Search results

  1. Sharkster

    Server Suggestion Make it so u cant surrender with a gun out

    Suggestion Title: Make it so u cant surrender with a gun out Suggestion Description: people would hate to accidentally miss click the surrender button and lose many things either way why would surrender need to be a option when we have guns in our hands? Why should this be added?: - To avoid...
  2. Sharkster

    Ban Appeal ||| montage

    may god remove the audio holy fucking shit
  3. Sharkster

    Ban Apology (Steelo)

    Punishment Type: Ban Punishment Subtype: Server Ban Appeal Type: Apology Which staff member issued the punishment?: @steelo How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 2 Days Your Steam Name: Sharkster Your Roleplay Name: Luna Yui Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:94461102 Why were you...
  4. Sharkster

    Map Suggestion indoor parking area for office.

    well alot of ppl have alot of cars so we wouldnt raelly know who owns which :(
  5. Sharkster

    Map Suggestion indoor parking area for office.

    +1 some of us has killed ppl accidently due to the car park having chop shop cars on them so I think this would be really useful to avoid that!!
  6. Sharkster

    Perpheads montage - YEEEEEE. ||

    @MalekIsWeird I think we might have to do another sign mate they took this one off us unless u still wanan do the same song
  7. Sharkster

    Server Suggestion /call whisper feature

    Suggestion Title: /call whisper feature Suggestion Description: Make it so you can whisper /call so people that are 5 meters away from you cant hear look what ur trying to say in /call Make it so if you are talking in normal mode your /call would be fair if your whispering your /call would be...
  8. Sharkster

    Server Suggestion Give courier a pen

    Suggestion Title: Give courier a pen Suggestion Description: If people would like to pick their own package up instead of having to put it in the van and taking it out taking so much time couriers can just use the pen to sign it and leave it there so people can take it themselves. Why should...
  9. Sharkster

    happy belated birthday kelson

    happy belated birthday kelson
  10. Sharkster

    perptage 4

    no clue!
  11. Sharkster

    perptage 4

    my playtime is 1 month 4 days I been playing perpheads for 3 months
  12. Sharkster


    wow so good!
  13. Sharkster

    Popular Preview #2

    yo this preview is so good I need the full one right now
  14. Sharkster

    perptage 4

    3up toby
  15. Sharkster

    perptage 4

    thanks man waiting for u to come back
  16. Sharkster

    perptage 4

    my bad ill get better songs next time just have really struggles finding decent songs thanks man
  17. Sharkster

    perptage 4

  18. Sharkster

    Perptage 6

    stop cheating thanks
  19. Sharkster


  20. Sharkster

    Refund Request (Sharkster)

    Your Steam Name: Sharkster Your Roleplay Name: Mark Burger Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:94461102 Reason for Request: I lost my weapon cause it got minge grabbed my friend got locked into apartment Requested Items: Sig Sauger Sg550 Reflex Sight Rifle Comp Mag , Stock...
  21. Sharkster

    Perptage 3

    shit clips currently next one will be better
  22. Sharkster

    An 16:9 Froe wood montage

    this shit is horrid why would u upload this
  23. Sharkster

    Refund Request (Sharkster)

    Your Steam Name: Sharkster Your Roleplay Name: Yui Blue Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:94461102 Reason for Request: I lost because some guy shot me when I walked out my apartment when a gun on my back but he took my gun and katana and ran away Requested Items: 1 Sig Sauger sg550 Reflex sight rifle...
  24. Sharkster

    happy birthday norway fragger

    happy birthday norway fragger
  25. Sharkster

    Frod3 Montage

  26. Sharkster

    montage 10V2

    this shit sucks idk why u posted it!
  27. Sharkster


  28. Sharkster


  29. Sharkster

    Refund Request (Sharkster)

    Your Steam Name: Sharkster Your Roleplay Name: Elim Aku Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:94461102 Reason for Request: somebody used a fuel can to raid me and lost drugs cause cops came Requested Items: my coca seeds were at 93% in the planter Evidence Type: Authorised by Staff Member Staff...