Search results

  1. Kerpele

    Paralake Partnership

    we made it, we are officially perp legends!!
  2. Kerpele

    heia Norge

    heia Norge
  3. Kerpele

    Refund Request (Kerpele)

  4. Kerpele

    Refund Request (Kerpele)

    Your Steam Name: Kerpele Your Roleplay Name: Esari Haisee Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:25647579 Reason for Request: Gunpoint rulebreak during robbery Requested Items: 13K, m9 silenced, 2 bandages Evidence Type: Authorised by Staff Member Staff Member: Bnej
  5. Kerpele

    Ban on non-roleplay organizations

    Look into ls-rp @obidan66
  6. Kerpele

    Hicktown Skinheads

    who tf
  7. Kerpele

    Hicktown Skinheads

    /// This organization does not promote OOC racism.
  8. Kerpele

    Hicktown Skinheads

    Pictures show hateful symbolism as a trademark for criminally motivated white supremacist streetgangs. Hicktown gang investigation leads to 2 facing charges in murder and robbery of man. March 15, 2015 Two men are facing charges in connection with a double homicide in February, 2015 in which...
  9. Kerpele

    Hicktown Skinheads

    Locals of Hicktown, some affiliated with the skinhead streetgang active in the neighbourhood. Hicktown Skinheads Hicktown Skinheads (EHS or EHSH) is a white supremacist streetgang mainly active in the northern parts of Hicktown. A majority of their members are local white teenagers and young...
  10. Kerpele

    you got a license for that?

    you got a license for that?
  11. Kerpele

    server needs more brits driving on the wrong side of the road

    server needs more brits driving on the wrong side of the road
  12. Kerpele

    jeg vet ikke hva du snakker som, finjaevel

    jeg vet ikke hva du snakker som, finjaevel
  13. Kerpele

    Has science gone too far? Are we playing god? “Caffeine/energy” vapes hitting the market...

    i liked your comment by accident but youre a simp if you dont smoke cigarettes for real. back in my day everyone did it when they were 12, its called being a man
  14. Kerpele

    Has science gone too far? Are we playing god? “Caffeine/energy” vapes hitting the market...

    Just smoke regular cigarettes you zoomers it's even healthier than this shit you be sucking on
  15. Kerpele

    Reaction score -88

    Reaction score -88
  16. Kerpele

    perp = lidl gta online

    perp = lidl gta online
  17. Kerpele

    lul im still playing on the server like it or not, cant catch me this time fools HaHaa

    lul im still playing on the server like it or not, cant catch me this time fools HaHaa
  18. Kerpele

    let me get a boneless unban

    let me get a boneless unban
  19. Kerpele


  20. Kerpele

    tee mulle avatar ja signature homo

    tee mulle avatar ja signature homo
  21. Kerpele

    Battlegrownds mit Alan

  22. Kerpele

    Current favourite songs [OFFICIAL]

  23. Kerpele

    hi zoey

    hi zoey
  24. Kerpele

    nig nig nig

    nig nig nig
  25. Kerpele


  26. Kerpele

    follow me fam

    follow me fam
  27. Kerpele

    mi name is ermak dimon

    mi name is ermak dimon
  28. Kerpele

    30 round clip we aint beating yo ass

    30 round clip we aint beating yo ass
  29. Kerpele

    cucked to the max

    cucked to the max
  30. Kerpele

    sooner the better amirite

    sooner the better amirite