Topic: Improve The Bank
Short explanation (in notes):
- Change the bank building on the map so it could look like a real bank (offices, etc.)
- Add a job "Bank Security Guard"
- Add a job "Bank Clerk"
Detailed description (why should it become added):
Because of the fact that our current bank is quite unrealistic. It only has real estate agents, manager and a vault.
The bank building should be changed so it could look like a real one: add offices, cashes and protect the vault a little bit more.
Add a job "Bank Security Guard"
Every bank IRL has at least 1 security guard. On PH the limit could be 4, and they could choose between pistols, shotgun and an MP5.
Right now it's too easy to rob the bank and it will be harder if this job will be added.
3. Add a job "Bank Clerk"
After it will be added, new players will not be able to use an ATM without going to the bank.
They ask the clerk and he opens a deposit for them so they could use ATM. (Some item without textures that creates a deposit when you click on a player)
4. NPCs.
Move the real estate NPCs into their offices so this could be realistic.
Remove the ATM at the bank and add an NPC in the office that works like an ATM.
Optional Additions
- Separate the Real Estate NPCs into different offices and each NPC will only sell 1 category of real estate.
Short explanation (in notes):
- Change the bank building on the map so it could look like a real bank (offices, etc.)
- Add a job "Bank Security Guard"
- Add a job "Bank Clerk"
Detailed description (why should it become added):
Because of the fact that our current bank is quite unrealistic. It only has real estate agents, manager and a vault.
The bank building should be changed so it could look like a real one: add offices, cashes and protect the vault a little bit more.
Add a job "Bank Security Guard"
Every bank IRL has at least 1 security guard. On PH the limit could be 4, and they could choose between pistols, shotgun and an MP5.
Right now it's too easy to rob the bank and it will be harder if this job will be added.
3. Add a job "Bank Clerk"
After it will be added, new players will not be able to use an ATM without going to the bank.
They ask the clerk and he opens a deposit for them so they could use ATM. (Some item without textures that creates a deposit when you click on a player)
4. NPCs.
Move the real estate NPCs into their offices so this could be realistic.
Remove the ATM at the bank and add an NPC in the office that works like an ATM.
Optional Additions
- Separate the Real Estate NPCs into different offices and each NPC will only sell 1 category of real estate.