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    how are you autist when devil is in video??
  2. Husky

    Yes, he's wrong. There's nothing wrong with abduski.
  3. Dai's goodbye <3

    get off my dick kid
  4. Dai's goodbye <3

    still remember your xbox mic
  5. Cancelling of bandages, weird thing I found

    for sorle also effects police broadcast, mayor broadcast and any command u can think of with c in it
  6. Cancelling of bandages, weird thing I found

    sure it shouldn't but can the devs be asked to fix that?
  7. Cancelling of bandages, weird thing I found

    its because you pressed c...
  8. Should CM have been voted on?

    i think we should get an israel flag on top of ch in v5
  9. 18/06/2020 - Community Updates

    @Samuel Was there a public election?
  10. Resignation

    first they say you can't keep your staff rank and be a cm but then they suddenly change their mind without asking the community? lol good one transparency btw haha
  11. probably had my sloppy seconds at least twice

    probably had my sloppy seconds at least twice
  12. happy birthday bitch

    happy birthday bitch
  13. /anon daniel camps city hall

    /anon daniel camps city hall
  14. Bird Up Competition

    idiot game

    you were literally on this morning on the account linked to your profile...
  16. make tfu van a little more nade resistant

    how many shots for the tires to pop?
  17. AR on maimuni

    is that why 2 of them died to a single pistol cop lol
  18. its not hard

    its not hard
  19. ok

  20. happy birthday grandpa!

    happy birthday grandpa!
  21. chem table

    Your in-game name: jack richards Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:87262869 What do you need refunded: chemical table, 2x pyrex dishes, 2x cookers Why do you want your item(s) refunded: apparently our apartment was bombed after we died and the person got banned Evidence: Tick:
  22. famas sights

    Description of the idea: Make it so it zooms out a bit when you put a sight on the famas (like it was yesterday) Why should this be added? (pros): Looks better imo What negatives could this have? (cons): some people might not like it *Other additions: *Images:
  23. it was @DANIEL_

    it was @DANIEL_
  24. weirdchamp

  25. Change Explosions to Break Wooden Props

    you can carry 30 at a time
  26. Change Explosions to Break Wooden Props

    it takes less than 2 minutes to put them back