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  1. Legion

    Battlefield V Some women did fight in the war, although not many. I'd bet theres a lot more we probably don't know about. But I really don't see why people are making this a big issue since Battlefield isn't a super...
  2. Legion

    Battlefield V

    From what I saw the women are a part of a resistance against the Germans in Europe, if true I don't think the sexism applies since their country is literally being taken over.
  3. Legion

    3.25 Drug Harvesting/Mugging

    2 planter boxes with 12 seeds 2 rads 2 lights 12 pots and 2 bottles is like 30k
  4. Legion


    Your in-game name: Brandon Casavant Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:28959830 What do you need refunded: 2 planter boxes with light poles, radiators, and water bottles + 12 coke seeds, 1x ak47+stock w/ full mag and holosight Why do you want your item(s) refunded: Delay on compliance with /me's resulted in...
  5. Legion

    Forced to Quit.

    Damn shame it came to this, hope to see you back one day
  6. Legion


    How? there so is much more to do than vanilla
  7. Legion

    Minecraft go here and download the launcher (I recommend the legacy versions) then in the top left go to filter then search, search for infinity and click infinity evolved, hit launch and it'll download then launch again to sign in and start the game
  8. Legion

    Minecraft (fuckin' baggers)
  9. Legion


    Slayerduck put up a modded server for us if anyones interested, using infinity evolved pack
  10. Legion


    Was an accident lmao. Killed 1 and almost had the other till fintuss got me.
  11. Legion


    10/10 abusive mods that spawn items
  12. Legion


    delete addons folder, unsub to everything that isnt perp, rejoin
  13. Legion

    Chill games

    Vanilla is weak compared to modded
  14. Legion

    AR on Jack Richards

    It doesn't matter what happened, he still risked his life and would've been much safer if he stayed in cover instead of peeking and rushing with a taser.
  15. Legion

    AR on Jack Richards

    You didn't even attempt to take cover or anything, you ran straight up to us with a taser with absolute no regard for your life. Also, you really think I care about a gun? lmao!
  16. Legion

    AR on brandon casavant (Posted for ICEKILLER_99)

    So, what's the point of this AR again?
  17. Legion

    AR on brandon casavant (Posted for ICEKILLER_99)

    I did stop the car after reversing about 5 feet, and when I jumped out nobody was pointing a gun at me since everyone was looking at Knoxy.
  18. Legion

    AR on Jack Richards

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Legion of Darkness / Brandon Casavant His/Her Steam/In-game Name: ICEKILLER_99 / Jack Richards His/Her SteamID: STEAM_1:1:87262869 Why Should This Player Be Punished: Broke 3.4 by completely ignoring the armed individuals and attempting to fight them with a taser and...
  19. Legion

    sako RR

    Your in-game name: Brandon Casavant Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:28959830 What do you need refunded: sako, sako stock, full mag Why do you want your item(s) refunded: Died due to a defense that wasn't allowed Evidence: Tick:
  20. Legion

    Car won't repair

    Tried this and it decided to work. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  21. Legion

    Car won't repair

    @Jay wrecked my car, now I can't repair it.
  22. Legion

    New Mouse

    Get the Deathadder elite, basically the same shape so you'll be used to it with DPI controls + synapse 3 support
  23. Legion

    Raiding Unowned Properties.

    Ask in OOC
  24. Legion

    Raiding Unowned Properties.

    It isn't saying you can't raid unowned properties, but you cant breach recently unowned properties for 10 minutes to give the people inside a chance to rebuy it, but you can still raid if there is a valid reason, such as seeing drugs.
  25. Legion


    Ya'll some salty motherfuckers, did a real good job of derailing the thread lmfao.
  26. Legion


    I seriously doubt anyone is calling for a complete gun ban, but rather guns should be controlled more strictly through training, background checks, mental health evaluations and the like. It shouldn't be easier to buy a gun than it is to buy a car. Loopholes like buying guns at gun shows without...
  27. Legion

    La Cosa Nostra - Applications

    -Steam Name: Legion of Darkness -Age (OOC): 19 -Are YOU Active?: can be on pretty much everyday -Steam ID: STEAM_1:0:28959830 -Total playtime: 2 months, 2 days, 12 hrs -Are you a VIP: yes (IC Questions) -Ingame name: Brandon Casavant -List of all cars you own: None, sold my cars and...
  28. Legion

    AR on Brandon Caissavant (or something like that)

    Uh, when did this happen? I haven't played on the server in months lmfao. Am confuse I've also deleted all of my demos n shit so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  29. Legion

    Lag Spike Info Thread

    Tried a clean reinstall, did not help.
  30. Legion

    V4 Screenshot Dump

    Taken about 30 seconds after getting my car repaired from lag. Got it cleaned up at the wash, pressed pressed W game froze and next thing I knew it's wrecked. Fuck me.