Broken Crowbar/Bobby

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Main Idea: Decrease the chance of broken Crowbar/Bobby on high level on lockpicking

Full description of the idea: Last time i was high as fuck and i really didn't understand what i wrote on the discussion post but what i meant to say is when people use crowbars/bobbys they often break on high level lockpicking and it's unfair and broken

Why should it be added: Everytime i try to steal a vehicle or someone else tries to steal a vehicle sometimes it takes up to 5 crowbars which is kinda silly at a high level on lockpicking, and sometimes it takes up to 4-5 bobby pins to bobby pin someone out of cuffs or try to bobby pin a door so it needs to be fixed.


Worth grinding on lockpicking skill
Won't loose 5 bobbys/crowbars while trying to go thru one door
More chances to success in a raid without making too much noise by breaking a bobby pin and getting wallbanged


Literally none
8/8 and I went through 5 bobbies yesterday before being wallbanged. Should never happen.
I’m not sure if the dog Mini Cooper has ultimate crowbar protection but I tried breaking into two separate Minis and I attempted at least 6 times and it just didn’t work whereas on other cars costing upwards of 1 mil it was first or second attempt. is it anti sweater protection or is it just broken
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