Search results

  1. Spooda

    Refund Request (Spooda)

    Your Steam Name: Spooda Your Roleplay Name: Gerg Grigori Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:80508688 Reason for Request: Car got tired because of roadcrew who refused to pay then got banned earlier Requested Items: 30k Evidence Type: Authorised by Staff Member Staff Member: Ophelia
  2. Spooda

    213’s Montage

  3. Spooda


  4. Spooda

    2022 GCSE Results

    at least he has GCSEs L:punch:
  5. Spooda


    Fragging people with no guns doesn't count pisstage
  6. Spooda

    Action Request (Sky)

    what the fuck was that i forgive you lmao that video made my night
  7. Spooda

    Action Request (Sky)

    Your Steam Name: Spooda Your Roleplay Name: Gerg Grigori Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:80508688 Player's Steam Name: Sky Player's Roleplay Name: Magree Teller Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:57791259 Why should this player be punished?: The player blatantly ignored gun point next to the...
  8. Spooda

    Action Request (dziadzius z komixxow)

    I would like to add that he was okay to break GP as they was shooting but he still stored guns at gun point and had a solid 5 seconds where he had a chance to surrender till I engaged with his friend
  9. Spooda

    Action Request (dziadzius z komixxow)

    Your Steam Name: Spooda Your Roleplay Name: Gerg Grigori Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:80508688 Player's Steam Name: dziadzius z komixxow Player's Roleplay Name: Ghain Kalain Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:0:142194708 Why should this player be punished?: Player bluntly ignores GP breaking 3.4 and...
  10. Spooda

    thx bb

    thx bb
  11. Spooda

    fuck u

    fuck u
  12. Spooda

    fuck u

    fuck u
  13. Spooda


  14. Spooda

    Blacklist Apology (Valentine)

    Punishment Type: Blacklist Appeal Type: Apology Which staff member issued the punishment?: Valentine How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 5 Days Your Steam Name: Spooda Your Roleplay Name: Gerg Grigori Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:80508688 Why were you banned/blacklisted?: Abusing my...
  15. Spooda


  16. Spooda


    Id rob you
  17. Spooda

    Action Request (Spooda)

    I already knew his charges due to me being involved in the situation prior I only asked you for RP purposes it shouldn't take nearly 10min to process someone considering I had to wait my whole death timer as well as being AFK for a little and then come to PD and process him myself I saw this as...
  18. Spooda

    Action Request (Spooda)

    I never let my friend go I came on duty as I wanted to play TFU only to walk into PD and see that people were requesting supervisors and since they was none online and officers were failing to provide badge numbers fair enough I just died in a similar situation that involved him but I don't...
  19. Spooda


  20. Spooda

    Map Suggestion Bazzar Shop Item Snapping

    Ruins all creatively and customization when it comes to bazaar shops and also would mean that they is a limited amount of things u can sell. Would ruin things like bobbys/crowbars being sold in bath tubs as well. Also i can see this creating problems for casinos and things where people put props...
  21. Spooda

    Action Request (jamie)

    I was the officer in the situation that responded to shots being fired towards the civilians and killed Jamie, In this situation he fired multiple warning shots which is very understandable towards PD giving civilians plenty of time to flee the scene as that is a spot which officers often...
  22. Spooda

    The Gulag 3.0

    up the facking hoodrats
  23. Spooda

    Action Request (Mina)

    Your lucky he even asked you to put your hands up in that situation I don't know if you got told by your org but the member of your org in the white beret shot at Carlos Zepol countering a PD raid for no reason KOSing us the whole reason we jumped you guys is because you were KOS to us for...
  24. Spooda

    Mine is untraceable [ATTACH]

    Mine is untraceable
  25. Spooda

    Server Suggestion New rule

    I just wanted to highlight again the point of the thread is not to prove the Dom or Ellie were in the wrong its to attempt to find a better solution in order to make a more fun approach to hostage situations that is fair for both parties in the situation.
  26. Spooda

    Server Suggestion New rule

    Dom I don't want to cause bad blood between us over this it's just so fucking clear to me what you planned and carried out and for you to say I never when its clearly obvious by my own microphones recording in the video that you could hear me clearly is just silly. I don't believe that this was...
  27. Spooda


  28. Spooda

    Server Suggestion New rule

    Its purposefully indicated for me to start typing for you to capitalise as shown in the video and even understood by Ellie who they is no way in character you could of communicated with that would have caused her to crouch and if you did you did knowingly based on the fact I would type. Even if...
  29. Spooda

    Server Suggestion New rule

    I'm not annoyed that I lost I'm annoyed that I lost to a tactic that encourages me to remove my hands from my mouse OOC and then acting on that matter once my hands were moved. I don't think its fun or fair.
  30. Spooda

    Server Suggestion New rule

    Suggestion Title: New rule Suggestion Description: I encountered a situation in CH today where I was taking the mayor hostage in order to attempt to assist a PD raid by luring cops away and holding them in CH, TFU arrived on scene and used the rules to their advantage by taking a OOC request...