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  1. SatoshiAaron

    Wagwarn Lads

    It was never proved in court Max, you have no right to bring the nonce situation up son. That being said, I could do with a cuddle
  2. SatoshiAaron

    Wagwarn Lads

    You are working in London? Come meet me in Islington during my lunchbreak and we can burn a bowl together man. Got some wicked rock atm
  3. SatoshiAaron

    AR Marcus Hudson (ban this minge)

    Here is some cream for your butthurt.
  4. SatoshiAaron

    AR Marcus Hudson (ban this minge)

    Not involved but I have a point to make. From watching the video you don't seem to be doing yourself any favours. It's as though you are antagonizing him into committing these actions that aren't even all that serious. Half the things you are claiming he has done, you have done yourself in the...
  5. SatoshiAaron

    Update Log - 9/11/2019

    Everyone isn't automatically proficient, shooting even in a game takes skill in general. Getting marksmanship isn't skillfull and is just a statement to how much time you are able to and/or willing to spend to get there. It is artificial and I don't believe it is necessary. Before it was added...
  6. SatoshiAaron

    Update Log - 9/11/2019

    As someone who played when Marksmanship wasn't really a thing I am actually really happy that it has been removed. While I didn't have the most Marksmanship, I did spend a decent amount of time and money getting my marksmanship up and I am not bothered at all. It will make the game more balanced...
  7. SatoshiAaron

    Evocity vs Paralake

    I've never really restricted myself to a certain PERP server. I have always been happy to explore and play at other communities. EvoCity is obviously the default for PERP so it is very regular for me and fits the gamemode perfectly in my opinion. It is a good looking map with a nice amount of...
  8. SatoshiAaron

    Issue with Dispatch on EvoCity

    hmm, okay mate.
  9. SatoshiAaron

    Issue with Dispatch on EvoCity

    No, I'm not posting the issue on GitHub because I am locked out of my account and can't be bothered to make a new one. Dispatch map is still Paralake City and not EvoCity.
  10. SatoshiAaron


    Look mate, we was RPing a protest. Sometimes they work, sometimes they don't. I'm done explaining.
  11. SatoshiAaron


    @Jimmy Jackson Tony was being arrested. Whether it was your doing or not it was occurring. You began hitting Racxes before he even touched you so thats crock mate. I personally believe that the problem here is that you failed to properly participate in a fun and eventful RP sit appropriately
  12. SatoshiAaron

    Map Rotation

    The PERPHeads one was pretty decent to be fair. EvoCity looked really nice and well layed out and the PH one fixed certain retarded features like the Police Station being practically secret.
  13. SatoshiAaron

    Map Rotation

    Yeah, get some gm_construct in the mix
  14. SatoshiAaron

    Map Rotation

    @Zoephix v1 banged tbf. @Ashur I don't understand who you can say they are the same, they are extremely different.
  15. SatoshiAaron


    @Jimmy Jackson look at the end of the day I did what I did and take it for what it is. I have nothing more to say on the matter. I gladly accept whatever judgement the staff member who ends up umpiring this particular situation. Personally don't see this situation as particularly serious or...
  16. SatoshiAaron


    Doesn't matter, you got violent. When someone starts getting aggressive everyone does. Don't have more to say other than that.
  17. SatoshiAaron

    What needs to be done in V5?

    Hmm, I don't think this is much of a problem to be honest. It is quite typical and true to life. Most Tower Blocks (which in my opinion is the theme with these buildings) often follow similar styles or are built based on the same architecture in a close area. Local Authorities would buy plans...
  18. SatoshiAaron

    Police Suggestion Larger Dispatcher Information Boxes.

    I 100% support this. The boxes already collapse so I don't see why they shouldn't expand to be larger.
  19. SatoshiAaron


    Look, you started to get aggressive in our peaceful protest and when that happens the protest turns violent. I have nothing else to say here. You attacked me with a prop as well.
  20. SatoshiAaron

    movement bug

    Been getting something similar.
  21. SatoshiAaron

    Why aren't you playing (pt 2)

    Roleplaying also sucks you in and ends up making you engrossed into the game when it is done properly. Most of the time I end up staying up late and missing my alarm on the morning is when I have had a good laugh with people where the events that are transpiring are so enjoyable that I genuinely...
  22. SatoshiAaron

    Why aren't you playing (pt 2)

    To be fair, adding onto your point Garry's Mod in general has started to loose it's player base and the community that was intended for Garry's Mod (large variety in well made, unique and custom gamemodes) has dwindled to an unbelievable point. I am genuinely ashamed and upset how the whole...
  23. SatoshiAaron

    Why aren't you playing (pt 2)

    Material Prices The prices have always tended to be a bit extreme here compared to conventional PERP but I have to admit, as annoying as it is, it works here due to the fact it makes the enjoyment last longer and makes accomplishment much more rewarding. The main problem is not exactly the...
  24. SatoshiAaron

    roundabout in v5??????

    -snip- just realized how old this bloody post is. Jesus Christ man.
  25. SatoshiAaron

    Put Police Barricades and other Police Tools into a new Category

    Discussion Post: Main Idea: Put Police Barricades and other Police Tools into a new Category Full description of the idea: NOTE: I have just copied everything from the Discussion into here...
  26. SatoshiAaron

    Stuttering issues with PERPHeads and Ryzen 1800X

    Well, I thought this might be the case but I have gone bare-bones and ended all unneeded services in windows and I still encounter issues.
  27. SatoshiAaron

    Stuttering issues with PERPHeads and Ryzen 1800X

    Not too sure whether to put it down to sheer bad luck here. One of those things where certain people just don't get a break. I don't have any issues in any other game as I said. I can play most of them at max. I don't really play modern games but for example BOIII runs maxed out with no issues...
  28. SatoshiAaron

    Stuttering issues with PERPHeads and Ryzen 1800X

    Hi guys, I built a new computer maybe around 10 months ago now and I have been dealing with stuttering issues which effects my driving, shooting and rendering. I can't really put my finger on what the key moments are where this occurs but it is starting to seriously effect how well I play this...
  29. SatoshiAaron

    Improve or Replace Monorail

    I'd like to mention that EvoCity Version 2 is a good example of how to approach this. It is a large map with a decent functional light railway that looks quite good. I must say it is missing things and fucks up where the doors fold which makes my cringe. But this shows that it can be done...
  30. SatoshiAaron

    Improve or Replace Monorail

    I disagree. I believe that the wait isn't that bad to be honest. It is the need to walk all the way there.