State of the server

Hi, this will be my reply to this as I'm someone who is very vocal about my thoughts regarding this community since I've been in it since day 1.

Staff Team

The staff team has always had flaws, you're going to have people complain about things all the time since it isn't something that can be perfect as they're all human beings and it's something that can never be perfect as it wouldn't be progressing which would be terrible.

I do not agree with your point regarding the reports anymore I definitely used to however the last couple of reports I have made I've gotten a lot of help and very quickly.

The staff team is being worked on and is one of the key parts of the community, Bolli and his senior administration team obviously know this; thus the update regarding it yesterday was released which is totally fair and I think we're moving in the right direction.

I can speak up about staff meetings as this is something that has always been close to my heart and I was always pushing for it, the reason why they don't happen is because lack of discussions in there, simply because people are pussies. If I was an administrator now I would hold a community meeting to let the community speak their minds and have them explain what they think the staff team could do to improve the server.


Firstly, this is not a controversial topic, I don't know about the rating stuff thus I will not comment on it.

However I will talk about something that I have been very vocal about during my times as a staff member and that is something you and I have had our disagreements on and till this day I do not like people using these certain words even if it's banter. We already know the word(S) is/are "nigga"
It's the silliest thing and the most ridiculous word to use even if there's no bad intent with it.


This is something serious and has to be worked on a lot, I do agree with a lot of your points here since this has been an issue for a long time. The problem with this issue is that the people who are the main issue in this are also a part of the people who complain a bunch about it, they all cry about it yet a lot of them are just general retards who don't know how to roleplay, all they do is just run around and get in shootouts and when you sort them out for it they cry about the game being boring; simply because they don't belong in a roleplaying enviroment. I do agree that staff should crack down on this, a lot.

I think that the community toxicity is something that is being worked on heavily, from what I've understood as my short period of time as a helper the server is going to crack down on the toxicity a shit ton and sort players out for their idiotic behaviour, I will try my best to sort people out for being absolutely retarded to other players. The problem I see with forum reports is that you have no way of communicating with the person who's dealing with your forum report and it often gets closed without any communication between the staff member and the person who reports it.

I think that the reason why events don't happen is simply because of the fact that people beg for them at random times which results in some higher up administrators hosting them at random times meaning they have no special feel to them, which really sucks. However I think this is something that's going to change since we now have a community manager and I think it's important that this role works hard with bringing the community together.

I also think that the helper rank will do a ton for the forums while the moderators and such can focus on the server and the main issues on there we as helpers can work very closely with the staff team and sort this platform out which will result in them not having to care about it as much.

I myself will be staying in contact with the senior staff team and give suggestions on how we can improve the community as a whole.
Ban appeals for example will have to be dealt within 48 hours, if they're not I believe that the player should just be unbanned and the appeal to be automatically accepted. Thus I will be doing everything I can to enforce this.
The Community is extremely toxic right now

It's really sad when stuff like unnecessary posting is apparently a more common warning reason than toxic behavior. This and the RP aspect was what made me leave again. I went on to get some good RP, but every time I tried, I would get mugged, killed, raided or constantly harassed by some people who finds it funny to annoy others that are just trying to be chill. Once I got tired of it, I went back to the PD, where it was just even worse. People take off for the most minor speeding offenses, they constantly bait police and when they actually kill everyone, they stick in the area instead of running away, which leads to the entire shootout starting again. This can be on repeat for hours on end, and the sweats answer is always "police likes shootouts too, we're just making it fun for you". Did you ever consider that we actually enjoy normal police RP? There's a reason I went to play FiveM instead. People actually talk to the police instead of just shooting or driving off. It's much more enjoyable than the current KOS state. Honestly, Perp is a glorified DarkRP right now.

Sorry for ranting and thanks for making this post @Synatec but it's not the first of it's kind and nothing ever gets done which is sad.
People ruining RP is something that annoys me, Duffy made a decent rule suggestion lately which was triggered from the fact we tried to hold an RP wedding and all got mugged...
so basically
nah jk but i've been saying this as well, both sides have issues, it's no use blaming one side for everything
And we haven't heard a single response from the admin team regarding this situation. Back in the day, this would've been a huge outcry that something was going wrong, now it has barely even been acknowledged publicly which is sad. At least the admins could say that they are trying to change this. And honestly, how long does it take for the Senior Administration to sit together and say "I agree with this, should we change it?" "Yeah sure, I'll write up a draft and send it, and if no one disagrees, I'll put it through". Fucking done. It is literally this easy, and I know this because it happens monthly in another community I'm in. And that is with far more staff per meeting than perp even has Admins and above.
I hope so but honestly, I don't think these new staff ranks will help. Sure we have a community manager now, but how much is that actually gonna do, let's be honest. Ayjay has always had this power to talk to the Senior administration since he left and I don't think anyone even doubted for a moment that Ayjay would listen to them. That's why I think that this new staff team thingy is really not gonna change much. Ayjay has always worked for the better of the community since he came back, with or without a special rank.
@KeiwaM The staff are working very hard to improve the server, hence these reforms. The whole idea of having a community manger is to improve the communication issues the playerbase/staff are having with eachother.
The server needs to be a more friendly to new players, some sort of guideline missions on first join with smaller rewards such items and money that will take him to every place to learn more the map and gamemode
I remember a long time ago was driving my RC truck at hicktown and the engine turned off because the car was barely touching the water so I just prop-pushed it slightly so it can start again. LEWIS saw me and told me if he sees me do it again he will talk to bolli so he can remove my physgun tool completely. Rule enforcement has completely changed...
A tutorial would be nice with some missions/jobs you have to do before you're setting off to join the kill-fest. When I first joined I went Secret Service and the Mayor needed a ride but I didn't know where the church was and got there around 20 minutes after the original call for a ride.