Search results

  1. Renfield

    Search bar in mixtures

    +Support I think this would be very helpful to any person that wants to find all the things they need without having to look around for the items that they require. It could also be helpful for new players.
  2. Renfield

    Current favourite songs [OFFICIAL]

  3. Renfield

    Tyla's 1 Year Staff Anniversary - Clip Montage 15/07/2016

    Congrats for making it a year as staff!
  4. Renfield

    The Harpers Applications.

    IG Name / Steam Name: IG Name - Jack Renfield Steam Name - Renfield Age: 19-20 Total Playtime: "1 week" Combat Experience 1-10: (1 = Aim like hung chow 10= Aim like Walker) 8-9 Driving skills 1-10: 10 Current money: $676,000 Cars owned: BMW M3 Preferred Weapon: M4 What can you offer us? I can...
  5. Renfield

    Multiple Officers

    Congrats guys! I'd also like the say thanks to many officers that took part in multiple raids today as well as this one. Some of them are: Officer Logan Sergeant Cole Officer Larsson (and of course the SWAT team)
  6. Renfield

    Your most weird/interesting moment PERPHEADS & IRL

    While I was playing PERPHEADS I saw some pretty weird and funny things and that got me thinking, what weird and interesting things people have seen in real life or in a game. If you have a cool story or just a weird situation or something just funny then I'd like to hear about it. PERPEADS: I...
  7. Renfield

    What are you doing this summer?

    Wow, that is great work. Hope you have an awesome summer.
  8. Renfield

    What are you doing this summer?

    Haha, well... I hope you have fun on PERP this summer!
  9. Renfield

    What are you doing this summer?

    This is just a post to see what each member of the community has planned this summer. I will be doing a summer job while doing activities such as competitive swimming and fun activities like boxing. PS. Hope everyone has a great summer!
  10. Renfield

    Leaving For Some Time!

    Hope you come back soon mate, have fun! You'll always be my twin brother!
  11. Renfield

    Action Request on Autumn

    The person you're accusing is not correct. Autumn was the road worker not the officer. One of the police was called "Resnov" but I know that there are multiple Resnov's in the PD. Sorry if that doesn't help.