Best server moment you have had...

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Well, what is there really to say? Post your best role play moments; don't care if there is a video or not just wanna hear about some great server moments you have all had!

I'll start in talking about the puffer fish road crew service @arron/faith and I set up. Basically we made sure our outfits said the name tag 'puffs' on it and we had some great banter as road crew, while obviously doing our job properly. The most exciting part was probably when a car randomly started rolling down the road, but anyway. :P
I would say my best moment was when me and @Holy Shit its Danny D made a little house with a doll baby, i tryt to murder the baby by baking it on the stove and such, dannyd called the cops on me and they went to arrest me. a little bit of aids happend and then a wild Evil appeared to free me and some others from cuffs by shooting all the cops with his deagle. Evil and his friends then left and me and Danny decided to take the bodys into our appartment asdecoration.

After that Danny once again called the cops on me for beating him with a baseball bat or something like that, a cop showed up and forced himself into our house seeing all this type of decorations. He was not pleased...
My funniest moment was with @Chris on the highway, I crashed my car and needed a medic, I ran towards him and got hit, got revived and then killed by the Roadcrew. And revived again to be hit by a super car.
Best time on perpheads was with @BillySavery 2 @EVIL @Ben Lockwood @Standish @Creepis @Zetamus @MrLewis and my babe @AyJay Dave and Harold.

June/July times - Belinsky days. We rekt anything and anyone in our paths.. I really miss those times. Would be amazing if we came back and rebuilt the Belinskys to what they was... It was back in the easy meth money days. I'd go back to then any day, back when I actually enjoyed playing for 12/13 hours a day just pure growing man..
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The best thing ever was when I, Toffel and Flagg told the cops that we had a bomb in the bank. We told them to leave us alone. All of them left and forgot about us.

PS: We got 10k each if you're wondering.
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Woah... I feel alone now. I don't have any fun moments. Still trying to find some nice passive RP situations, but it's hard.

The only thing I can remember was when Chris took me hostage at Glass Co as an officer, and drove through the city with me in his trunk, tied to a chair.
The time when i didn't know organisations existed... Got rekt all the time :'(

Actually i guess it was becoming the biggest Wang known to Paralake ;) @MattIsMadForCod
There's so many. My favourite two would have to be when we done the riot against the mayor and the SWAT just opened fire on about 7 unarmed civilians like some sort of North Korean Protest. However my favourite time was when we were basing in subs back in evo city and my neighbour (can't remember his name) was boasting how he has so much drugs on him. Car came over the jump and jumped the wall, landed pretty much right on his head. Car ended up on roof and I ended up richer. There's a brief video somewhere on YouTube of it xD
One of the best moments is probably a couple of months ago, when I was just a regular citizen. I acted slightly insane (i.e. As if I had a mental disorder through actual RP), and was taken inside the PD by SWAT and Cops. Got locked inside the room with the turtle, and started making different voices, one for the turtle, one for me, and one for the painting. I spent about 2 hours in there, and died twice. Both times shot by cops. It was great.
So Many, But I'll Try!

1: @Stomper Made a crazy fight club, I was a security guard, I decided every now and then to sneak in cheeky gunshots near the fighters, nobody noticed, later I took my banter bomb and blew up the outside, the cops responded, we killed the cops, the swat came, we killed the cops, we called the medic, we collected all the bodies and put them in the car park, the medic made 100k off of taking them away.
The last survivors watched as all the bodies were dumped over the railing, this is where I took my last banter bomb and did a cheeky mega kill, the remaining survivors fought off the cops, I molotoved everyone, me, @Stomper and @FazeDecosShack watched the world burn. I died, gg.

2: Me, @Millheimer , @Garo.k , and Roddy Brown fought off the cops for about 30 minutes, on about 3 occasions, it was very fun, we killed all the swat, 3 cops remaining, Andii suddenly dies, I grab his Benelli, the 2 last cops say "Okay, It's clear", little did they know I was alive, I run round the corner, 1 bang the cop, about to shoot the other... the gun clicks, the cop kills me, gg.


3: @Millheimer begs me to buy glass co. claiming he had no money (despite his upgraded Bugatti), so I bought it, we drove there got set up, barricades etc... And the cops raid us, we put up a good fight but I had to surrender due to running out of ammo, Andii was revived, but poor Roddy Brown was killed (RIP), but also... the cops forgot to get my drugs (gg).

We are taken away in a strangely pink taxi with police sirens on it:

After a very long ride, we plan to escape as Me, @Garo.k and @Millheimer were in the same car with 1 cop, but sadly failed as there were 3 cops, upon being taken to the prison, some guy decided to break us out, but got shrekt by @FrozenMonkeyKing we discover about 5 more prisoners in the lobby with only 3-5 cops there, we then took full advantage, I hid behind a pillar while in handcuffs. It surprisingly worked, Andii eventually found out and joined me, but were only discovered 5 minutes later due to his laughing at the situation:

Believe it or not, we did it twice.

Before I end... This.

So I might aswell write this up.. Since I didn't take no screenshots.

First hilarious memory for me was actually when I was fairly new to the community, I was escaping from the cops and the car I stole ran out of fuel. So I went fuck it mode and jumped off the bridge hoping I would survive by landing in the water however I was proven wrong as I died.

Second memory was kind of hilarious but the player got demoted for it.. I took @Alabin Delorian for a test drive, as I was coming back a cop rammed me at 70 mph and I went flying out the wind shield and landed in the water. 10/10

Then third one was yesterday where I picked up Andii and Yusuf from the farm where they were hiding, we went to the PD one of the cops shot my car up, and arrested one of the guys (I do not know who as I ran to regals.) So as I ran I hid behind one of the parked cars and pulled out my deagle, I one banged at a cop and lucky enough I got a two in one headshot. Best part was one of the moderators was watching and he yelled through his mic "WOAAAH DUNN YOU JUST GOT A TWO-IN ONE!" Great times..
We was all up in the old office growing, must have been about 20 of us and I planted a car bomb on Hugh's car and we was all watching from the window waiting for it to blow it up. Back when Harold use to play and Hugh use to RP a lot more and Lockwood was a little minge and the Belinsky's were running the show.

Ahhh... Good times.
I don't really think theres an exact moment I've had on the server that has been the best, however the best time I had on the server was when I was a staff member.
I was getting arrested by Prepper at the subs and I was in the little one way street next to the subs 3 drive way and Moron parks his Ferrari and gets a M82 out of the trunk and snipes him at close range and scared the shit out of me.