Search results

  1. Appricey

    AR on Beeza

    @Appricey @Hendricks User will receive a two week ban for 3.4 and 1.4, as he clearly had no reason to escalate the situation to murder of a Law enforcement Officer and also lied to moderator @Shay in an admin situation.
  2. Appricey

    AR on Ethan Belinsky

    @Appricey @Hendricks User will be spoken to regarding some of his actions, however we feel that a warning is not justified in this situation, as mistakes happen.
  3. Appricey

    AR on Ethan Belinsky

    @Appricey @Hendricks User will receive a warning for 3.4 and 1.1. Just a reminder for the future not to use voice chat for saying things that are meant to be OOC as this was be an infringement of rule 2.2.
  4. Appricey

    Guess who's back...

    Welcome back cole, good to see a friendly face returning to the community. We've missed you babs
  5. Appricey

    AR on "The Best"

    I have no idea why the user would have run all the way from his shop after just hearing gun shots. User will receive a 4 day ban for 3.4 due to his poor record.
  6. Appricey

    AR Nick Beckmen

    There was clearly a shootout happening and it was very foolish of you to be hanging around with a radio. Despite it not being your fault entirely that the radio got stuck in place the officer may have survived if you were not there which has clearly affected his roleplay. You will receive a...
  7. Appricey

    roundabout in v5??????

    While I find it nice that you are thinking of ideas such as the one proposed here, you also have to think of the vehicles themselves. Fredy or one of the other owners will need to change the ways the a lot of the cars handle as the turning on a lot of the vehicles are not the best and a lot of...
  8. Appricey

    LEWIS 088 - The time has finally come, thank you to everyone.

    I'm going to miss you Lewis. You've provided me with a lot of opportunities within this community, you allowed me to prove myself as a lieutenant and later assisted me with becoming a staff member and showing me how to be an efficient staff member through your willingness to train me. We had...
  9. Appricey

    AR 3.15 / 2.1 Medic and FF.

    ACCEPTED I will explain why it was wrong to do this: Because of the speed the paramedic was going into a fire engine which ways an incredible amount the front end of the paramedic's ambulance would have been done in by the impact (could potentially mean the medic would get injured). However...
  10. Appricey

    I get up early what can i say.

    I get up early what can i say.
  11. Appricey

    AR on Nooni

    ACCEPTED User will receive a warning 3.11 - Leverging Pushing 5.4 - City Employees The reason for the leverging pushing warning is easy to see, user shouldn't be using a prop to push people or any objects such as vehicles. The Paramedic was killed for would you attempted to justify as " I...
  12. Appricey


    ACCEPTED Contact Senior-Administration (MrLewis/Bolli) in-game to receive your items.
  13. Appricey

    RR for M4 comp, full mag

    ACCEPTED Contact Senior-Administration (MrLewis/Bolli) in-game to receive your items.
  14. Appricey


    ACCEPTED Please upload proper evidence in future as not all staff can see police complaints therefore would have not been able to handle this refund request, make sure you do that. Contact Senior-Administration (MrLewis/Bolli) in game to receive your items.
  15. Appricey


    ACCEPTED Contact Senior-Administration (Bolli/MrLewis) in-game to receive your items.
  16. Appricey

    Action Request Against Tyler Bounce

    ACCEPTED No further action will be taken regarding the first scenario, however the second scenario involved yourself attempting to make the cops not confiscate your gun by dropping it into the water and the fact that you were failing to listen therefore you will be receiving a warning for 3.4...
  17. Appricey

    Server Events - 28/04/2018

    Well, at least my Mike Myers event has been noted by Senior Administration and they're now introducing it to the whole server rather than just the PD. :)
  18. Appricey

    Action Request Against Tyler Bounce

    PENDING @ReapZ You have 24 hours to make an attempt to justify your actions or this Action Request will be Accepted.
  19. Appricey

    xddd rr

    ACCEPTED Contact Senior-Administration (MrLewis/Bolli) In-game to receive your items.
  20. Appricey

    AR Accepted - Beretta with mag

    ACCEPTED Contact Senior-Administration (MrLewis/Bolli) in-game to receive your items.
  21. Appricey

    Refund request

    ACCEPTED Contact Senior-Administration (MrLewis/Bolli) in-game to receive your items.
  22. Appricey

    sako RR

    ACCEPTED Contact Senior-Administration (MrLewis/Bolli) In-game to receive your items.
  23. Appricey


    ACCEPTED Because I know you were involved and lost items I will accept this RR, but don't use JackHilton's screenshot you should have screen shotted the report I told you to. Contact Senior- Administration (MrLewis/Bolli) in-game to receive your items.
  24. Appricey

    RR for slums raid Jack Shanks

    ACCEPTED Contact Senior-Administration (MrLewis/Bolli) in-game to receive your items.
  25. Appricey

    My m4 rr

    ACCEPTED Contact Senior-Administration (MrLewis/Bolli) in-game to receive your items.
  26. Appricey

    Tinky's RR

    ACCEPTED Contact senior administration in-game to recieve your items.
  27. Appricey

    AR on Harry Spectar/Spectar

    @Frankie Tagliano thank you for replying and providing your justification. Having been in this position myself I understand that it can be accident and I'm willing to allow you to go with a verbal warning in future please be more aware of your surroundings.
  28. Appricey

    RR For an Mac 11 From A mugging (Appriecy was there and saw it)

    Contact senior administration in-game to recieve your item
  29. Appricey

    AR on Harry Spectar/Spectar

    @Frankie Tagliano please could you make an attempt to justify your actions. You must do this within 24hours or this action request will be accepted
  30. Appricey

    SpaceShots' Final Goodbye

    Where am I??? In all seriousness, it' been a bumpy time, but I feel that over that time we have became friends. I honestly wish you the best with everything and hope that one day you might come back (if I'm still here )