Ban request Roddy Brown - RDM

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It was not RDM, what happened was Garo told me you were talking shit behind my back for raiding you earlier and you called me a retard so me being pissed IC what I did was confront you about it and then I shot you dead after you started more shit calling me a fake when I happen roll with one of the strongest mafias in the city. I pulled a gun you didn't FearRP as most people would and you kept mouthing off as if it meant nothing to you.

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I knocked on your door to ask you why you were angry, then you tell me to fuck off,after that you insulted my friend by calling him a retard.When he arrived to the scene you started talking shit undergunpoint which made you break 3.4.I even have a demo if admin wants it.The second reason why you were killed is because you tried to raid us
I've been in a situation like this before..
If you're talking "shit" about someone that you know or just think may hurt you, you should not be surprised if they decide to attack you over it. Depending on how much "shit" you said behind his back and to his face, you could've severely aggravated him to a point where he'll kill you.
If you truly continued talking "shit" as mentioned both by Garo and Cudder, you're actually the one that broke a rule.

However, I have not watched from either Cudder og Garo's perspective, so I have no clue how much "shit" was actually said, which makes me go neutral for now.
You pointed a gun at me and tried to raid us. Then you knock on our door and ask for ammos roddy gets out angry at you then you all started a gun fight. And you also talked shit
Here is my point of view as seen he made it worse by calling me a "fucking dumper" & "fake chiraq motherfucker" so that led up to me shooting him for talking shit

I agree with @Cudder and @Garo.k because of the demos I watched and the youtube videos I saw that you weren't scared even though he pulled his gun out. In a real life situation If someone pulled a gun out outside your house at midnight you will be scared as shit. What you did is swear at him when he had a gun out which is breaking 3.4.
Well, seems like you kept talking shit under gunpoint, you thought that he would just let walk free without doing anything about it? and yeh 3.4 -support
You should of acted like you were being gunpointed and you might of lived. and depending on what you said to behind his back. He may or may have not had a reason.
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