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  1. Imperial Watch

    Update Log - 27/05/2019

    What was the reasoning behind this? This was the one feature that made shotgun marksmanship actually worth leveling
  2. Imperial Watch

    Theme park experiences that stuck in your mind.

    Went on VRChat once and in the Amusement Park map once heard someone vomit through their headset when we went on one of the rides due to motion sickness PS. Dont stand still and stand up while doing rides with a VR headset on
  3. Imperial Watch


    Think that the last time we counted, his dad count was over 17
  4. Imperial Watch

    Anime Conversion Camp

    Friendly reminder
  5. Imperial Watch


    surprised you didnt spin this video into wanting put roundabouts everywhere
  6. Imperial Watch

    Good Luck On Your Examinations

    masters gang
  7. Imperial Watch

    Synatec's Spider Guide

    narrating greentexts
  8. Imperial Watch

    Synatec's Spider Guide

    a single spider is ok if its just chilling on the corner of your apartment cause its a great way for it to catch bugs as well. but the moment that son bitch leaves its designated corner, it wont survive for much longer also:
  9. Imperial Watch

    My back hurts a lot :c

    we have one! @Garret_Pp
  10. Imperial Watch

    My back hurts a lot :c

    Im afraid my genetics will not let me become a big bulky black man. Feelsbadman
  11. Imperial Watch

    Help me name my dissertation

    how about something like Reaching Beyond the Iron Curtain: Development of Anglo and East German relations 1985-1990
  12. Imperial Watch

    League of legends meme thread

    hello fellow lol player here how are you doing
  13. Imperial Watch

    Update Log - 22/04/2019

    These updates are cool and all... But where are the helicopters?
  14. Imperial Watch

    GTA 5 Issue

    tried this?
  15. Imperial Watch


    doing it like that would be too easy
  16. Imperial Watch

    how do you find love

    i use this site to search for love easy and quick, delivery takes a while though
  17. Imperial Watch

    Anyone know recording softwares?

    use ur phone to record your gameplay on your pc ezpz
  18. Imperial Watch


    no one here honestly believes that perp is a serious rp server m8
  19. Imperial Watch

    When you're listening to the radio and your favorite song is playing pt.2

    since you asked for it, its all yours m8
  20. Imperial Watch

    PERPHeads Player Appreciation Post

    if you want some funny content, you can always contact me fam
  21. Imperial Watch

    Lag at 80 players

    just download more RAM that should easily fix your problem
  22. Imperial Watch

    Rating System

    remove the current ratings and i will fucking kill myself
  23. Imperial Watch

    Division 2

  24. Imperial Watch


    i play airsoft too pic related
  25. Imperial Watch


  26. Imperial Watch


    Sounds like a true man of culture. A true appreciater of the high arts
  27. Imperial Watch

    Perpheads now an officialy meme-free zone.

    jokes on you. fredy is the one that takes the fall for what i have on here
  28. Imperial Watch

    Perpheads now an officialy meme-free zone.

    Not so friendly EU parliament passed Article 13 and Article 11. Thus the sharing of memes is hereby forbidden by EU law. It was fun while it lasted bois Be sure to vote those bastards out of office come May, with the new EU parliament elections!
  29. Imperial Watch

    Pineapple on pizza

    can we agree that anyone who eats pizza with pineapple deserves to be shot?