Ban Request on Ben Anderson (BA98)

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Your Steam/In-game Name:Inspire/Jerome Baller
His/Her Steam/In-game Name:BA98/Ben Anderson
His/Her SteamIDont know sorry.
Reason:It will explain in the videos.
You were not part of this situation, so your post is deleted. Also a bit slanderous.

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I was one of the SWAT officers pulling my weapon out when Ben Anderson fired not saying a word

Support from me he did not try to negotiate and risked the officers life.
+Support. @BA98 is clearly breaking the rules as a SWAT officer. For the second time he has risked an officers life. If this keeps on i might have an idea. Permanetly blacklist BA98. (Just an idea)
Yeah, what else can i do but +support this. Also love how after that they get the another hostage killed in Alex' demo </3. Also in real situation @Inspire would've most likely kept the hostage's head on the same level of his.
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I should have a biased against him in this ban request, yet I -support, I think He is a good cop usually, and this was a very biased ban request against him! I suggest he posts the full demo
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irl a swat officer would do the same thing it was 3 vs 1 and we have to think quick on our feet to save him and we did
I didnt try to panic when I wanted to panic I would panic anyways. Thats why I typed "panic" and not "/panic".
The cop are breaking more rules and getting away from it because they are moving in a mass, and they break these rules because even if they fail and get killed, after 5 mins they will just spawn back with the same items, same weapon, same car, and same stupid harrassment attitude. I myself got a 1 week ban because an officer was making up shitty accusations and lying to my face, and had no reason to take me in, so i didn't follow his /me's and got a ban for it.

I hope he gets banned
+support in both videos he did not care that an officers life was in danger, ignored all warning and just shot you resulting in an officers death.
What about you pulling a gun on this cop for no actual reason? Well, atleast I don't understand your reason.
Trande is right. You shouldn't point a gun at an officer over a traffic stop, that's obviously going to increase anything you get if you're caught, and you wouldn't get searched for anything being on you over a ram into a police vehicle.

Additionally, Ben would have had a clear headshot with his rifle while you were in that position.

Upload a demo so everyone can see the perspective please, rather than you starting-stopping it; it's quite important when it involves gunpoints and such.

I was one of the two who were going to jail inside the cop car. Inspire successfully held the officer under gunpoint(even if he switched to his gun but then unequiped it again). But then the ebola comes. I see the swat van arrive and the 3-4 swat rushes out. Inspire says he'll kill the cop if they tried anything. But then BA98 decides to go full-CSGO and kills Inspire wich is totally unrealistic since IRL you have to try everything to get as low cassualities as possible. If they set up a sniper somewhere then it would be a bit more acceptable but still, rules were broken here in my opinion so +Support from me. He needs to take some time off.
Trande is right. You shouldn't point a gun at an officer over a traffic stop, that's obviously going to increase anything you get if you're caught, and you wouldn't get searched for anything being on you over a ram into a police vehicle.

Additionally, Ben would have had a clear headshot with his rifle while you were in that position.

Upload a demo so everyone can see the perspective please, rather than you starting-stopping it; it's quite important when it involves gunpoints and such.


Trande, why did you press agree on your own comment?

On phone
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