Search results

  1. Appricey

    PERPHeads Community Awards 2018 - Results

    I couldn't have asked for a better award, I'm so grateful for everyone who voted for me to gain this award this year. I try my hardest everyday i'm on the server to ensure that the quality of role play i am participating in is great and I couldn't do it without the majority of you guys, you all...
  2. Appricey

    Bazaar music

    Calm down my son
  3. Appricey

    Bazaar music

    Read the post Keiwam that's part of the suggestion lmao
  4. Appricey

    Bazaar music

    I personally loved the bazaar music, it was very catchy and just hearing it while you were wondering about or crafting was quite nice as it didn't just have you sitting in silence. I would normally go there back in the day to craft when there was nobody else there just to listen to the music...
  5. Appricey

    Bring this back!

    @DJ Conyo make this a suggestion in the 'suggestions' section I really want to see this back.
  6. Appricey

    I crash everytime I join.

    Hi Db, I'm in No way an expert to computers like other members within this community, however I believe I experienced a similar issue to the one you are experiencing and I followed the tips on the following thread and it fixed the game for me. I hope this helps...
  7. Appricey

    Happy birthday bolli mate!

    Happy birthday bolli mate!
  8. Appricey

    PERPHeads Community Awards 2018

    Vote for Appricey for best police officer 2018
  9. Appricey

    Have any good clips from this year?

    I liked it when i watched the bottom one, but the top one really made me giggle.
  10. Appricey

    Have any good clips from this year?

  11. Appricey

    Have any good clips from this year?

    /me rates bottom one best, still cant believe you took out all three like that.
  12. Appricey

    Happy birthday mate.

    Happy birthday mate.
  13. Appricey

    [Discussion] Remove misdemeanour tickets

    At no point did I say that we should completely eradicate all crime as that would never happen, but the police service are there to suppress/reduce it and my personal opinion is that taking away people's money and giving them a jail sentence is a much better way of achieving this than just...
  14. Appricey

    [Discussion] Remove misdemeanour tickets

    Personally I wouldn't want to see this removed and I'll try and explain this as briefly as possible. In perp I'm a big believer in financial loss rather than giving people jail time, I think people care more for losing money than they do for just being put in jail for a couple of minutes. I...
  15. Appricey

    Happy birthday mate!

    Happy birthday mate!
  16. Appricey

    Happy birthday mate!

    Happy birthday mate!
  17. Appricey

    [Suggestion] Organisation Ally Function

    Discussion Post: Main Idea: Add a function where organisation leaders can invite other organisations to be allies. Full description of the idea: The general idea of this suggestion is to add a function within the...
  18. Appricey

    Your Career Aspirations!

    Hi all, I thought it would be interesting to create a post where people can post what jobs they aspire to get and start a career in. While this is just a random post it may lead to other people finding jobs that they didn't know about and that they may want go think about for the future. It...
  19. Appricey

    Whats wrong with the server?

    Having been a member of this community for a fair number of years I'm confident in saying that the server is actually doing quite well considering how long this community has been a thing it's maintained a lot of it's old players and continues to grow, so there must be something that is...
  20. Appricey

    Dropped My ESP | Tyla Jai Ban Explanation

    I'm probably not allowed to think this is funny, but who cares it made me laugh my ass off the most funniest video i have ever watched from perpheads. Cya around constable jay,
  21. Appricey

    happy birthday!!!

    happy birthday!!!
  22. Appricey

    Goodbye, PERP is not dying

    Garret, I have truly meant everything I have said to you and more, you are truly impeccable and it's unbelievable that you are now leaving no words can truly express how much it saddens me to see you leave and words also cannot express how much respect and admiration I have for you. Not only are...
  23. Appricey

    SpaceShots' RR @Appricey

    ACCEPTED Sorry for the delay! contact senior administration in game to get your items.
  24. Appricey

    RR - Lilienne Rose (Succulant)

    Sorry for the long delay. Contact Senior Administration ingame to get your items.
  25. Appricey

    Happy birthday!

    Happy birthday!
  26. Appricey

    Happy birthday mate!

    Happy birthday mate!
  27. Appricey

    Ar On Justin Belinsky

    @Appricey @Hendricks User will be issued with a warning for the infringement of rule 3.8. User will also be spoken to regarding slander, as he was clearly being slanderous about you allegedly using wall hacks. @Google Chrome I must also remind you that shouting using your voice that the...
  28. Appricey

    AR on Sossa

    @Hendricks @Appricey We have decided that no infringements of the rules has occurred in regards to @Sossa
  29. Appricey

    AR on Sossa

    @Appricey @Hendricks We would like to know the initial reason on why you failed to stop for police. In regards to running under gunpoint we found that there was no infringement as he clearly didn't see. We will come to a verdict on the vehicle bit when coming to a final decision. Please reply...
  30. Appricey

    Plz no job abuse

    @Appricey @Hendricks User will be issued with a warning for 2.1 and will also be spoken to in-game regarding his/her actions and to ensure that he/she fully understands the reasoning behind the warning. Thank you for creating the Action Request!