make tfu van a little more nade resistant

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inb4: "hurr angry tfu main"

Description of the idea: You are able to take out an entire armored van with a $2800 grenade and kill everyone inside, doesnt really make sense for an armored van in my opinion. One granade should take out the tyres and maybe restricts it speed, a second grenade should be able to take it out fully and damage the people inside, not fully kill them.

Why should this be added? (pros):
- just more fair tbh

What negatives could this have? (cons):
- waddle waddle tfu too OP
Shouldn't the tfu van only be used for transportation according to policies? Nerfing the damage from nades will probably encourage tfu to use it even more for non transportation purposes.
i never use the van as a weapon, i wanted to extract an officer from a dangerous situation and someone naded the van. i dont mind a rule that prevents the van from being used as a weapon
The SWAT Van is after all an armoured vehicle, and should be able to take a hit. Question here is about balance, civilians should of course be able to disable the vehicle, so question is should really a M67 that lands 5 meters away, disable it and kill everyone inside?

I personally think the below changes are in order,
  • The tires should not be bulletproof, after x amount of shots, they should pop, making it hard to drive.
  • A M67 should only kill the occupants inside if it lands really close, if it lands 4 meters away, the van should take damage.

I don't know what people think about that, but thats my idea.
That is a balancing question (that really only can be answered after testing) it would probably be HP based rather than shots based.
I've made some balancing changes to make it easier for the occupants to survive, but just as easy for the van to be destroyed.
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