TFU on top. We are the apex predators of the PD. Crims fear us, Pistol cops wanna be us, And to most members of TFU, joining it is their sole goal of the PLPD.
You could say: “BuT tFu iS nOt a PrImArY dIvIsiOn” to which, I have a strong counter argument. Take a look at this picture below:
View attachment 18365
This detailed graph shows everything you need to see. The soy wojak, depicted on the left, is the person stating that TFU shouldn’t count in this discussion. Me, the chad handsome bearded fellow, is depicting my whole argument.
If TFU is not a primary division then why do our members clock in 8 hours in gear a month average? Check mate…
I’ve NEVER heard down radio “SHOTS FIRED, WE NEED RTU” or “Bank Robbery, I need patrol to come to bank to resolve the situation”. What I have heard is “In pursuit of a stolen vehicle, can I have backup” In which a light TFO Responded and resolved the situation.
Again, I ask you to refer to this graph:
View attachment 18365
As previously stated, Your opinion is represented by the crying and enraged Soy wojak, whilst my opinion is depicted by the Nordic chad Wojak. I regret to inform you that:
- The dodge charger 08 is not faster than the Range Rover 2012.
- The Range Rover 2012 has the ability to drift unlike the dodge Charger 08.
- Your dodge charger 08 unfortunately seems to have a terminal lack of a Remington M24 sniper rifle with a PM2 scope, as well as accompanying ammunition inside it’s trunk, ready for deployment if marksman duties are necessary. You could argue that you don’t need it, as you can ”pistol snipe” as the kids say nowadays. However, you forget that the Tactical Firearms Unit receive the same handguns as patrol officers and, of course, can in fact pistol snipe with Said handguns just like normal officers!
Furthermore, I would like to highlight your second comment, as in fact, being bogus, and disproven further by the below graph:
View attachment 18366
Once again, your opinion is being depicted as the soy wojak on the left, however this time, the Soyjak is wearing a mask, this is to attempt to deceive the public on how truly enraged you are that your argument has fallen flat. Just like the other graph, I am once again depicted by the Nordic Chad wojak.
I regret to inform you that dying first is a sign that you had actually made a conscious effort to resolve the situation quickly and effectively by facing the danger head on. Something that, unfortunately, you do not do Mr Byford.
I await your detailed response and have several more Soy Wojaks on hand to further depict your arguments.