Search results

  1. The HitMan

    Dash Cams

    I used nextbase for awhile, next base do a duo camera with front and rear. Moved over viofo as they have some good features. Next base have a offer on the 422 £129 or the next one down like 322. Next base do have %10 offer aswell. Use discount code...
  2. The HitMan

    I'm Sorry - Album Bonita

    Nothing beats @ErmakDimon with Just like Tyla
  3. The HitMan

    POV: You're a Police Officer in Paralake

    The next video will change that ;)
  4. The HitMan

    POV: You're a Police Officer in Paralake

    Don't worry Takedowns and shootouts #4 coming soon, #patrolontop
  5. The HitMan

    POV: You're a Police Officer in Paralake

    Want to relive the same thing over and over again? Like looking at a black screen for hours on end? Join the PLPD!
  6. The HitMan

    how much money per hour as every job? and which one is most fun?

    Medic does a good job of interacting with people. $500 for reviving or $250 for removing bodies. RC as well.
  7. The HitMan

    Shittage #1 (Feat. JYSK)

    Problem is that we have so many people posting shooting montages, even if they edited them to a high level I wouldn't watch it. I just make mine for the fun of it.
  8. The HitMan

    Police Suggestion Weapon confiscation

    And also waste my time going back to PD every single time. We have 10 minute NLR which is a pain, so I cant use PD every 10 minutes.
  9. The HitMan

    Police Suggestion Weapon confiscation

    No thanks, not going to PD every time I confiscate a gun, seems like an Idea to affect cops so that you can raid pd every minute to get a gun back
  10. The HitMan

    Camping drug dealer lowest of the low

    Camping drug dealer lowest of the low
  11. The HitMan

    @Max old regals Apt

    @Max old regals Apt
  12. The HitMan

    GTA 6 trailer predictions thread

    tbh, you have a point, GTA 5 addressed everything that was lacking from GTA 4 in terms of activities like hunting, submarines etc. I assume it will feel like Red Dead and run off that engine. Multiplayer would have to be different since we have had heists, yachts, flying bikes etc
  13. The HitMan

    Server Suggestion Remove falling snow

    Totally not having 128 people on the server. Quantity over quality route is not helping.
  14. The HitMan

    Server Suggestion Stop cops abusing the cones & citizen the right to move them

    Revert the weight changes to the smaller objects the the cones, barrels etc. Keep the wooden barrier and the road closed signs as they are since they are bigger. No more tiering your car on a traffic cone.
  15. The HitMan

    Did shitpost alot

    Did shitpost alot
  16. The HitMan

    Niko wishes

    Niko wishes
  17. The HitMan

    Garry's Mod Perpheads: Bad Drivers/Crashes Compilation #29

    Had some clips from over the last few months, enjoy!
  18. The HitMan

    New Car

    Is there any point in getting a fast car? Maps not made for fast cars anyway. You have a lot of choice that's under a mill.
  19. The HitMan

    New Car

    Do not sell cars, will regret it.
  20. The HitMan

    Halloween Event - 2023

    @dog we got robbed
  21. The HitMan

    Halloween Event - 2023

    Could the NLR timer be edited this year? waiting 5 mins everytime you die gets boring.
  22. The HitMan

    Model Suggestion Bring back old ambulance AND change the sirens

    Only thing that needs changing is the rear lights, at least put them on the buttom where they are meant to be.
  23. The HitMan


    Ai can crash now, might just get it to watch them crash
  24. The HitMan

    Post your setup

    where is the gear shifter, pedals and dashboard?
  25. The HitMan

    wtf is that light sequence

    wtf is that light sequence
  26. The HitMan


    There is a racing game mode that was created that goes around the entire map, however, it means people can't use the highway for the duration. It would be nice if other areas got a course like subs/forest since it's out of the way.
  27. The HitMan

    Almost a decade worth of clips - share yours!

    Few videos I had private from a few years back.
  28. The HitMan

    can you run the people over who are jaywalking even if the person is the other side of the raod?

    I have arrested people for deliberately running people over.
  29. The HitMan

    Gonna have to disagree.

    Gonna have to disagree.