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  1. Kempotent

    Amir moment

  2. Kempotent


    I don't understand how anyone is saying this is bad, idk why there's 2 voices but this is Birksy's POV, if there was any screenshare going on you would hear my voice doubled as well, it's probably just something to do with his recording settings.
  3. Kempotent


  4. Kempotent


    fuck knows
  5. Kempotent


  6. Kempotent

    freaks tiered my car about 5 seconds after me fixing it aswell

    freaks tiered my car about 5 seconds after me fixing it aswell
  7. Kempotent

    Tony says!

    So! I thought it would be fun to do a little video of a remake of simon says but in perpheads! it went on for around 30 minutes and was going great however my deepest apologies that I could not upload the video due to after reviewing it there was not much point for people who saw what was going...
  8. Kempotent

    Content creator!

    Content creator!
  9. Kempotent

    This fire ain't gonna do shit

    Thomas shelby of hoodrats m8
  10. Kempotent

    This fire ain't gonna do shit

    @amir @Kenty @Al Capone
  11. Kempotent


    we can only hope
  12. Kempotent


    Right so I wanted to give this sweater a better shotgun, it ended up in a pissing match between me and @Al Capone on who could pimp this sweater better - Here is the outcome. A very happy little man. This was not intentionally made for attention, I was only going give them the shotgun until al...
  13. Kempotent

    Video coming soon!

    Video coming soon!
  14. Kempotent

    Just Amir being Amir

  15. Kempotent

    PERPHeads Community Awards 2022 - Vote

    Most Funny - kempotent Reason? can we also add biggest simp - Collier
  16. Kempotent

    w my wife aint having this shit

    w my wife aint having this shit
  17. Kempotent

    Action Request (multiple)

    I would also like to add that I have seen this harassment every single time I have been with Emma in game, I have gotten countless steam messages from her saying how she has been rdm'd because she is a women, and people saying absolutely disgusting things to her, a lot of the time she will...
  18. Kempotent

    Bro got caught LACKING LACKING

    Bro got caught LACKING LACKING
  19. Kempotent

    Halloween Events - 2022

    at least tiny didnt call me lame when he banned me
  20. Kempotent

    Model Bug Report (2022 halloween skeleton thing you cant pick it up or physgun it after placing)

    Type of Bug: Model Description of the Bug: 2022 halloween skeleton thing you cant pick it up or physgun it after placing How to reproduce the Bug: Place it down Time Stamp: 7am Errors: cant pick it up Fredy sorted it, amazing owner
  21. Kempotent

    return of the white knight

    @Collier thank you for saving all the women in paralake, your efforts do not go unnoticed!
  22. Kempotent

  23. Kempotent

    Action Request (Kempotent)

    they were fully aware, that you had shot the absolute shit out of me through your floorbangs furthermore my life comes before drugs. I will no longer be commenting on this and allow staff to deal with it thank you.
  24. Kempotent

    Action Request (Kempotent)

    the police turned up instantly, and began the raid on you, i had a gain of you tried to already kill me and wil more than liekly do it again
  25. Kempotent

    Action Request (Kempotent)

    I believe this is more of an IA problem, you tried raiding me and floorbanged the living shit out of me, i told the police and they came and their TFO died, i asked if i could assist and they said yes as in countering, it was not all the police died then i went in and killed you, after you shot...
  26. Kempotent

    Server Performance p2

    i mean, there are absolutely horrible lag spikes that i have made a thread about before, i think server count needs to be lowered
  27. Kempotent

    Eric Jonson's 3rd Death Montage

    always check what side you're getting out!
  28. Kempotent

    Model Suggestion EMP Grenade / Cell Blocker Device

    It's just so dark rp and unrealistic, furthermore it's so un needed, you use the examples Most of the people who base in these are small organisations or new players where as you will find the huge ones in places such as parker, so this on itself just makes me question why?
  29. Kempotent


  30. Kempotent


    giving them their weekly pay slip