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  1. The HitMan

    Patrol shouldn't simply be the "vanilla" division

    The problem with adding new stuff is that it requires time and effort. We all do the exact same role regardless of what division you are in, Whether it's traffic stops, chases, shootouts and other stuff. Traffic gets a clamp, speed camera and the merc of which make Zero difference for the patrol...
  2. The HitMan

    Traffic or Patrol

    Basic dodge charger is faster than the rubbish rover, tfu die first anyway
  3. The HitMan

    Traffic or Patrol

    Patrol is better than RTU
  4. The HitMan

    who's the best player in perp?

    Luke Person
  5. The HitMan

    Police Suggestion Allow city/gov employees' cars to be ANPR

    Wouldn't it show that it belongs to the taxi company rather than who is driving. Like for all company and government vehicles it belongs to them rather than individual people.
  6. The HitMan

    don't remind me...

    don't remind me...
  7. The HitMan

    I was also eating by the fish, TP'ed straight back to CH hahaha

    I was also eating by the fish, TP'ed straight back to CH hahaha
  8. The HitMan

    Looking for a first car need help

    Avoid getting anything with a large engine, 1l is perfect and won't cost an arm and leg for insurance. It will be expensive regardless as you are a new driver, build up your no-claims for a few years then change to something nicer. Pre 2017 1l's are very cheap on road tax aswell.
  9. The HitMan

    Garry's Mod Perpheads: Bad Drivers/Crashes Compilation #28

    Can't have clips of patrol crashing :)
  10. The HitMan

    Garry's Mod Perpheads: Bad Drivers/Crashes Compilation #28

    Since I still had some clips left over from the last video I thought I may as well make a video out of them. Enjoy
  11. The HitMan

    $10m Giveaway and a goodbye

    My first car was a ford Fiesta 2013 Then bought a newer Model Fiesta, however, ford didn't put everything in it due to the chip shortage so I traded it in for a year below. Ford Fiesta 2021
  12. The HitMan

    Dashcam videos - Best of them

    Southeast had some white stuff that brought everything to a standstill.
  13. The HitMan

    Will the jobs be used constantly to warrant the removal of certain properties? I'm all for more...

    Will the jobs be used constantly to warrant the removal of certain properties? I'm all for more legal jobs, but with the current number of players, getting a house does seem much trickier.
  14. The HitMan

    Zombie event clips

    Didn't record the whole thing and the audio is out of sync.
  15. The HitMan

    Halloween Events - 2022

    Will the death time be adjusted as last year you had to wait 5 minutes each time you died which is constantly during this event.
  16. The HitMan

    Server Suggestion Hazard pay

    Cops get rewarded confiscation money and medics get money when someone is revived or the body is removed. It's fair we don't get money while dead.
  17. The HitMan


    Welcome to perp :)
  18. The HitMan

    There can only be 1 hitman

    There can only be 1 hitman
  19. The HitMan

    Cops cant drive

    Ah yes, tfu. First die in a shootout.
  20. The HitMan

    Cops cant drive

    Guaranteed that was a member of RTU. Best landing ever though and song
  21. The HitMan


    Loved just survive, shame it shut down.
  22. The HitMan

    Hmmm who could that be?

    Hmmm who could that be?
  23. The HitMan

    Mallardtage no.1

    I thought I was a bad driver...
  24. The HitMan

    lets build paralake

    @Sneaky was also building paralake in source 2
  25. The HitMan


    At least here you don't pay for guns in pd and to spawn a cop car. Driving license don't exist either.
  26. The HitMan

    Server Performance and playercount

    Yes not intentional at all ;)
  27. The HitMan

    Server Suggestion Government Radio Changes

    With the old system, we did have it so that each service could be separated and you could talk directly to dispatch via N. The Group thing is a thing now as then you join an incident you can talk via incident radio so only people assigned can hear you.
  28. The HitMan

    Server Suggestion Show me your driving license.

    Monolith had licences and they made no difference in driving behaviour, they also cost alot and would expire within the week. Perp doesn't need them.
  29. The HitMan

    Ban Apology (I don't know I was away when banned.)
  30. The HitMan

    Ban Apology (I don't know I was away when banned.)

    You were throwing insults around at the time.