Search results

  1. FishAndChipsMate

    Happy New Year!

    Happy New Year!
  2. FishAndChipsMate

    ey add me on steam: my name is ohh boy I wanna buy premium from you.

    ey add me on steam: my name is ohh boy I wanna buy premium from you.
  3. FishAndChipsMate

    cool guy

    cool guy
  4. FishAndChipsMate

    Can't join the server

    When I try to join the server it just loads up to Sending client info and then it stays there for some minutes and then I time out. This only happends when there's 60+ people on the server. pls help
  5. FishAndChipsMate

    Happy birthday!!

    Happy birthday!!
  6. FishAndChipsMate

    congrats on enforcer (sorry for being a bit late)

    congrats on enforcer (sorry for being a bit late)
  7. FishAndChipsMate

    The Front - Application section

    Name(OOC): FishAndChipsMate. Name(IC): Hans Heinerud. Age: 13. Why do you wish to join The Front?: I'm looking for a new good org to play with. Do you have any specific skills you'd like to list?: Shooting. Do you have any experience from previous organisations?: Sanchez Family and Corleone...
  8. FishAndChipsMate

    Refund Request

  9. FishAndChipsMate

    Refund Request

    Your in-game name: Hans Heinerud Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:58565664 What do you need refunded: 3 large pots, 1 clock, 1 phone, 10 coke seeds, 5 weed seeds, 1 flashlight and 5 hamburgers Why do you want your item(s) refunded: I got mugged in public. Evidence: Tick: ?
  10. FishAndChipsMate

    Gone for a little while

    My internet is not working and I'll be back at the start of next month. I might come on a little bit this weekend because I'm going to my dad's place over the weekend!
  11. FishAndChipsMate


    Thanks man
  12. FishAndChipsMate

    Hans Heinerud

    Hans Heinerud
  13. FishAndChipsMate

    Police Computer Update

    Wow! Looks very nice!!
  14. FishAndChipsMate

    Worst nightmare?

    I woke up in the middle of the night and was very hungry. I went to the kitchen and was gonna open the fridge. BUT I COULDNT OPEN IT. I kept trying and trying. Nothing would work. I fell down on the floor and broke down in tears. I still to this day have problems sleeping.
  15. FishAndChipsMate

    Favourite TV Show?

    Breaking Bad & Narcos
  16. FishAndChipsMate

    Favourite Youtuber

  17. FishAndChipsMate

    FishAndChipsMate Introduction

    Thank you everyone for commenting and giving me these tips! If u want to meet me in game my name is Hans Heinerud
  18. FishAndChipsMate

    how do i work this

    how do i work this
  19. FishAndChipsMate

    FishAndChipsMate Introduction

    Hello I'm FishAndChipsMate I'm 13 years old and I come from Sweden. I'm pretty new to perp and I'm looking forward to play more on the server!
  20. FishAndChipsMate


  21. FishAndChipsMate

