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  1. Cavarey♫

    Make food expire

    What's the point of your idea if people see this as the solution? Is that the game you'd like to create? That people should relog or just die to avoid buying food? I like how you are thinking weekly on additions to the server, but it makes no sense to implement something in the name of RP...
  2. Cavarey♫

    Make food expire

    I agree with most that is said here, and I think a lot are on the same line. Not only does it not add any value to roleplay, but it is also extremely tedious too. Imagine going to the restaurant every 2-3 times on 1 day. I think people rather starve themselves to death (or just relog) than have...
  3. Cavarey♫

    A Cheffz-No Fundz

    Imagine being the cop there, tied and forced to listen to this.
  4. Cavarey♫

    Server Suggestion Add chemical table and workbench locations

    I do agree with your idea. It is unfair that there are some places, such as the scrapyard and the business shops that Modo stated, that have no option of using the chemical table, forcing players to use specific housing to do their planting. Not only gives it the option for players to plant and...
  5. Cavarey♫

    Community Meeting 28/04/2021

    Doubt that’ll happen tho. :(
  6. Cavarey♫

    About the " new player " apartments

    @aarondavid45 Yep, it makes things like this rather difficult. The server are owned by admins and, even though I do not agree with them in a lot of ways in a lot of situations, they decide in the end what happens, whether you agree or not. Rules are so easily interpreted differently by players...
  7. Cavarey♫


    I find it quite interesting how many people think the problem would be solved with just a new map. I can imagine playing on the same map for years can become repetitive, but as many stated already, the community stays alive by the community. If everyone only complains rather than really make a...
  8. Cavarey♫


    Good point, and I think you’re right. Rp is all about the players’ imagination of implementing rp elements with the tool given to them. If they don’t or can’t, I can understand that the server could be boring. In fact, the lack of initiative of players eventually resulted in several seriousRP...
  9. Cavarey♫

    About the " new player " apartments

    I don't know. There are a lot of reasons why new players don't continue playing anymore. As you've stated already, getting told off is one thing. But then again, and that is my unpopular opinion, is that the server is way TOO restricted. It won't take long until admins start to interfere with...
  10. Cavarey♫

    Remove Organisation Rival Requests

    What reason are you talking about? There are no situations where one organisation says: ''Hmm, lets find a valid reason to raid someone''. They see a car in front of a house, it is not owned by someone from the org or a new player, so it is a target. Gather up, take your guns, and fire away...
  11. Cavarey♫

    “Raiding isn’t realistic roleplay” Why you’re technically wrong.

    I understand you completely, but that is RP. you cannot force anyone to RP in a certain way, and even the staff team can sometimes be described as a douchie way to ''roleplay''. After all, being an admin does not mean someone knows how to roleplay. In the end, it is about hoping a person...
  12. Cavarey♫

    Remove Organisation Rival Requests

    What's the point of having a rival request if people can raid any door that is owned by players? New players are already targeted every now and then by people who are seeking for some easy cash, it won't change the fact that smaller orgs, especially those that have no ''New player'' border, are...
  13. Cavarey♫

    “Raiding isn’t realistic roleplay” Why you’re technically wrong.

    It is dependent on what is meant with Roleplay. Perceiving raiding as roleplay is one thing, but actually implementing role-playing elements to it is also another way of Roleplay. It is part of the server, part of the game mode, part of the ''enjoyable'' experience in a Roleplaying server. But...
  14. Cavarey♫

    Server Suggestion Remove names showing on top of players

    It is what you said, with some exceptions. And, of course, this remains my personal opinion, there are too many exceptions where there are moments where no rp is being used at all, or as minimum as possible (if the person at that moment feels like it). That is why I can't perceive it as really...
  15. Cavarey♫

    Server Suggestion Remove names showing on top of players

    I do not only agree with that what is said above me, but there are not a lot of rp situations that would really benefit from removing names. It's a semi-serious roleplaying server after all.
  16. Cavarey♫

    Community Discussion - What do you want?

    At this moment, the paramedic role is almost not used at all. There are multiple reasons for it: 1. You get shot easely without doing anything. 2. Its difficult to roleplay being a paramedic since everyone who runs up to you says: ''I need heal''. Not quite rp at all. 3. Not a lot of money...
  17. Cavarey♫

    Is Porn Cheating?

    I thank you for this amazing tutorial of using more features of Google and bring this with me in my future endeavours. I honour you for your precious time.
  18. Cavarey♫

    Is Porn Cheating?

    Well, knowing whether or not the person making this post is serious, no. It is not seen as cheating. As google states on the term ''cheating'': ''Act dishonestly or unfairly in order to gain an advantage''. Watching hardcore porn is therefore not seen as cheating. Case closed.
  19. Cavarey♫

    It is I, the one that have been lost but found his way yet again

    Hello there everyone, Goku here, a.k.a. Gokuka, Goks, Gokuka. Long time ago I've been playing quite decently on this server, being part of a controversial gang yet also a quite well-known role player among men. I've decided to come back to enjoy a bit of the role playing community in Garry's...
  20. Cavarey♫

    Enough games to play! And I just dont like the people playing in the server. Most of em Minging...

    Enough games to play! And I just dont like the people playing in the server. Most of em Minging, hating on each other because of the organisations you are in. Broke the fun for me.
  21. Cavarey♫

    Server is boring, got enough games to play :p

    Server is boring, got enough games to play :p
  22. Cavarey♫

    The Wood Family

    Difficult post to read without any exclamation marks or grammar. I wish you good luck with it, I hope it won't be as good as your grammar ;p.
  23. Cavarey♫

    I dont know Bye

    Is it me or is it the year of the ''goodbye''? I didn't know you at all, but I wish you the best!
  24. Cavarey♫

    What Background do you use?

    Using Rainmeter for some cool effects, like music that moves my visualizer. <3
  25. Cavarey♫

    How to defend your shit

    Ouch, those people got rekt, 1 v 4. Also the fact you are not using any attachments. Legacy M4 ftw! Well played friend, they played themselves. Never go Full Retard and rush in without knowing what is on the other side of the door. PS. I like the Panic Button xD. Doing it in the middle of the...
  26. Cavarey♫

    Good bye , Forever

    Never knew you, but good luck in your future friend.
  27. Cavarey♫


    10 hours a week?! Jesus! Well, there goes my chance of joining the Paralake Maffia! Good luck with it mate, looks like a fun one!
  28. Cavarey♫

    Linda is a bit..uh.

  29. Cavarey♫


    Have fun in your boarding school! Bye bye!
  30. Cavarey♫

    The Harpers.

    The Organisation dead or inactive? What happened to it? Everyone left and it fainted.. Whassup?