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  1. Senlin

    Senlin introduction

    hahah Graham potter has got me on suicide watch And thank you!
  2. Senlin

    Senlin introduction

    Thank you!
  3. Senlin

    Senlin introduction

    A little follow up, I made this video on the server when I was 13 years old (8 years ago): I had to post it because it’s crazy how much I have changed and how much the server has changed. The reason I’m posting it is because @jjjackier absolutely hates it :D
  4. Senlin

    Damn you’re 20 now, time goes quick, you’re still a 13 year old to me I hope you’re still...

    Damn you’re 20 now, time goes quick, you’re still a 13 year old to me I hope you’re still playing perp
  5. Senlin

    Senlin introduction

    Thank you :) I see it’s your birthday soon so happy birthday in advance!
  6. Senlin

    Senlin introduction

    Haha thank you :) it had to be done
  7. Senlin

    Senlin introduction

    Missed you brother! Thank you
  8. Senlin

    Senlin introduction

    Thank you bro, that’s a name I haven’t seen for a while
  9. Senlin

    Senlin introduction

    Hello, This certainly isn’t my first introduction to the community but after a long hiatus I feel it is time to make another. First of all, I have a long history with this server and the community. I first joined back in 2013 a year or two after PERPHeads had first launched. I quickly became a...
  10. Senlin

    Thank you!!

    Thank you!!
  11. Senlin

    don’t make me change my rating

    don’t make me change my rating
  12. Senlin

    Favourite beer?

    I agree, that's why I only get it from the pub. I don't like drinking beer from cans no matter what it is unless I'm trying to shotgun it :)
  13. Senlin

    Favourite beer?

    Depends on weather, mood or what I'm doing. Corona when the sun is out, budwesier with the football because you can get lots of bottles for a cheaper price or carling when I go to the pub.
  14. Senlin

    I’m back so you’ll find out soon :)

    I’m back so you’ll find out soon :)
  15. Senlin

    If I was on a Swedish salary and wasn't a student, I would be driving something else trust me

    If I was on a Swedish salary and wasn't a student, I would be driving something else trust me
  16. Senlin


    Thought I'd post one because the last time I posted on this thread I was 13 I think lol Took this about two minutes ago so it's pretty recent:
  17. Senlin

    Yeah you’re right, to me all the Peugeot’s are the same because they all have similar names

    Yeah you’re right, to me all the Peugeot’s are the same because they all have similar names
  18. Senlin

    Senlin - apology

    Appealing for: Ban Appeal type: Apology Which staff member banned you: CONSOLE How long were you banned for: Permanent Your Steam Name: Senlin Your In-game Name: Robin Sen Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:58843053 Why were you banned/blacklisted: ‘ALT account’ – was actually my main – will be...
  19. Senlin


  20. Senlin

    hahah yes, I drive one from 2006, it's so shit which is why I love it. Thought I'd embrace it a...

    hahah yes, I drive one from 2006, it's so shit which is why I love it. Thought I'd embrace it a bit :laughcry:
  21. Senlin

    I kept it because it actually got views hahah episode two coming soon $$

    I kept it because it actually got views hahah episode two coming soon $$
  22. Senlin

    I've just done it, someone in the comments had asked for a part two lol

    I've just done it, someone in the comments had asked for a part two lol
  23. Senlin

    just remembered that perp exists, i'm gonna delete that video after all these years

    just remembered that perp exists, i'm gonna delete that video after all these years
  24. Senlin

    I probably have more ban appeals than I had enforcer apps there's nothing to believe in anymore

    I probably have more ban appeals than I had enforcer apps there's nothing to believe in anymore
  25. Senlin

    I appreciate the effort

    I appreciate the effort
  26. Senlin


  27. Senlin

    I'm throwing a party when skins comes out, I like his new music and his old

    I'm throwing a party when skins comes out, I like his new music and his old
  28. Senlin

    mass unban (with exceptions)

    Whether or not my opinion is valid, this would probably help bring back the player base. It might be a lot of work to start with for the staff team but I doubt people who have been banned for a long time would want to re-offend.
  29. Senlin


    We call him the FA cup because you can probably lift him by the ears
  30. Senlin

