Search results

  1. Cudder

    Favorite handgun.

    Bring my Tec-9 into PERP plox ;)
  2. Cudder

    [SOLVED]SG-550 Bug

    When you craft the SG-550, it comes with a stock when it shouldn't like most rifle's.
  3. Cudder

    Updating vehicles

    Porsche Cayenne Turbo 2012 has issues with wheels suddenly going under the map while driving at around 70-80, causing you to get stuck and/or skid for no reason. Also for 750k the handling is awfully stiff and I find myself having to pre-steer a lot.
  4. Cudder

    Left that shit job two years ago, but come over here for some stella if you wish.

    Left that shit job two years ago, but come over here for some stella if you wish.
  5. Cudder

    Radio stations dont work

    +Support in this. I only listen to the hip-hop station and I can vouch that it's broken. Also before it broke it was really annoying hearing the same advertisement of some old man selling jewelry on Keele Street (local ad) over and over again. I don't mind advertisements occasionally but hearing...
  6. Cudder

    AR on Tyrone Savage

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Cudder / Roddy Marcello His/Her Steam/In-game Name: png / Tyrone Savage His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:51304152 Why Should This Player Be Punished: I was crossing the road and he hits the gas on his cruiser then proceeds to CDM me. I lost a S&W 500 because of this. Evidence...
  7. Cudder

    roddy 3.4

    You can see I had time to pull out my gun by slamming the door closed as you tried opening it -Support
  8. Cudder

    Boost your FPS with 3 console commands

    USE THIS WITH OLDER PC'S ONLY. MOST PEOPLE REPORT CRASHES WITH NEWER PC'S. Turn on multicore rendering in options first, and type these 3 commands in console to boost your framerate up to 15fps (at least for me) gmod_mcore_test 1 mat_queue_mode -1 cl_threaded_bone_setup 1 Looks like I don't...
  9. Cudder

    Perpheads Gameplay #5

    When you run from the cops and they run you over because you're black
  10. Cudder

    BR on Roddy Marcello

    I was trying to protect my friend Plutaro, who came into my car asking for a ride. I saw Eddie pull up and deploy spikes out of nowhere for no reason, and my instincts told me Plutaro was wanted and also that we were both going to end up in jail. Since I am in the same org as Plutaro, I decided...
  11. Cudder

    BR on Roddy Marcello

    @Eddie I just want to know why you pulled up out of nowhere and deployed spikes on me? How exactly did you know I was that guy's friend? On the video it just looks like someone trying to leave their apartment. Also the reason why I shot you was because at that point I knew my friend was wanted...
  12. Cudder

    Fucking gorgeous

    Fucking gorgeous
  13. Cudder

    Ban request 4x

    I'll try and find a demo of the situation later on when I get home today but no guarantees.
  14. Cudder

    Thanks mates, gonna upload a new one tomorrow :)

    Thanks mates, gonna upload a new one tomorrow :)
  15. Cudder

    PD blown up to ashes

    Driving around late night in my BMW and then I see a bunch of guys park up at the PD in a truck full of gasoline tanks.. Once the mollies were pulled out I knew what was going down. :panda: Also RIP Matt Grand and many others whose clothes caught on fire
  16. Cudder

    Ban request 4x

    I don't know why you would walk into our property after someone pulled a bat on you and you got beat up. You stood there in the doorway blocking it from closing which just pissed us off more. I myself didn't shoot I just pointed my gun to get you to back off but I do +support the fact that it...
  17. Cudder

    Updating vehicles

    BMW M5 (One that cost 920k) has some problem with the brakes you might wanna check it out because it's like the car sliding on black ice and you can't really powerslide. Also when the tires are popped it's hard to control goes really slow and likes to turn to the right + hug walls.
  18. Cudder

    FAMAS refund request

    Your in-game name: Roddy Brown Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:29849330 Why do you want your item(s) refunded: Well I was simply building a base, and one of my props went flying straight into me which led to my death. I made a report and in OOC told cops to void life alert.. My report was responded to a...
  19. Cudder

    Cop rdming

    At first I thought it was a simple mistake of you putting yourself in the middle of the crossfire but their actions shortly after say otherwise. +Support
  20. Cudder

    We pulled a prank on Roddy once again

    We all like to have our fun eh, today I was gifted two car bombs from my wonderful friends in ISIS, and I blew up both @Garo.k & @Millheimer. Thank you brothers, allahu akbar. I will soon meet you in heaven with the virgins.
  21. Cudder

    You must need hearing aids because I only shot 5 times in the video

    You must need hearing aids because I only shot 5 times in the video
  22. Cudder

    I only missed one shot out of 5 baby girl

    I only missed one shot out of 5 baby girl
  23. Cudder

    Ban request Roddy Brown - RDM

    Here is my point of view as seen he made it worse by calling me a "fucking dumper" & "fake chiraq motherfucker" so that led up to me shooting him for talking shit
  24. Cudder

    Ban request Roddy Brown - RDM

    It was not RDM, what happened was Garo told me you were talking shit behind my back for raiding you earlier and you called me a retard so me being pissed IC what I did was confront you about it and then I shot you dead after you started more shit calling me a fake when I happen roll with one of...
  25. Cudder

    Car bomb

    @Millheimer You're going to helvete for this P.S. Never steal my AK from me again or you're gonna pay another $100k to the garage hahahaha
  26. Cudder

    Deluxe Charger screen works

    They should add this
  27. Cudder

    Ban Request on Karl Anderson & Aaron Freeman

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Cudder, Roddy Brown His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Steam names unknown, RP names are Aaron Freeman, Karl Anderson His/Her SteamID: Unknown Why Should This Player Be Punished: They tried to mug me at the HOSPITAL which breaks 3.4 because there are surveillance cameras all...
  28. Cudder

    Car Cruise Event!

    Camaro ZL1 I will bring
  29. Cudder

    BR on Mark Jenkins/Typical

    +support He was stalling when we were mugging him and he didn't drop anything