well, as you just texted your friend saying they were raiding you.

That's it! Congratulations, you've just ban requested yourself.

On the other side i do support that Alex_:D should be warned/banned for breaking 2.5 as you never shown that you were armed.
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Youseff, you honestly have broke many rules yourself in this video ;3

One rule that you broke that hasn't been mentioned is 3.4. At 1:05 you can be seen standing on the edge of the balcony, although oocly you cannot fall off due to the map limits, ICly you wouldn't put your life at risk like that.
1.3 Slander - Slander will not be tolerated within this community; the only time where accusations can be made against other members of the community are within the ban requests forum, and when speaking to an appropriate member of staff - when making an accusation against a member of staff, a higher ranking staff member should be spoken to.

It really isn't slander.

Alex did something extremely retarded here, why he even killed 2 people on a balcony really does trouble me anyway do you know how open that is? You could of easily gun pointed and tied them and if you complain that there were too many people then maybe you shouldn't be raiding on you own.

Summary -

Killing two people on an open balcony may seem stupid but you guys really need to think this through.

-Keep in mind I am basing this upon real life-
Here is what you are suggesting;

Hostage taking --- 25 years in jail
Harvest the drugs (Cocaine + Weed manufacturing) --- 10+ years in jail
Possession of firearm with criminal intent --- 25 years in jail

Police could catch me....
Guys who I kept hostage could kill me....
Their friends might come and kill me....

Vs my choice

Murder --- 25 Years
Harvest the drugs (Cocaine + Weed manufacturing) --- 10+ years in jail
Possession of firearm with criminal intent --- 25 years in jail


There friends might come and kill me....
Police could catch me....

As you can see by killing them I have removed one potential threat to my life in the future, therefore by killing them I am following rule 3.4 and realistically anyone in the right mind would do this.

Think about it, In real life when raiding a drug manufacturing facility do you think the guys making the drugs are friendly people who just want to talk it out? No, they are fucking scum bags who would do anything to protect their drugs including kill anyone who gets in there way. I acted how I would in real life, killing 'gang thugs' is an obvious choice.

Now if you would all kindly fuck off out of this thread and go back to twiddling your thumbs I would be very grateful.

After gathering other staff members opinions on this, the reasons Alex placed forward are invalid and can't justify his actions fully, therefore Alex will receive a ban from the server due to the rules broken. In addition, the experienced user should understand the rules sufficiently not to do this. Alex could have dealt with the two players in a different, more calming manor. There was also no way Alex could have known you were armed.
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