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  1. Pestam

    Let player entities remain for X amount of time after timing out

    Earlier today I accidentally reconnected (I was looking at the player list) I literally was in 15 seconds later. It took 10 mins to place my props again, I lost 2k for the house, and I lost all my drugs. I agree with this completely. This would also stop people disconnected so people don't take...
  2. Pestam

    Tutorial Video

    Hey, as some of you may know I make youtube videos and stream a bit. If you look around on youtube, you can't really find any good, up to date tutorials on how to play PERPHeads. I was thinking about starting a series (like maybe 3 videos) to explain to new players how to play the game, how to...
  3. Pestam

    Perpheads Stream

    I'm streaming live right now! Go check it out!
  4. Pestam

    PLPD at it's finest

    Lol I saw that video, keep up the good work tyla
  5. Pestam

    Black love recruiting.

  6. Pestam

    PLPD at it's finest

    We need backup to bazaar, we need more units
  7. Pestam

    PLPD at it's finest

  8. Pestam

    RIP Bazaar - Vice Lords Riot

    This is why we play PERP
  9. Pestam

    Various Licenses

    Topic: Add various licenses in game Short explanation (in notes): - Not having the license to do what you are doing is against the law - You would have to renew the licenses for in game money - Traffic stops would be more realistic if you had to have an up to date license Detailed description...
  10. Pestam

    RR full deagle

    Isn't a deagle + a fully loaded mag more than $5000?
  11. Pestam

    AR on Suicide/Jimmy Franson

    You're reporting Jimmy Franson for forcing someone to transfer the money. In the screenshot it shows John Doe requesting the $1500 bank transfer.
  12. Pestam

    AR on Pastamanic

    You should not have even got out of the room in the first place, or have an AK as you were tied up. Also, you didn't know that he was assisting. In the AR you called him and my other friend "2 users" which gives you no reason to shoot him unless he wouldnt give the items back or resisted. (Sorry...
  13. Pestam

    AR on Pastamanic

    First of all, he was in the back corner of his store away from all cameras. The 2 users outside were my buddies on lookout. Once he was in the store, he dropped a lot of items and attempted to run. He then came back and told me he forgot he was tied, but I'll let that slide. I informed him in...
  14. Pestam


    I was just wondering how to server works with drugs when you disconnect, the server crashed, or if you get kicked/banned. Just what you get back, and does it depend on how much time until they are done?
  15. Pestam

    Action Request

    Your Steam/In-game Name: pastamaniac / Steven Bills His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Seg / Gino Vice His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:49946071 Why Should This Player Be Punished: Me and my buddy were mugging him, and he decided it would be a good idea to leave the server instead of dropping his items. A...