Server Suggestion Presentable ID card

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Suggestion Title: Presentable ID card
Suggestion Description: a card that you get at City Hall for like $500 that when used puts your full name in chat.

Experimentally,, should this item be mug-able and drop-able?
(If so it shouldn't be store-able, just a tool to further a storyline so long as your character is alive and free)

A few example of how making the ID mug-able would be enjoyed is:

>Player gets mugged and loses his/her ID. Later the same mugger burglarizes the apartment owned by this individual.
>Police show up upon alarm
> The Thief flashes the ID of the owner instead of showing keys to commit 5.3 Identity Theft Law.
> Police forget to run the name in the PLPD Database for a Photo check
> Shootout averted.

> Warranted individual is driving a vehicle to from a place to place
> Gets stopped by Police for a reason unrelated to his warrant.
> While driving his friend's car which is not ANPR'ed, the PLPD officer requests ID
> He presents a fake ID. Hoping Police accept that, give the ticket and let him go.
> Shootout averted (IF police fail to confirm the identity through their database before calling code-4)

Why should this be added?:
-  Fun new twist to avoiding detection
- Simple feature that adds a proper way to go about breaking a law that was rarely ever broken before as a criminal player. (Identity theft 5.3)
- Players can avoid shootouts in turn for more talking and roleplay if they wish
- Saves everyone time when you're actually the owner of the ID and you can just flash it when proving you're defender, instead of showing keys.

What negatives could this have?:
- Higher ranking officers negate the use of this tool as they're less likely to go along with it or genuinely fall for it.

What problem would this suggestion solve?: Players always need to show keys when they want to prove they're defenders, I believe this mechanic would make the gameplay far more interesting.
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Think is would be better as you can have an actual id then because when they ain’t the owner they just run away
it could be a risk but that could be the fun of it. using fake IDs to evade a possible arrest. and plus it would finally make identity theft a thing
Okay-ish idea ruined by making it stealable, there’s almost no way you could flash someone else’s ID to a cop which has someone else’s face on it and expect that to work.
Okay-ish idea ruined by making it stealable, there’s almost no way you could flash someone else’s ID to a cop which has someone else’s face on it and expect that to work.
If the officer wants to have a conversation, that's already a sign they're unaware that you're warranted. If they don't and they pull a gun on exiting their cruiser, then drive off.

Or would you rather PH denied and every cop ever just gets mowed down?

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