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  1. Butterman561

    Update log - 11/08/2021

    I feel like the change to the workbench was unneeded and should've been left on trunk access
  2. Butterman561

    Refund Request (M4 (red dot, comp, sr25 stock and 30x mag))

    Your Steam Name: Butterman561 Your Roleplay Name: Shaniqua Till Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:79348852 What do you need refunded?: M4 (red dot, comp, sr25 stock and 30x mag) Why should this request be considered?: My gun was instantly confiscated (the user was warned) I am very sad i have been...
  3. Butterman561


  4. Butterman561


  5. Butterman561

    Was the m16 really worth the 3 day ban :D

    Was the m16 really worth the 3 day ban :D
  6. Butterman561

    The (meta)gaming experience

    Kovaaks is for casuals I moved on to AimLabs like a real one :cool:
  7. Butterman561

    The (meta)gaming experience Had some clips from the last few weeks got bored and put them together
  8. Butterman561


  9. Butterman561

    Hi, bye

    I will be checking parker every day
  10. Butterman561

    Lua Bug Report (Crafting org bonuses are weird and do not apply properly)

    Type of Bug: Lua Description of the Bug: Crafting org bonuses are weird and do not apply properly How to reproduce the Bug: Every time you start a new craft, the craft time of all the items gets randomized and in some cases, it's longer than the base crafting time at lvl 50 crafting Time...
  11. Butterman561

    clan war tommorrow

    I've heard he plays 110 :oops:
  12. Butterman561

    5 Million Giveaway

    Daj ribu ribu ribu, Daj ribu ribu ribu
  13. Butterman561

    Action Request (Epitahx)

    Your Steam Name: Butterman561 Your Roleplay Name: Shaniqua Till Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:79348852 Player's Steam Name: Epitahx Player's Roleplay Name: No clue couldn't see it in the demo Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:0:54716490 Why should this player be punished?: 2.1 - Playing realistically - The...
  14. Butterman561

    Paralake records exclusive release [Mind blown A cheffz] distrack

    If he does anything to you ingame you're beating the any% speedrun for making an f6 on him instantly
  15. Butterman561

    How to rob the slots TUTORIALS

    As someone who has won the jackpot from fruity machines, I can guarantee that this method works I recommend it
  16. Butterman561


  17. Butterman561


  18. Butterman561

    lets go fishing, I want a mazda too

    lets go fishing, I want a mazda too
  19. Butterman561

    Not your esports gmod montage

    There is recoil but most of the time when you strafe you counteract the horizontal recoil, not a lot of vertical recoil tho.
  20. Butterman561

    Not your esports gmod montage

    Hello lads this is an apex clip dump enjoy! The esports montage is coming soon
  21. Butterman561

    Free up aloo

    Free up aloo
  22. Butterman561

    Server Suggestion Add a button that sets all the pots in a planter box to one water level

    Description of the idea: A button that would set all the water levels to low/med/high Why should this be added? (pros): QoL change, would reduce the hassle of going to each pot and changing the water level individually What negatives could this have? (cons): Nothing really, everything that you...
  23. Butterman561

    TFU: Are you satisfied with the Range Rover? What would you prefer?

    In my opinion, the tfu rover is fine nothing wrong with it, I'd prefer if some of the HP the swat van has was given to the rover maybe 5-10% because right now the tfu rover has the same durability as any other cop car
  24. Butterman561

    Poker Tournament (18/06/2021) 6PM GMT+1

    So you can't even shit talk people, man that's boring
  25. Butterman561

    A Cheffz- Un Funny {disstrack}

    This dude is making diss tracks but is illiterate like you spell Unfunny as one word and you don't capitalize U and F, also diss track is with 2 Ses, not 1
  26. Butterman561

    Don't tell him [ATTACH]D

    Don't tell him D
  27. Butterman561

    Police Suggestion Senior Officer Changes

    Also, the fact that you can get TFU as SO and not be able to confiscate drugs, make broadcasts or battering ram doors when in heavy/light gear is kinda annoying
  28. Butterman561

