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  1. NoHax

    rust zerg

    Ye im ready, just hmu on ts whenever
  2. NoHax

    rust zerg

    If it's what i think it is i would be down, pretty sure i seen @Taylor play that exact thing
  3. NoHax


    I love how @Slayerduck throws a nade and then pushes ahhaha
  4. NoHax

    Broken Crowbar/Bobby

    Most likely, yes
  5. NoHax

    Broken Crowbar/Bobby

    I ended up stealing it and destroying it, worth it.
  6. NoHax

    Broken Crowbar/Bobby

    i once went through 12 crowbars trying to steal @Wiki's car +support
  7. NoHax

    Decrease tfu their movement speed when they are wearing full armor.

    The only reason for this is because the criminals are zerging, they don't stand a chance in a team of 5-6 criminals against 4 tfu and 10 pistol/remi cops. Also, take into consideration that one of the reasons they are doing this is because they don't want to lose their 20k guns and equipment.
  8. NoHax

    PERPHeads Community Awards 2018

    I think i qualify for best newcomer, i joined Aug 31 and i already have 1 month and 1 week playtime (no life) kthxbye STEAM_0:1:97048693 /id/xxxtentacion
  9. NoHax

    PERPHeads Community Awards 2018

    @Aquaa <3
  10. NoHax


    Although we haven't talked much i've always enjoyed playing with/against you. Stay strong buddy!
  11. NoHax

    Defending office with a M82

    me and cody were alone in there for like 30 minutes, and you complain about metal detectors ahhahaah
  12. NoHax

    Remove the dispatcher job exam

    As you can see, they are not all SS Related nor dispatcher related whatsoever.
  13. NoHax

    Remove the dispatcher job exam

    Here are the questions that i just got from the NPC:
  14. NoHax

    Remove the dispatcher job exam

    Yes, you apply for the dispatcher role on, but when you want to go on duty as a dispatcher for the first time, you get these questions:
  15. NoHax

    Remove the dispatcher job exam

    I've failed it like 7 times now, because i have to choose between breaking the rules and following the law. The questions are so weird + you get a 1 hour cooldown everytime you fail.
  16. NoHax

    Remove the dispatcher job exam

    It is, none of the questions even mention dispatch, all of them have something to do with being a cop or SS
  17. NoHax

    Remove the dispatcher job exam

    Discussion Post: Main Idea: Remove the dispatcher job exam Full description of the idea: The current job exam for dispather is so weird, it doesn't have anything to do with dispatch whatsoever. E.g: Why should it be added...
  18. NoHax

    Leaving for a while or forever.

    Oh no, miss you already Fielding :(
  19. NoHax

    Montage 6 (working)

    You wish you had it vro <3 <3 <3
  20. NoHax

    Montage 6 (working)

    Big ups for the song choice, nice frags as well. shame you don't have the steam id /id/xxxtentacion
  21. NoHax


  22. NoHax


    Can you pay for it?
  23. NoHax

    Action Report

    Okay so, dai told us in org chat he was gonna raid business 7 and we were shooting cops at bazaar, so when all the cops had died i went towards your bazaar shop only to see Dai's car, a couple bullet holes and you outside of it. Then we bobby pinned the door while holding from other angles. We...
  24. NoHax

    Waypo Applications

    Name: Marc Harvey Firearms Level: 125 Money in Bank: 1.000.000 Estimated Asset worth in Inventory: Like 2mil Have you signed up to the website? Yes Why would you like to join Waypo? Because i have previous experience with this project and i know how everything works
  25. NoHax

    How can we save Criminal RP?

    Let's not even mention the fact that being a criminal is way more risky regarding warns and bans, where as being a cop is almost risk-free. If you somehow manage to do something stupid as a cop, you'll get an IA that takes 1 month to even get sustained. Then when it gets sustained you get a...
  26. NoHax


    Think it's cuz he gunned down @SpaceShots and my POV looked really nice of it
  27. NoHax

    Bobo's amazing connection

    You missed the part where i started gunpointing him, but then realized he was walking into a car lmao
  28. NoHax

    Need reccomendation for phones.

    I just got myself a IPhone XR and i'm so happy with that phone, but it's kind of pricey and definitely above your limit. Hear OnePlus are great phones, not sure what they go for though.
  29. NoHax

    Thank you bro, appreciate it!

    Thank you bro, appreciate it!
  30. NoHax

    Thanks a lot man!

    Thanks a lot man!