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  1. Kerpele

    1.1 Apology

    @BlitZKrieG @Niko Why are you trying to defend the evil and hide from the truth? The fact still remains that you are probably white, weak, a skinny fat nerd who would rather get fucked in the ass and wash niggers underwear rather than fight, i have no sympathy for you, Go watch some more anime...
  2. Kerpele

    1.1 Apology

    You all a bunch of fucking assholes. You know why? You don't have the guts to be what you wanna be. You need people like me. You need people like me so you can point your fucking fingers and say, "That's the bad guy." So... what that make you? Good? You're not good. You just know how to hide...
  3. Kerpele

    1.1 Apology

    Well I was clearly telling a joke and I got permanently banned for it, like I said I'm sorry, and I have changed now, also people saying I had 5 chances alerdy, those are very minor bans for very little things such as calling rule breakers cunts over LOOC Let me get this straight, If I call...
  4. Kerpele

    1.1 Apology

    Appealing for: Permanent Ban Appeal type: Apology Which staff member banned you: Bajar Your Steam Name: Kerpele Your In-game Name: Julius Montana Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:25647579 Why were you banned/blacklisted: For breaking 1.1, I understand that it is very wrong to insult other people and...
  5. Kerpele

    Remove bazzar music

    You know that you can just leave the bazaar and wait for people to buy your items, right? btw snd_Restart might work to mute it
  6. Kerpele

    Ban Request on Ben Anderson (BA98)

    + SUPPORT The cop are breaking more rules and getting away from it because they are moving in a mass, and they break these rules because even if they fail and get killed, after 5 mins they will just spawn back with the same items, same weapon, same car, and same stupid harrassment attitude. I...
  7. Kerpele

    Ban Request -> |AFF| Chris

    I need a 20 pots, 10 coco seeds and 10 weed seeds refund too, the LT is a well known metagamer and deserves a long ban, he also called me a "fucking idiot" on LOOC for no reason, I hope he will get a long ban as he clearly doesn't know how to roleplay properly. + SUPPORT
  8. Kerpele

    The purpose of PLC Taxi service

    Hi grandpa, its me billy, the other billy got ran over by a police cruiser
  9. Kerpele

    police dont cross tape

    Great idea, I was wondering why we don't got this yet. + support
  10. Kerpele

    Sweatervest, the beginning of the evil

  11. Kerpele


  12. Kerpele

    La Cosa Nostra - Applications

    Ingame name: Julius Montana Steam Name: Kerpele Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:25647579 Total playtime: 5 days. From that you might think i am a total noob, but I have played PERP for many years. I promise you won't regret taking me in, also I know how to handle business. Are you a VIP: Yes I am. List of...
  13. Kerpele

    Ignoring /me TraxØGJ

    Damn that was beautiful, I might of have shed a manly tear how good I am
  14. Kerpele

    my game chrashed and now my drugs is ggone

    Umm, theyre in your storage. i think.
  15. Kerpele

    What'd you get?

    5000EUR, around 7000 dollars, i think? Were very rich Edit: why are you ppl hating on me. I just told you how things are for me and what I got. If youre upset about it well im sorry that youre bitter over other peoples success. Happy holidays
  16. Kerpele

    I wish to speak to you, please add me on steam

    I wish to speak to you, please add me on steam
  17. Kerpele

    Ban Request | Wilson

    I was with Wilson in the room, I opened the door and you aimed at me, at that point wilson took out his gun and shot at you. Also your glock is just 5k.
  18. Kerpele

    How to: Performance tweak guide

    Nothing of this actually helps, just do -high and then r_3dsky 0
  19. Kerpele


    General and frosted