What recorder do you reccomend?

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After Medal.tv update you are no longer able to make clips while playing gmod and update make editing clips more difficoult and anmoying, do you reccomend any other screen recorder?
Just download the video when you've done? ez
It is annoying to import files from recorded to recorder (idk why they made it that way) also I have 300gb worth of fottage from perp and I really dont have enough time to look at exact each file to know where was the action I wanted to report
I actually made a guide about this on a different community that I was playing at the time, check it out: https://cloud-gaming.co.uk/forum/index.php?/topic/27491-how-to-capture-your-gameplay/

If you have an NVIDIA chip and want an easy way to record your gameplay, download ShadowPlay. You can edit your videos using Davinci Resolve or any other editing software.

If you don't mind a bit more of an arduous setup for likely better results, check out OBS Studio. I've been meaning to start using it myself when I find a minute to get it set up.

All of this being said, the issue you're facing could just be a problem you're yet to solve and Medal could still be an option for you. Take a look at their support page.
Does nvindia geforce 550ti incloude shadowplay too?
After Medal.tv update you are no longer able to make clips while playing gmod and update make editing clips more difficoult and anmoying, do you reccomend any other screen recorder?
what changes are you on about? My medal.tv is up-to-date and i don't have any issues.