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  1. Double J

    Thank you for your Service!

    Thank you for your Service!
  2. Double J

    Cause of lag?

    I've noticed it slightly but mainly when there is a high player base which is to be expected, are you experiencing this when it's quite a low player base or later in the day?
  3. Double J


    This was one of many events that occured.
  4. Double J


    Somehow managed to dodge it so many times then died. I couldn't agree more, whilst at the start it didn't go to plan, We managed to get it up and running. Props to both Clarky and Mallard for this, was a great night.
  5. Double J

    Perfectly Executed TFU Breach

    This was rather chaotic to be fair. The door is awkward to try and place a C2 on without being shot, I probably should have communicated by someone thought drilling in my house was a good idea.
  6. Double J

    Server Suggestion Bluetooth headphones

    If this was to be added, I feel the better option is to have @Clarky's idea implemented instead. Having it so when a call comes in it is default size, then when on the phone speaking it reduces to just the top.
  7. Double J

    Is it acceptable to air fry a panini?

    Why not just use a Panini Maker?
  8. Double J

    Congrats Pug!

    Congrats Pug!
  9. Double J

    Happy Birthday!!

    Happy Birthday!!
  10. Double J

    PLPD Montage

    Nice video! I really like the Transitions, Prefer it to just cutting to each clip, to be honest.
  11. Double J

    I'm back

    Hello Everyone! Many of you may have seen I've somewhat come back. After consideration and some Persuasion, I decided to come back. For anyone who's not seen me before, I Left around the Beginning of the year after holding a staff position for about a year and dealing with about 1.5k reports...
  12. Double J

    Kurze's Goodbye

    Good luck Kurze! Shame to see you go, Hopefully see you around whenever you're next around
  13. Double J

    Do you work in public services or healthcare?

    I'm a I actually do IT for a Police Force. Currently 2nd Line Support, Moving to Desktop Support next month.
  14. Double J

    When TS becomes your new bed...

    I had had a long day .
  15. Double J

    I don't work for South Yorkshire. I work for a different area!

    I don't work for South Yorkshire. I work for a different area!
  16. Double J

    The end of a Journey

    I sent a team of Highly trained agents to remove him from the equation.
  17. Double J

    The end of a Journey

    As much as Honorary would have been nice, It's given to select people who have made a noticeable contribution to the community. It's entirely up to them if they wish to give me Honorary or not but I don't expect to receive it.
  18. Double J

    The end of a Journey

    Thanks flugs, hopefully see you about!
  19. Double J

    The end of a Journey

    Well then, this is it. As of today, I've formally stepped down from both the PD as a Lieutenant and, after a small discussion with Administration, Left my position as Staff. I'm not going to sugar coat this either. I was informed today after the Admin Meeting that I was being demoted due to...
  20. Double J

    Model Suggestion Vehicle Underglow

    Ah yes, because everyone in this community can afford to invest into a decent machine for an age old game and highly modified game mode, with the current rise in prices in computers and parts alongside taxes. what a wonderful idea! Serious note about this suggestion; Although this does sound...
  21. Double J

    Please submit a ticket!

    Please submit a ticket!
  22. Double J

    For the last time, I can't even do that!

    For the last time, I can't even do that!
  23. Double J

    Ban Apology (blackdown!!)

    You were unbanned for a short time and then decided to go ahead and Molotov a bunch of people so were re-banned.
  24. Double J

    Thank you, Flugs!

    Thank you, Flugs!
  25. Double J

    Apparently I share a Birthday with a Legend? Happy Birthday!

    Apparently I share a Birthday with a Legend? Happy Birthday!
  26. Double J

    Thank You, Civilian A1L

    Thank You, Civilian A1L
  27. Double J


  28. Double J

    Ban Apology (hayden)

    I have corrected this within the title. Please make sure you confirm your choice before submitting in the future. @Hayden will now be reviewing this.
  29. Double J

    Action Request (Marecek)

    Kind request, Can you all please make sure you make a reply with all the information you may need until @MiniRaze requests more instead of replying with small sentences with different posts. It makes it a lot easier for us and doesn't make it messy. Just click the edit button.