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  1. Imperial Watch

    Referendum if city funds are 0.

    Hmmm a bad mayor Isn't that what sniper rifles are for? Instead of just having it pop up (it might not entirely be mayors fault city funds are 0%), i think its better if its something players actively try to fix one way or another
  2. Imperial Watch

    VIP - Why did you donate?

    people up in here really saying that swat was a big part of them participating in the server. says a lot about current tfu as its shit lets be honest tbh
  3. Imperial Watch

    Restructure FD to be like PLPD.

    Changes to FD aren't a bad idea. Pretty I did something with my homie @Prepper not too long ago as to how improvements could be made. For me, perhaps ways of getting people out of vehicles if theyre stuck (although if anyone has a friend with a physgun and a burger it might be redundant) Health...
  4. Imperial Watch

    Server Suggestion All medics on duty receive money for reviving/removing bodies?

    gives medics a bigger reason to delegate responsibilities between them and work together as a team as all would benefit i dont even play perp but i think this would be a big improvement that i just thought i needed to respond to
  5. Imperial Watch

    Creepis Appreciation Thread

    for a t*rk, hes a pretty good guy i guess
  6. Imperial Watch

    The Hoenn Region

  7. Imperial Watch

    The Hoenn Region

    everyone knows anything past gen 3 is shit, why would possibly want to include gen 4 in your "safe list"?????
  8. Imperial Watch

    Imperials Ban Dispute

    Appealing for: Ban Appeal type: Dispute Which staff member banned you: @Super_ Your Steam Name: Imperial Watch Your In-game Name: David Green Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:18180894 Why were you banned?: Meatgaming apparently Why do you feel the ban's invalid?: Because I havent even played for...
  9. Imperial Watch

    ??? I havent even been on in days lmao wtf

    ??? I havent even been on in days lmao wtf
  10. Imperial Watch

    In regards to recent events

    What people really need in here, is a good ol' Pepsi to bring everyone together!
  11. Imperial Watch

    No rifles day

    implying people wont just be using other guns to compensate
  12. Imperial Watch

    We're looking for modellers!

    I hear @Duffy does modelling all the time although for a significantly gayer audience
  13. Imperial Watch

    Another CS Montage - Puggerheads

    pretty good shitty music though
  14. Imperial Watch

    Roleplay Acknowledgement

    are you still butthurt from the time they shoved that cigar up your ass in game? just because some people can think of something original and fun smh
  15. Imperial Watch

    pOliCe MiLiTaRiSaTiOn

    Of course, crime prevention is also important, but standing in the middle of an active shootout or in a situation where there is an immediate danger to police and public, stopping the situation from escalating is more important than trying to figure out how he got the weapon after the fact.
  16. Imperial Watch

    pOliCe MiLiTaRiSaTiOn

    Good thing we live in a democracy and he will be voted out next elec- oh wait Joe Biden is his opponent. Four more years I guess
  17. Imperial Watch

    pOliCe MiLiTaRiSaTiOn

    How they got them is irrelevant to the point I was making, figuring out how they got the weapons is not going to stop them from shooting up whatever they intend to shoot up, be it a nightclub, school or whatever in an active shooter situation or even a barricaded suspect, you name it. What is...
  18. Imperial Watch

    Roleplay Acknowledgement

    So when do @Belg Lmfao and I get ours for our Tree Gnome RP?
  19. Imperial Watch

    pOliCe MiLiTaRiSaTiOn

    this whole thread starting to sound like a fucking perp discussion about balancing the pd smh
  20. Imperial Watch

    pOliCe MiLiTaRiSaTiOn

    When did I ever start writing about whether guns should be illegal or legal??? How they got the weapons is in many ways irrelevant, What matters is that the response from the police was inadequate to deal them as they were severely outgunned My point with that post was simply that it's simply...
  21. Imperial Watch

    pOliCe MiLiTaRiSaTiOn

    stop strawmanning, its dumb. posting incidents that are very clearly the exception and not the rule makes you just seem stupid
  22. Imperial Watch

    pOliCe MiLiTaRiSaTiOn

    Reading through the thread it's almost as if people in here think that the police roll around pulling people over for traffic violations in MRAPs or similarly armored vehicles while shoving assault rifles down people's throats. (They don't by the way, in case you were wondering) Also the "we...
  23. Imperial Watch

    pOliCe MiLiTaRiSaTiOn

  24. Imperial Watch

    pOliCe MiLiTaRiSaTiOn

    I don't really see the problem IIRC, American police departments get discounted surplus materials from the Department of Defence like guns and the heavily armored vehicles which is a good deal as they can focus more resources on other stuff then as well instead of having to blow a whole buttload...
  25. Imperial Watch

    Ofc who do you think I am?

    Ofc who do you think I am?
  26. Imperial Watch

    Replace the monorail with Øresundståg

    Sorry, Denmark is closed. We don't need your filth here
  27. Imperial Watch

    Boobs or ass

    Feet or armpits
  28. Imperial Watch

    What will be considered "bad" in the future.

    furries and bronies. Anime be ok doe
  29. Imperial Watch

    Top 5 anime series you've watched?

    Bakemonogatari Gintama A Certain Magical Index / A certain scientific railgun Owari no Seraph Darker Than Black
  30. Imperial Watch

    State of the server

    Another day, another "server bad" post basically regurgitating everything that has already been said a lot of times at this point in time in a billion other threads