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  1. hyushi123

    PLPD Concept cars thread.

    like we all said, its not something needed but its something that a person enjoyies doing. think of it like a hobby. and please if you think its that easy, do it yourself and i will agree with you if you even GET CLOSE to making something as cool and as nice as bnje did
  2. hyushi123

    Server Suggestion Make certain melee weapons throwable

    i feel like if it hits the wall you can pick it back up with a short delay, like picking up a gun but shorter and if it hits a person ir has a small chance of dissapearing
  3. hyushi123

    PLPD Concept cars thread.

    jrw, no one said its neceserally useful, but the skill he gets from making those cars eill further assist him in making actual models and maybe become a dev and make models, like guns, tables more props etc
  4. hyushi123

    no but seriously, stop cop maining. its bad for your mental health

    no but seriously, stop cop maining. its bad for your mental health
  5. hyushi123

    congrats cop main!!!

    congrats cop main!!!
  6. hyushi123

    PLPD Concept cars thread.

    make a police tesla model s unmarked. i think it would look nice
  7. hyushi123

    Model Suggestion New melee weapons

    +1i feel like the meles we have now are kind of similar. the only difference ive notice is with the nat you csn knock guns out of peoples hands and thr katana does massive damanage. the addition of the sledgehammer would be absolutely fire. also the stilleto knife would be cool do add (i...
  8. hyushi123

    Server Suggestion Make certain melee weapons throwable

    i feel like thorwables would be a cool adition to for example kill someone silently. +1 from me.
  9. hyushi123

    Any idea when the image requester will be fixed?

    i havent seen any problem with the image approval system. if you mean when you try uploading an imago to a sign and it needing approval from staff? because if thats ehat you mean just ask in ooc or make an f6
  10. hyushi123

    Staff issue

    (not) sorry for running away under gp
  11. hyushi123

    Server Suggestion picking money up, doesnt discharge a weapon

    honestly if you ever want to do a hostage situation, zerg it. last time i did one with 2 people megasaw fucking got in the way and literally deleted me and my friend. always zerg hostage aituations
  12. hyushi123

    Event Suggestion Mass shooter/hide and shoot event

    i was suggesting a shotgun for that reason but knife works too
  13. hyushi123

    Event Suggestion Mass shooter/hide and shoot event

    but still same concept. a few seekers woth guns and a lot of hiders. would be cool in subs or make a specially aranges area for it
  14. hyushi123

    Event Suggestion Mass shooter/hide and shoot event

    i think i should just drop the mass shooter idea and just name it hide and shoot or hide and seek. i feel like its fine eitherway
  15. hyushi123

    Event Suggestion Simon says event

    ive only seen this once made by a player. i was thinking maybe making it an actuall event
  16. hyushi123

    Event Suggestion Mass shooter/hide and shoot event

    i was thinking to call it mass shooter event since the seeker has a weapon and goes around finding people to eliminate. its just a title idea
  17. hyushi123

    Event Suggestion Simon says event

    Suggestion Title: Simon says event Suggestion Description: The event will be based on the popular game named Simon Says. one random person will be selected to “Simon”. the game would work like this, lets call the person Simon, Simon will be granted a weapon such as a sniper or a sw model...
  18. hyushi123

    Event Suggestion Mass shooter/hide and shoot event

    Suggestion Title: Mass shooter/hide and shoot event Suggestion Description: this main ideea is for a hide and seek event that involved 1-3 seekers and maybe like 15 hiders. the seekers can either have weapons like rifles, shotguns or even pistols to eliminate the hiders. the best choice would...
  19. hyushi123

    Server Suggestion Presentable ID card

    it could be a risk but that could be the fun of it. using fake IDs to evade a possible arrest. and plus it would finally make identity theft a thing
  20. hyushi123

    Server Suggestion Display chambered bullets

    i feel like this addition would be nice because when you hold q and hover over a gun, on the right side it says capacity 10+1 or smth like that. it would be nice to be able to have one in the chamber and also possibly have another bullet, such as on the glock 17, instead of max 17 you could have...
  21. hyushi123

    Police Suggestion Give SGT.+access to mossberg 590 in patrol gear

    you should give a very weak rifle to sgts or an smg. but idk some weak shit
  22. hyushi123

    Model Suggestion Mossberg 590 shockwave (expensive sawed off)

    mb, didnt see that. Overall would be a nice addition
  23. hyushi123

    Model Suggestion Mossberg 590 shockwave (expensive sawed off)

    i feel like this would be a cool adition since we only have to concealable shotguns but i really think it would be slightly overpowered since the moosberg is already a strong shotgun. unless a debuff is added to the shorter version i feel like this should remain unadded
  24. hyushi123

    Police Suggestion Give SGT.+access to mossberg 590 in patrol gear

    i feel like sgts should get another firearm but i feel like another primary is too much no? the remington is already powerful as is and i dont really feel like they should recieve another. plus i kinda beats the whole purpouse of getting this gun as tfu.
  25. hyushi123

    Congrats!! you still hold the title for worst driver tho

    Congrats!! you still hold the title for worst driver tho
  26. hyushi123

    Robbie vlasman montage

    ngl i think 50% of perpers use the same skin pack
  27. hyushi123

    Action Request (Camo.v2)

    Your Steam Name: hyushi123 Your Roleplay Name: Amy Jordan Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:243856479 Player's Steam Name: Camo.v2 Player's Roleplay Name: Leon Jackson Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:68190404 Why should this player be punished?: This user harvested drugs mid raid to avoid losing...
  28. hyushi123

    Happy birthday!

    Happy birthday!
  29. hyushi123

    Happy birthday!

    Happy birthday!
  30. hyushi123

    Happy birthday!

    Happy birthday!