Search results

  1. Nothelle

    Whats really happening...

    When you're dead, just think to yourself, at least you know that the fire fighters and medics are making the most of the summer...
  2. Nothelle

    The Bratva-Applications

    In game Name: Nothelle Polis OOC Name: Nothelle Why do you want to join the organization: I with to join this organisation because I have recently moved back into the city after a short break and I am looking for an organisation that I feel would best suit me. This organistion has one of my good...
  3. Nothelle

    Refund Request for remington 870

    Your in-game name: Nothelle Polis Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:59733085 What do you need refunded: Remington 870 Why do you want your item(s) refunded: Swat Officer mingegrabbed my shotgun when I was a defender in a raid. Did not get authorisation to bag the item. Evidence: @Chris accepted the AR on...
  4. Nothelle

    Refund Request

    Your in-game name: Nothelle Polis Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:59733085 What do you need refunded: 4 large pots, 10 marijuana seeds, 10 coca seeds Why do you want your item(s) refunded: My game crashed whilst I was basing in the Office building shortly after planting my drugs. I thought that I could...
  5. Nothelle

    "Passive RP"

    If the medical service had to do that for everyone they wouldn't have time to breathe.
  6. Nothelle

    Paralake Prison v2

    I've read through this and I think this is such a good idea! I've always used to try and see if I can have a talk to the guy in the opposite cell to see if he was AFK but they always are... I really hope this gets added!
  7. Nothelle

    Now in an organisation!

    Now in an organisation!
  8. Nothelle

    Traffic Lights for Traffic Officers

    I like the idea over all but would people actually use them? Especially after they find out it is a hassle to set up for only a temporary amount of time? Would citizens actually abide by the traffic laws once confronting one of these? Most citizens do not stop on traffic lights on the majority...
  9. Nothelle

    S.W.A.T Rappel

    In my opinion the police already have a mass advantage. They usually out number your squad They all have weapons and SWAT have big boy guns All have body armor and SWAT have big boy armor All break NLR and always come back SWAT have big boy door breaches And you want to add SWAT have rappels...
  10. Nothelle

    Whole Medical System Revamp

    I like the idea but how long would this kind of thing take to code? Clearly a lot of thought has been put into this suggestion so I trust you thought about this logically. Right now I want to +Support
  11. Nothelle

    Valentines Day

    Someone needs to leave their time machine...
  12. Nothelle

    Looking for an organisation...

    Looking for an organisation...
  13. Nothelle

    Sinaloa Family!

    I've applied! :)
  14. Nothelle

    ALDI Revamped

    LIDL is better
  15. Nothelle

    Finger Print Scanner for items

    Topic: Finger Print Scanner for guns or items etc... Short explanation (in notes): - Police tool - Scans items for players finger prints (Their appearance and name) - Like the DNA scanner but for the police and items. Detailed description (why should it become added/...): If items were to be...
  16. Nothelle

    Banned on my Birthday... Thank you Lewis!

    Banned on my Birthday... Thank you Lewis!
  17. Nothelle

    Thanks you. :D

    Thanks you. :D
  18. Nothelle

    Thanks :)

    Thanks :)
  19. Nothelle

    Thanks :D

    Thanks :D
  20. Nothelle

    The Davidson Family Application

    In-Character Name: Nothelle Polis Character’s Background: I was from a poor background, came to Paralake to better my self in the world of crime. I had a job here at the local laundromat unfortunately I made some enemy's and there goes my job, of course I killed the guys who made me lose my job...
  21. Nothelle

    Ban Request on Nothelle

    Saltguy, I am sorry to hear you have some concerns on how I roleplayed in this scene. You may say that how I roleplayed this was not 'fair' but you did start pushing me as I see this as a form of assault, as I pulled out a machete you ran away to your car quite instantly I knew what you was...
  22. Nothelle


    Hey guys I am not new to this community, I just left for a little bit. I have come back after a few months and now I have rejoined, can't wait to start RPing with you all again!
  23. Nothelle

    A little speed game!

    Is this good? I don't know I don't use this software.
  24. Nothelle

    Rules in More Depth

    This is amazing, but I wouldn't expect the newbies/sweatervests to read it, they don't even read the original rules. On the other hand brilliant job @Ash
  25. Nothelle

    Glass Co & Parker Raid 18/1 - Bolli shreks the winning team

    It was kind of expected that Bolli would win I mean why wouldn't he?
  26. Nothelle

    EA owns Valve.

    Nooo fucking way, it is not just like I don't understand anything you just stated. You sir are a magician.
  27. Nothelle

    Paralake One Applications

  28. Nothelle

    La Cosa Nostra - Applications

    Ingame name: Nothelle Polis Steam Name: Nothelle Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:59733085 Total playtime: 2 week Are you a VIP: Yes List of all cars you own: Hummer H1 When are you mostly online?: Well I may have been inactive for a while over the Christmas holidays due me being in hospital and family...
  29. Nothelle

    A lesson in using the /me function

    Thanks this helped me!
  30. Nothelle

    Commonwealth Applications:

    OOC Info: Name: Nothelle Reeve Age: 15 Country: Sweden Time-zone: GMT + 0 Do you have a microphone?: Yes How active are you on the server?: I have a weeks playtime and I am on everyday mostly. Steam Name (Optional): Nothelle IC Info: Name: Nothelle Polis Age: 28 Country: Britain Firearms...