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  1. daniel

    AR on Sossa and Mooney

    @Sossa I stopped my car? and you didn't give me chance before you RDMd me, so why don't you explain that?
  2. daniel

    AR on Sossa and Mooney

    @Sossa I made the AR because you killed me for no reason? Maybe explain why you did that lmao
  3. daniel

    AR on Sossa and Mooney

    My clip doesn't have any audio but I didn't say anything lmao
  4. daniel

    AR on Sossa and Mooney

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Daniel/Daniel Rodriguez His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Sossa/Rafael Slaughter and Mooney/Travis Rodriguez His/Her SteamID: IDK Why Should This Player Be Punished: 2.5, I was getting my tires fixed and a shootout started by the gas station. I tried to leave to avoid breaking...
  5. daniel

    Should this be deemed unrealistic?

    I didn't give you permission to use that picture of me :(
  6. daniel

    Is this realistic or na?

    If you want to drop it to another person directly just do /me hands money to [name], but it's not really realistic I don't think
  7. daniel


    if he doesn't ruin it someone else will, there's no getting out of it
  8. daniel


    ty x, I can never win :(
  9. daniel

    the no russian one

    I was tabbed out and didn't threaten anyone beforehand, you had no reason to shoot me.
  10. daniel

    Watch out PERPheads!

  11. daniel

    Helper Role seperate to staff

    @Inchs In the meeting yesterday they said that they were going back on what they said and making them into a staff role
  12. daniel


  13. daniel

    Update - 07/05/2020

    spanker boy
  14. daniel

    CS:GO Guides and Advice

    Watch your games back and see how you died etc, takes some time but will give you an insight to how you should play out different situations
  15. daniel

    pOliCe MiLiTaRiSaTiOn

    @Jay_ i agree fuck birmingham
  16. daniel

    Server Suggestion Being able to force people out of chairs.

    Can't remember who it was but a few months ago we had a few people in the PD and they just sat at the PD computers for about 20 minutes, no admins were on to help us :confused:
  17. daniel

    pOliCe MiLiTaRiSaTiOn

    4 more yearsdamn right brother
  18. daniel

    pOliCe MiLiTaRiSaTiOn

    @obidan66 Some of this may be true but don't compare him to Hitler, who killed 6 million innocent people..
  19. daniel

    pOliCe MiLiTaRiSaTiOn

    Although I disagree with the gun laws in America, there's no going back now so this will hopefully have a positive effect in fighting gun crime
  20. daniel

    I need a new mic

    don't buy corsair hs35, my £20 mic before was much better (tecknet), this has good sound quality but bad mic quality. get bullied by @Aquaa @glacial @ICEKILLER_99 for having drivethru mic
  21. daniel

    Dual Monitor Tools - Locking to a screen

    @Synatec it was last year
  22. daniel

    Dual Monitor Tools - Locking to a screen

    you told me that your mouse keeps going to your other monitor and i told you about this lmao
  23. daniel

    Dual Monitor Tools - Locking to a screen

    I told you about this, thanks for the credit
  24. daniel

    New computer for playing gmod

    gotta crank them 90s
  25. daniel

    Favourite films / movies?

    The Incredibles (still love it now from my childhood, 2nd one is good aswell), Ready Player One, El Camino, Shaun of the Dead, Hot Fuzz mainly watch tv series
  26. daniel

    I'm here boss!

    I'm here boss!
  27. daniel

    Notes on Cooking Meth

    If you're ever in any legal trouble, just remember Better Call Saul.
  28. daniel


    Paladins is bad just play overwatch