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  1. Double J


  2. Double J

    What happend to passive RP?

    If you can't remain civil, Mainly @Milano , then don't post at all. If you think they have broken the rules make an action request. If you continue to Disrespect, cause problems or Slander other people then action will be taken against yourself.
  3. Double J

    Resignation! Thanks for a great 2 years :)

    Thank you for everything Blackdown. From assisting me with Staffing Issues to general concerns you were always there to assist us. Even if you did mess up towards the end.
  4. Double J


    I think you should consider what you post, how you post it and what words you use. Posting rants and other odd content is obviously going to lead to people teasing you. You can report content that you think is breaching the forum rules aswell.
  5. Double J

    RFID/NFC Implants

    Your last point is something that should be considered by everyone before getting one. If, for example, you may use it every day for work, at home (getting through doors etc) then it's probably worth it. Seen a company charge just under £200 for one (procedure, support etc all included)...
  6. Double J

    RFID/NFC Implants

    I'm confused what you mean by this. Do you think I'm on about in-game?
  7. Double J

    RFID/NFC Implants

    Hello, So recently a friend of mine has been rambling on about RFID and NFC implants. Looking into it, the premise behind it is actually quite cool and the things you can do with them are interesting. My question is: Have any of you looked into getting one? Do you have any family or friends...
  8. Double J

    XenForo Tutorial - Ignoring a user

    Please may you read the 18 messages you have in your inbox?
  9. Double J

    I start on the 4th of April...

    I start on the 4th of April...
  10. Double J

    Server Laws Parsed (JSON)

    So in other words, a way for an officer to select the laws they have broken and then select the jail time and ticket within a given range of allowed integers? Smart I guess.
  11. Double J

    Gmod keeps crashing (ive tried basically EVERYTHING)

    If this is the error causing the crash, This tends to happen with allocated memory. What are the specifications of your PC? Have you been able to join previously? If so, It could just be the number of players we had today.
  12. Double J

    @Clarky Shut it.

    @Clarky Shut it.
  13. Double J

    Apparently, that is now me @Hayden

    Apparently, that is now me @Hayden
  14. Double J

    Welcome back, I hope? How long till you leave and get Admin?

    Welcome back, I hope? How long till you leave and get Admin?
  15. Double J

    Action Request (Maia)

    - Ish Using a grenade near a police officer is still counted as 3.4 as he is within the vicinity even if the person is a threat in any way or form and any wise person would detain everyone and search them. However, Due to the circumstances of where this video came from, No punishment will be...
  16. Double J

    Action Request (Ryan)

    After a review with @blobvis 2.0 , We have decided to accept this AR. The time between Draxen being mugged and Rodney raiding is about 20 minutes. You knew he had nothing as you saw the back of his shop and the items you stole even came from a cash register, Nor did you die within these 20...
  17. Double J

    Hardware Suggestions

    I already have this.
  18. Double J

    Hardware Suggestions

    Hello, I'm looking to, within the next few months (hopefully) Upgrade my PC. My first port of call will be to upgrade small items (Storage, Memory etc). I'll update this thread when it's time to upgrade more Items but for now, I've listed below what I'm hoping to upgrade first. Memory...
  19. Double J

    Action Request (Maia)

    @Maia Please explain your actions. @Dr. Dräjj Why has it taken you 2 days to report this?
  20. Double J

    Action Request (Ryan)

    @Rodney Please can you justify your actions? Why did blow up @Draxens' shop when it didn't have anything inside?
  21. Double J

    Action Request (BullyHunter)

    In regards to this situation, @BullyHunter somewhat instigated the situation by gun pointing @Kay when he could have simply just cuffed Kay and dragged him to his car. Kay appears to be surprised by you just coming up behind him and saying "Hands up, Hands up!" as would anyone in that...
  22. Double J

    Action Request (BullyHunter)

    @BullyHunter Please justify your actions:
  23. Double J

    Ban Apology (Double J)

    Read very closely. If you come back and break any rules within 2 weeks, I will be issuing a ban which you will not be able to apologise for. You will serve out the rest of the ban and it will be longer. I'll unban you once I get home.
  24. Double J

    Accidental leak! [IMG]

    Accidental leak!
  25. Double J


    I do have to agree with you on this occasion. Sam has shown nothing but dedication. However, It'd be better if he didn't claim EVERY report that came in :mad:. A lot of us like to sleep.
  26. Double J

    Action Request (The HitMan)

    @The HitMan will receive a warning for 3.30. Regardless of whether shots started when you were confiscating or not, there is also a cancellation button. However, @Limme you may NOT create a refund request as it is not your gun and there wasn't a guarantee that you would have been able to...
  27. Double J

    Action Request (Delay)

    The user will receive a warning for 3.4 and will be informed about this through the conversation. They did not respond to me and haven't been on since Tuesday. Reviewed with @Super_
  28. Double J

    Action Request (Delay)

    I appear to be unable to tag the user so I'll open a conversation with them.
  29. Double J

    Action Request (Ryan)

    @Rodney please explain your actions within 24 hours else this will be accepted.
  30. Double J

    Server Suggestion Roadcrew Update

    Suggestion Title: Roadcrew Update Suggestion Description: Update the current roadcrew job as it currently stands. At the moment in feels as though the Roadcrew job has been somewhat left alone recently. It'd be nice for the job to be updated for some better experience. For example, Having a...