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  1. The HitMan

    Paralakes Street Race!

    Name: Callum Byford Drag Racing Name: Sunday Driver Vehicle you are using: Subaru Legacy GT 2010 Is the vehicle upgraded once?: Yes Is the vehicle upgraded twice?: Yes
  2. The HitMan

    A decent goodbye

    Good riddance, I Prefer Jay Hatch. I wish you all the best in your future paths.
  3. The HitMan

    Server Suggestion Cops barricades

    So people can walk off with barriers etc while an ongoing situation occurs? Seems very silly. Why not once a cop dies and respawns their barriers respawn or follow what spike strips do when far away they despawn.
  4. The HitMan

    Map ideas needed

    What about moving the CH to where the Office building currently is? But The office would need to be moved as well. With CH being on the other side of the City it's easier to get cars out, see the monorail, less danger if raids are ongoing at PD/Slums/Regals, less sweater related accidents. The...
  5. The HitMan

    Dashcam videos - Best of them

    BMW Drivers are a bunch of w***ers @Tyla Jai not you :)
  6. The HitMan

    Map ideas needed

  7. The HitMan

    Map Bug Report (You can see inside of all Regals Apartments and see props and drugs.)

    Happens to every building when standing at a certain distance.
  8. The HitMan

    Average RTU "officer" vs Average Patrol Enjoyer. (Shitpost)

    Patrol is better than RTU. RTU simply can't drive and look like lollipop ladies with guns.
  9. The HitMan


    I need to buy a jeep, it's the new Vandura.
  10. The HitMan

    Rule Suggestion (3.4 Putting your Life at Risk)

    It's difficult to compare GTA 5 to gmod as they are completely different games. This server is all about being ' fast paced ' so people don't want to conduct investigations as they take far longer depending on the circumstances. As much as you want people to do so it simply won't happen. Interms...
  11. The HitMan

    Action Request (Unkown, rxsm, Unknown) Was looking for an unrelated suspect and saw that a guy had a pistol and informed he threatened the mayor, detained and then swiftly tapped.
  12. The HitMan

    Dashcam videos - Best of them

    My insurance is sky-high yet people drive like gooses smh
  13. The HitMan

    @Creepis how dare you

    @Creepis how dare you
  14. The HitMan

    Nostalgia trip and my goodbye

    Another one bites the dust, wish you well for your future endeavours
  15. The HitMan

    Operation Break Perpheads

    Finally they will see roundabouts are great
  16. The HitMan


    That was mean... Do it again
  17. The HitMan

    Bad Drivers/Crashes Compilation #27 + Clear Out

    So after 6 years of making Bad Driver videos that no one asked for this is the last video I will be making, thanks to everyone that watched and crashed over those 6 years. Bad Drivers/Crashes Compilation #27: I also cleared out clips from 2020/2021 and put the best clips into one video...
  18. The HitMan

    only 2017 collier knows

    only 2017 collier knows
  19. The HitMan

    Action Request (The HitMan)

    No weapons or evidence shall be confiscated by Law Enforcement when immediate harm is at risk, such as under gun fire or assailants nearby. No one was remotely near me as you were busy killing cops
  20. The HitMan

    Action Request (The HitMan)

    I had plenty of time to take the firearm, run back to a rover parked at the control booth, pick up a PO on the Perimeter and drive back to PD, My life was at no point at risk nor was I shot at. No weapons or evidence shall be confiscated by Law Enforcement when immediate harm is at risk, such...
  21. The HitMan

    Action Request (The HitMan)

    I started confiscating the gun at about the same time the shots started, I cant look into the future to predict when people will start shooting.
  22. The HitMan

    Action Request (The HitMan)

    I confiscated the sniper at almost the same time the first was killed bar like a few milliseconds. I was then able to run to the main road, get a PO and leave the area without so much a scratch.
  23. The HitMan

    Mazda Furai Raffle

    STEAM_0:0:97141976 evade @Tyla Jai for once
  24. The HitMan

    stop breaking 3.4 - long

    IA gonna have a ton of fun with this video rofl
  25. The HitMan

    What recorder do you reccomend? would recommend
  26. The HitMan

    Carried the dept in terms of driving.

    Carried the dept in terms of driving.
  27. The HitMan

    New video cuz why not?

    The dog talking part is so random, you been playing perp too long to talk like a dog pmsl.
  28. The HitMan

    Lua Bug Report (911 Calls dont show up on screen)

    Type of Bug: Lua Description of the Bug: 911 Calls dont show up on screen How to reproduce the Bug: Get someone to make a text-based 911 report and send it, you can only hear the sound effect, you won't see it displayed on-screen. Does not effect Life Alerts and Car Alarms. Time Stamp...
  29. The HitMan

    Garry's Mod Perpheads: Bad Drivers/Crashes Compilation #26 RTU Edition

    Unfortunately all those clips corrupted meaning they can't be used. :rolleyes: