Search results

  1. SteamedRevenge

    C.S.W.A.T Applications

    Work on your app as much as you can and write down as much information about you to get a better chance of being accepted. Copy this template: [OOC] Steam name: Country: Age: Are you VIP?: Are you active?: Total playtime: What days are you mostly online?: [IC] Age: Full Name: Why...
  2. SteamedRevenge

    C.S.W.A.T (Corrupt Sticks With Ass-kicking Tactics)

    Welcome to the C.S.W.A.T. (Corrupt Sticks With Ass-kicking Tactics) (I had no idea of what S.W.A.T stood for so I came up with that.) History: We used to fight crime but we found out that the police force is corrupt so we switched to become a gang. We are highly trained professionals and only...
  3. SteamedRevenge

    It's my birthday!

    I'm 12 now! Which means I'm much more mature. Now where are all my presents? jk.
  4. SteamedRevenge

    Ban Request Luke Person/Luke

    +Support Luke should receive a ban. He demoted me for no reason and then arrested me saying I shot the sky and said pew pew. When I was trying to kill people that were attacking the Paralake PD.
  5. SteamedRevenge

    Understanding the Net Graph

    Uhh I didn't understand a thing about the Net Graph. Thanks God I don't use it.
  6. SteamedRevenge

    Hyperlate & Dylan Smith

    Did you see how slow he was driving. SO WE PULLED HIM OVER. He was blocking traffic.
  7. SteamedRevenge

    Player of the Month April 2015

    Add in @NamesInsane
  8. SteamedRevenge

    Player of the Month April 2015

    Uhh Matt you forgot to put a dot in my name. It's Mr. Revenge not Mr Revenge!
  9. SteamedRevenge

    Player of the Month April 2015

    OMG #IMINTHISPOLL Feel so special. So Kawaii :cat:
  10. SteamedRevenge

    Perp bass module link

    Can you see on the top right of the forum where it says content. Click that.
  11. SteamedRevenge

    Improve the bank

    -Support I don't think people would come on perpheads just to play as a security guard waiting outside the bank vault for like 2 hours until someone comes in and tries to rob the bank, it would be boring. Also the map would have to be redone to add offices, more ATMS and other stuff. Also we...
  12. SteamedRevenge

    Ban Request on Karl Anderson & Aaron Freeman

    Hmm ~Neutral You did break 3.4 for running from gunpoint but your right there were security cameras. EDIT: Also it was a very public area, and there were NPC's which they didn't even care about.
  13. SteamedRevenge

    BR On Trumannheten

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Mr. Revenge / Dylan Smith His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Trumannheten / Unknown His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:36459865 Why Should This Player Be Punished: Arresting me and other people for saying "how do you know my name?" Evidence (Demo Required)...
  14. SteamedRevenge

    Paralake Films-Actor Applications

    Application Closed. Didn't want to join anyway.
  15. SteamedRevenge

    Contentpack problem

    I know how to fix but its too hard too explain. I'll make a video on how to install properly instead of a dumb written tutorial which people are having trouble with. Oh and the server uses a lot of Counter Strike: Source content. May I ask do you have counter strike source? If no that's the problem
  16. SteamedRevenge

    TF2: Erectin' a River

    Want to listen to the actual lyrics? Make the speed 0.5
  17. SteamedRevenge

    Show Occupation On Emergency Calls And Life Alerts. (Jobs)

    Topic: Show Occupation On Emergency Calls And Life Alerts. (Jobs) Short explanation (in notes): It adds a persons job in a emergency call or life alert. Detailed description (why should it become added/...): Sometimes when Life Alerts go off people think someone just crashed their car and...
  18. SteamedRevenge

    Making Free Logos

    I'm making free logos for this community Just copy this template and fill it out in a reply and I'll see if I can make it. Thanks, anyway I'm learning graphics so yea here's a few examples of what I can make. [TEMPLATE] Resolution (eg... 1280 x 720): Background Image Link (if any): Is...
  19. SteamedRevenge

    La Cosa Nostra - Applications

    In-game name: Dylan Smith (Changing it to Eryk Grabkowski soon) Steam Name: Mr. Revenge Steam ID: Total playtime: 2 Days Are you a VIP: No List of all cars you own: Mini Cooper 1969 When are you mostly online?: Weekends In which organizations have you been: The Paralake Army + The...
  20. SteamedRevenge

    Paralake car and commercial.

    Application Closed
  21. SteamedRevenge

    Utility Truck

    Please don't use adds realism. Anyway +Support.
  22. SteamedRevenge

    I'm back on PERPheads!

  23. SteamedRevenge

    TDM Cars SVN Updated

    Hey everyone I was browsing Facepunch and I went on TDM Cars SVN. TheDanishMaster updated the SVN and changed the SVN link. If your using the SVN delete your TDM cars folder and download TDM cars through the new link to get the best performance while playing on Perpheads. Thank you. Facepunch...
  24. SteamedRevenge

    Repair My Car

    Seriously your voting dumb? It's a refund request. A guy shot my tyres out for no reason so he was banned. Ughh.
  25. SteamedRevenge

    Repair My Car

    Your in-game name: Mr. Revenge / Dylan Smith Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:82798042 Why do you want your item(s) refunded: My car needs to be repaired after a guy that shot out my tyres for no reason and his BR was accepted. Evidence That He Was Banned: Evidence YouTube Video...
  26. SteamedRevenge

    BR On Ben Ryan For 2.5

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Mr. Revenge / Dylan Smith His/Her Steam/In-game Name: [PH] [HaulTech]ben snipz / Ben Ryan His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:79627037 (if someone can tell me what his Steam Name is I will get his SteamID) (Edited in by Matt for you) Why Should This Player Be Punished: For...
  27. SteamedRevenge

    1.1 Apology

    -Support ehmm I think you know why (If you don't, well why you gotta be so mean man! You were racist about Muslims and called people names. Shame on you!)
  28. SteamedRevenge

    Ban request on Cole.

    -Support My reason is what he said!
  29. SteamedRevenge

    BBC News - Register Your Interest!

    That's bad internet man
  30. SteamedRevenge

    Ban Request On Chistheille...

    All of you are saying if I was pulling someone over why didn't I use my sirens. I did use my sirens but my GMod is bugged so when I open up a demo the sky becomes black and my police lights don't work.