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  1. Sagittarius

    What's that supposed to mean?

    What's that supposed to mean?
  2. Sagittarius


  3. Sagittarius

    120, 60, 80, 90, ??

    I think it's 100. You can have a row of numbers/fractions you multiply 120 with. 1 - 1/2 - 2/3 - 3/4 - 4/5 - 5/6 The reason it jumps from 1 to 1/2 is because you connect the numbers with a dash So 120 *1 = 120, 120 * 1/2 = 60, 120 * 2/3 = 80, 120 * 3/4 = 90, 120 * 5/6 = 100, etc. Wouldn't the...
  4. Sagittarius

    Project Cars 2

    I'll join the race if we don't drive something that's too fast for some people to control. I've had way too many sessions ended with some idiot rear-ending me.
  5. Sagittarius

    It's actually an Anne Pro, but I was considering the Pok3r

    It's actually an Anne Pro, but I was considering the Pok3r
  6. Sagittarius

    What Background do you use?

    Rainmeter + Wallpaper Engine gives results.
  7. Sagittarius

    Totally Accurate Battlegrounds (free to get 100 hours after launch)

    Wrong one. It's called Totally Accurate BATTLEGROUNDS
  8. Sagittarius

    Totally Accurate Battlegrounds (free to get 100 hours after launch)

    So I just had my first game. I came second while using a supressed bazooka at a range of about 5 metres, so that was pretty fucking fun. Hoping to see some of you nerds on the game tomorrow.
  9. Sagittarius

    Totally Accurate Battlegrounds (free to get 100 hours after launch)

    You can get Totally Accurate Battlegrounds game, which is going to be $5 for free for 100 hours. It's a parody of battle-royale games, and it looks like fun. I've just downloaded it, so I don't really have any gameplay impressions, but the trailers looked fun.
  10. Sagittarius


    I'd say you're wrong, but I am bisexual. So I don't really know, my dude.
  11. Sagittarius


  12. Sagittarius


    Depending on what headset you have, then I recommend a VModa BoomPro microphone. It can be put into the 3,5 mm on headphones (if your headphones have one) and then it just works. It replaces the cable aswell, which means no clutter.
  13. Sagittarius

    I need a new pair of headphones

    Since you've used Beats Solos in the past, I'm guessing you're looking for a pair of portable headphones. I suggest getting a pair of B&O H6. I've listened to a pair (only in B&O shops, mind) and they're really nice for just going about. They've got some nice, detailed bass, and they look damn...
  14. Sagittarius

    Update Log - 27/05/2018

    Nice DBrand skin :booty:
  15. Sagittarius

    A story of a mass RDMer

    That's where you're wrong. Finland doesn't exist.
  16. Sagittarius

    Battlefield V

    Wow, is that supposed to be the first mission or something? I've made websites that were less scripted than this ffs. It just seems like an interactive movie.
  17. Sagittarius

    an actual serious goodbye post.

    GTA stunt race on the server again when? You introduced me to Initial D, and I will forever be happy for that.
  18. Sagittarius

    Beef thread

    Hey, does this happen regularly? If yes, then it's a good thing I left the server because this is visual and physical aids.
  19. Sagittarius


    Do keep in mind that you'll need to upgrade your RAM to DDR4 if you're upgrading from something older than a 6 series intel core cpu.
  20. Sagittarius

    wtb headset

    Hello yes, time for conversion to non-gaming headphones. I recommend a pair of Superlux headphones. They are not comfortable from stock, so you have to get new earpads. I personally recommend these headphones, as I own them myself. They have a V-shaped sound signature (extended bass and...
  21. Sagittarius Is this OneShot? Is this OneShot?
  22. Sagittarius

    Shitpost idea pls

    What about not making a shitpost? Ever think of that?
  23. Sagittarius

    Why do you watch anime?

    Hentai's videos, you say? Who's Hentai? Seems like an interesting person :booty:
  24. Sagittarius

    Why do you watch anime?

  25. Sagittarius

    Why do you watch anime?

    I watch it because I think the medium has a lot of very interesting ideas you don't see elsewhere. Don't get me wrong, I think other mediums like live-action movies can be just as good, but anime embraces the freedom of its medium so well that I seem to find something new or interesting every week.
  26. Sagittarius
  27. Sagittarius
  28. Sagittarius

    GeForce now

    One of my classmates got it after about 2 weeks, I believe
  29. Sagittarius

    GeForce now

    I'm pretty sure Geforce Now is free for mac, so just request beta access?
  30. Sagittarius

    Because not all mice are created equal. It has to fit in your hand, have a good sensor, be...

    Because not all mice are created equal. It has to fit in your hand, have a good sensor, be durable, etc. If you don't realize that, then you are, in fact, pretty dumb.