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  1. Phola098

    Happy Birthday Johnathon!!!

    Happy Birthday Johnathon!!!
  2. Phola098

    Aha yeah I was there, I was a paramedic though so I don't think many people recognised me AND it...

    Aha yeah I was there, I was a paramedic though so I don't think many people recognised me AND it wasn't even on my bingo card :'(
  3. Phola098


    Well done Lelios, You're awesome!
  4. Phola098


    Aw thank you John, I really appreciate it! , I've not been here too long but thanks too all the friendly and kind people on the server it feels like I've been here for years :D
  5. Phola098

    Aw a nice photo of me relaxing in my natural habitat :D

    Aw a nice photo of me relaxing in my natural habitat :D
  6. Phola098

    Ashley Maia > Maia Lionheart !!!! IMO

    Ashley Maia > Maia Lionheart !!!! IMO
  7. Phola098

    Ashley Maia...

    Ashley Maia :punch::punch::punch::punch::punch::punch::punch::punch::punch::punch::punch::punch::punch::punch: :)
  8. Phola098

    A little late but here is our shop's Halloween cashier, very spooky! (Big thanks to @rogue and...

    A little late but here is our shop's Halloween cashier, very spooky! (Big thanks to @rogue and @Athena for helping)
  9. Phola098

    Community Spotlight - November 2021

    Aw that's awesome, Thank you. It's always a lot of fun setting up my shop glad to know people like it :D
  10. Phola098


    Hello, Welcome to Perp! Being a Taxi driver can be pretty fun, If I see you I shall be sure to hail you down for a lift :D
  11. Phola098

    Halloween Events - 2021

    These look really fun, cant wait to participate in them :D
  12. Phola098


  13. Phola098

    Mine and Rotonde's shop today, we've made many different designs for our shop but this one is...

    Mine and Rotonde's shop today, we've made many different designs for our shop but this one is defiantly my favourite. I hoped everyone that popped around liked it as well :D
  14. Phola098

    Awesome, Nice job!

    Awesome, Nice job!
  15. Phola098


    Hello, Welcome to Perp! :D
  16. Phola098

    Crafting and Firearms Leveling Tips/Advice

    Thanks I shall check it out!
  17. Phola098

    Crafting and Firearms Leveling Tips/Advice

    Oh wow thanks for the reply, That sounds like a really good idea and something that I should defiantly try out. I didn't even think about selling the ammo so I will try and sell some of that as well. Thanks again this is really helpful advice and I appreciate it a lot!
  18. Phola098

    Crafting and Firearms Leveling Tips/Advice

    That's a good idea. So set up a shop to sell the weapons I've crafted and use the money I make to spend on materials to craft even more weapons, why didn't I think of that lol. Thank you!
  19. Phola098

    Crafting and Firearms Leveling Tips/Advice

    Hello, Recently I've been trying to level up my crafting and firearms level and have managed to reach lvl 40 but now its starting to become very expensive and hard to craft weapon parts which give a meaningful amount of XP. So I was wondering if any experienced crafters have any tips, tricks...
  20. Phola098


    Happy to be on board boss, I will make sure to do a great job on your behalf :)
  21. Phola098

    Yes I did :( also thanks for the food mr Racxes! :D

    Yes I did :( also thanks for the food mr Racxes! :D
  22. Phola098

    Hello, Angel Gorell has arrived

    Thank you Mr Rouge, I appreciate the kind words!!
  23. Phola098

    Hello, Angel Gorell has arrived

    Awesome that sounds good!, I am currently learning how to craft things and its a lotta fun so if you need any items in game (Below 15 crafting level) I can help you out (Free of charge ofc) :D. Nice to meet you as well!
  24. Phola098

    Hello, Angel Gorell has arrived

    @Ellie OOF my bad, I hope I didn't hit you too bad and I will make sure to be more careful in the future!
  25. Phola098

    Hello, Angel Gorell has arrived

    That's a good idea I should defiantly do that, Thanks for the tip!
  26. Phola098

    Hello, Angel Gorell has arrived

    Aha hello Hayden!, Yes i think you have to deal with me and my driving a lot when I am online but I am getting better (sort of) promise. Nice to see! you!
  27. Phola098

    Hello, Angel Gorell has arrived

    Heya Blackdown, Your names rings a bell I think ive seen you online sometime, Nice to meet you!
  28. Phola098

    Hello, Angel Gorell has arrived

    Hello James, Your profile pic reminds me of playing online on the xbox 360 :D
  29. Phola098

    Hello, Angel Gorell has arrived

    Aha I know Im easily confused, nice to meet you!