Search results

  1. Duckie

    GTA V - Photo Gallery

  2. Duckie

    Police Forces - Ambulance - Fire Crew

    Latvian SWAT force ^.^
  3. Duckie

    Goodbye </3

    So it is time for me to take my leave from Perpheads.. I have lost interest in Garry's Mod in general by now and I never really enjoy playing it anymore and lately Perp has just become boring for me. So I have decided to waste my life on other things, I may return someday and pop up on the...
  4. Duckie

    Computer setups

    PC Specs: •Processor: Intel© Quad Core™ i7-4790 (8M Cache, 3.6 GHz) •Operating System: Windows 8.1 •1TB Hard Disk with additional 256GB SSD •Memory: 16GB DDR3 1333Mhz •Graphics : NVidia GTX 970 •Mouse: Razer Deathadder 2013 •Headset:Turtle Beach Z300 •27” AOC Monitor
  5. Duckie

    PERPHeads Movie

    Documentary about the police and ParaLake life perhaps a documentary about the criminals. Would be funny to see a documentary about the LEO's and then Takeshi as the LT where he tells everyone to get on their knees.
  6. Duckie

    Whats everyone doing? :O

    Eat a magic mushroom then open a process called Noice.exe which makes a *pop* sound. ^ I have no idea why I put this... Fuck my life.
  7. Duckie


    Nissan Micra K11 Tailgate
  8. Duckie

    1.1 Apology

    "1.1 [OOC] Kerpele: Muslim loving scum.. i spit on you [OOC] Kerpele: dont cut my head off or i wont be able to prove you wrong you terrorist" ----- As I am quoting that from @Ash. And I think you should stay away, because saying something about a religion is highly offensive. Anyone could take...
  9. Duckie

    Major inactivity notice

    Hope you pass and get an F, just kidding good luck Niko.
  10. Duckie

    Police Trunk

    I don't really think this is needed, that is why we have the SWAT, for such criminal offences as that SWAT are needed. Also when you stated that cops always get killed, this is some what true and some what not, If the officers use smart tactics and listen to the Sergeant and lieutenant then they...
  11. Duckie

    Car Cruise Event!

    I would also like to request if I could bring Manners fire truck
  12. Duckie

    Car Cruise Event!

    Audi S5 m80
  13. Duckie

    Hello m8

    HAHAHAHAH That profile pic
  14. Duckie

    Glock 20? Or Beretta M9?

    I prefer the Beretta M8
  15. Duckie

    Body Armour

    Already suggested and denied before, It would seem over powered if all criminals had body armor.
  16. Duckie

    You've Just Been Mugged!

    Last time someone tried to mug me by the bank, he was accidentally rammed by a taxi driver.
  17. Duckie

    [Debate] Android Vs. iOS

    Apple charges more for the same hardware, and the size but I believe the price has gone up because of their ghetto ass touch ID
  18. Duckie

    [Debate] Android Vs. iOS

    I myself own an Iphone 6, but I would say I prefer Android generally, I used to own the Note 3 but it smashed so I tried out the Iphone. Generally I only use my phone for such features as calls, messages and web nothing else. And from what I can say I would prefer an Adroid device for things...
  19. Duckie

    BR Mickey Carson

    +Support The user did wait for his friend to get in before ramming Andii, interfered with Andiis roleplay too.
  20. Duckie

    Best server moment you have had...

    So I might aswell write this up.. Since I didn't take no screenshots. First hilarious memory for me was actually when I was fairly new to the community, I was escaping from the cops and the car I stole ran out of fuel. So I went fuck it mode and jumped off the bridge hoping I would survive by...
  21. Duckie

    [Discussion] What would you do?

    I would pay for Mrs Wang's funeral
  22. Duckie


  23. Duckie

    I'm Back

    I was gonna say Matt, you're gonna start putting copyright symbols in your posts now.
  24. Duckie

    I'm Back

    You copied Matt's work just for a joke? Matt actually spent time on his application and the keys/unarmed, Im pretty sure I've seen that on every PERP server I have been on. Just saying, don't rate all my posts dumb now. Anyway welcome back :D
  25. Duckie

    Yassen - Breaking 3.4

    Yep.. You've broken more rules than him, sure he broke 3.4 but you need to upload the demo, go into your garrysmod/demos folder and locate the date and time of the incident, then play throughout the demo to where the incident is, and take note of the tick rate, upload it here with the tick rate...
  26. Duckie


    Devil stole my ginger biscuit
  27. Duckie

    Ban Request Ayjay

    You did break 3.4 yourself, I made the same mistake once. Ayjay was trying to stop in front, not intentionally ram you. The smartest thing you should have done was pull over, you would at least be given a ticket for wreckless driving, instead of causing danger to yourself and the public.
  28. Duckie

    I'm sorry

    Hope to see you back in game monayD
  29. Duckie


    <--- Totally not a Smurf