Search results

  1. [STG]NissanMikli

    Forced ERP/Rape RP

    I agree with this. There are a'lot of young people that play the server and i don't really think its okay to have the option to be able to rape those kids.
  2. [STG]NissanMikli

    AR on Brice And Mrjibbleson

    Your Steam/In-game Name:Nissan Mohammad His/Her Steam/In-game Name:Brice and Mrjibbleson His/Her SteamID: Brice STEAM_0:0:97673850 Mrjibbleson STEAM_0:0:85254869 Why Should This Player Be Punished: As seen in the Demo they killed them selves (breaking 3.4) and before doing so they are clearly...
  3. [STG]NissanMikli


  4. [STG]NissanMikli

    La Cosa Nostra - Applications

    -Steam Name: NissanMikli -Age (OOC): 20 -Are YOU Active?: Very Active -Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:55869356 -Total playtime: 1 month 2 days -Are you a VIP: Yes (IC Questions) -Ingame name: Nissan Mohammad -List of all cars you own: Lamborghini Reventon Roadster -Favorite Weapon(s): Remginton...
  5. [STG]NissanMikli

    bitch sit yo ass down

    bitch sit yo ass down
  6. [STG]NissanMikli

    xcuse me?

    xcuse me?
  7. [STG]NissanMikli

    like hellooo? Lewis never commented on my profile :(

    like hellooo? Lewis never commented on my profile :(
  8. [STG]NissanMikli

    Los Locos [Applications]

    NewOOC Information Steam name : NissanMikli Age :20 IC Information Name : Nissan Mohammad Playtime : 25 days and 19 hours Firearms level : Firearms 23. Cars you own : Dodge Charger Truck. Sold the other car and gave the money away. Marksmanship : Rifle Marksmanship is only 17 but I am still a...
  9. [STG]NissanMikli

    Niko. i added you on steam.

    Niko. i added you on steam.
  10. [STG]NissanMikli


  11. [STG]NissanMikli


  12. [STG]NissanMikli

    thanks man

    thanks man
  13. [STG]NissanMikli

    thanks boi

    thanks boi
  14. [STG]NissanMikli

    Thanks yer nonce

    Thanks yer nonce
  15. [STG]NissanMikli

    AR on NEtanel Svharz

    My ingame name is Nissan Mohammad His Steam name is [Sky]-Nooni | His Ingame name is Netanel Svharz His Steam ID is STEAM_0:1:108145691 He should be punished because he broke 3.4 as well as 3.6. I held him at gunpoint for Hitting me with a baseball bat but he contiued to hit me...
  16. [STG]NissanMikli

    Any recommened good games to play?

    @KeiwaM i need someone to play For honor with!
  17. [STG]NissanMikli

    RTU Pic

    shut up husky <3
  18. [STG]NissanMikli

    they held me at gun point and let me go.

    they held me at gun point and let me go.
  19. [STG]NissanMikli

    AR on Gallion Mallik

    Your Steam/In-game Name: NissanMikli/Nissan Mohammad His/Her Steam/In-game Name:Rayz/Gallion Mallik His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:100114317 Why Should This Player Be Punished: Clearly seen running away from gun point as seen in the Demo. Evidence (Demo Required): Tick:
  20. [STG]NissanMikli

    The Mohammad shows their support by sending me as their almighty god! pass me the money and you...

    The Mohammad shows their support by sending me as their almighty god! pass me the money and you shall recieve all blessings from the mohammad family!
  21. [STG]NissanMikli

    AR on ICEKILLER_99

    i did say he looks like a person we are looking for and i want to ask him a couple of questions
  22. [STG]NissanMikli

    AR on Strobez

    Your Steam/In-game Name: NissanMikli His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Strobez His/Her SteamID:STEAM_0:1:97845870 Why Should This Player Be Punished: She lied in the admin sit saying she punched me because i had pulled out a gun which i never did. Evidence (Demo Required)...
  23. [STG]NissanMikli

    AR on ICEKILLER_99

    there was no reason to kill me as i had no way of proofing that he infact was. he looked like the suspect aka the questioning. but there was no reason to kill me.
  24. [STG]NissanMikli

    AR on ICEKILLER_99

    Your Steam/In-game Name: NissanMikli His/Her Steam/In-game Name:ICEKILLER_99 His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:87262869 Why Should This Player Be Punished: We had a person run over by Dylan Fielding at bazzar so i went lookin and saw a person matching the desciption and wanted to ask him a couple of...
  25. [STG]NissanMikli

    AR On NissanMilki

    lookin at the footage i do see that i broke 3.4. while i was doing it i thought i had moved away under gunpoint and do apologize. In my defense. you had no reason to pull out a gun in public. and a CCTV is right there. you were mic spamming like crazy with some music. NeluDaHunter i admited to...
  26. [STG]NissanMikli

    The Belucci Mafia (DISBANDED)

    Do you meet the requirements?: Yes Do you agree following the rules?: Yes Do you have any experience in this server?: Alot How old are you?: 19 Do you have any friends in this family? ,If so, Call their name(s): no What is your in game name?: Nissan Mikli How much money do you have?: 700k...
  27. [STG]NissanMikli

    AR on Nassim Mohammed

    I shot at your vehicle because i was the only officer on the scene and even after i called for backup it didint arrive. So as i said the only reason i shot at the car is because you guys were armed outside the bank and i was the only person there. You guys were refusing to pull over. And since i...
  28. [STG]NissanMikli

    nissan 3.4

    My point exactly. he did pull me on gun point in which case i didint do anything. However when he started shooting at my mate i was no longer under gun point and my life was already at risk so i started protecting my self and pulling out the AK as i was not under Gun point.