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  1. Frank

    Floating lightbar

    When you join someone else's server the packs get corrupt somehow, restart your GMOD or re-install. Had this before.
  2. Frank

    EMS/Medic Whitelist

    I'm guessing you're coming from an A3L / Altis Life or SantosRP server where Medics / EMS have to be whitelisted. This wouldn't be a good idea, for the following reasons; Not much people will dedicate their time as medic anymore Not much people active as medics No medics for the first 2 weeks...
  3. Frank

    lol i'm the last on the notable members? Wow... Great, i'm noticed!

    lol i'm the last on the notable members? Wow... Great, i'm noticed!
  4. Frank

    Happy Birthday!

    Happy Birthday!
  5. Frank

    Happy birthday

    Happy birthday
  6. Frank

    CupaCake that was honestly pretty offensive...

    CupaCake that was honestly pretty offensive...
  7. Frank

    Stop this madness you peasents! None shall keep disrespecting. (pls no bully)

    Stop this madness you peasents! None shall keep disrespecting. (pls no bully)
  8. Frank

    Rip Eddie Stallone

    Oh look, that's me with the pink rushing with an AK-47, I'm such a nob.
  9. Frank

    -=IronSide Crafting Co.=- Reboot It's right here already. Pretty dumb imo.
  10. Frank

    RR Server Crash (not really)

    The server doesn't crash but times out for most people. Then, it doesn't restore it due to server thinking its a client side issue which is NOT
  11. Frank

    Remove my shoutbox ban for 1 year anniversary pls

    Remove my shoutbox ban for 1 year anniversary pls
  12. Frank

    Late birthday wish, but Happy Birthday. Hope you had a great day.

    Late birthday wish, but Happy Birthday. Hope you had a great day.
  13. Frank

    New Cuffing system.

    That would be kind of hard as a new cuff system would be hard to implement i'm guessing, BUT it should not / be done as firstly, ninja cuffing in my opinion is not that common. Secondly, people hit with nightstick then cuff so then that somewhat becomes a tackle which in-real life actually...
  14. Frank

    PerpHeads - Lord Tylas Rampage

    You have an unrealistic crosshair, breaking 2.1
  15. Frank

    suck it jack ;)

    suck it jack ;)
  16. Frank

    Or do me "Dat moment in becoming enforcer, BANNED"

    Or do me "Dat moment in becoming enforcer, BANNED"
  17. Frank


  18. Frank


  19. Frank

    Expert Member today! Yay!

    Expert Member today! Yay!
  20. Frank


  21. Frank

    AR on D3Lux

    By going in a bank robbery, you are responsible for every illegal weapon / drugs you have on you if you enter an active crime scene as firstly you are a threat and can be one as you can have a weapon on you and easily shoot down the officers You risked your own life by going there, breaking 3.4...
  22. Frank

    RR Server Crash (not really)

    I do understand it, for anyone that did not get it what happened was he was timing out while others weren't even though it was a "Crash" He lost connection due to either having a poor connection, or something else. Not everyone stays in the game when it freezes sometimes it times you out and...
  23. Frank

    Basic understanding of Powergaming

    Not just that but some people do /me's like "** John would get out his pistol *** Would he, or not? They do the "would" then get the pistol out, The sentence in the /me up here ^^ Means he would, but didn't do it.
  24. Frank

    lol k s cum

    lol k s cum
  25. Frank

    You do know you can make your rubbish meme into a signature and don't have to post it on every...

    You do know you can make your rubbish meme into a signature and don't have to post it on every post you do right?
  26. Frank

    Most embarrassing thing you have done ingame.

    Got banned after having a great chance in becoming enforcer. The struggle.
  27. Frank

    Server Events: 28/02/16 - Sunday 4PM (UTC/GMT)

    Nice. Will be attending
  28. Frank


    Haha that's Jack Mondome or whatever his name is, met him a couple times already tbh. @jack mondome
  29. Frank

    AR on Amber Powell <3

    Reece, you just lied infront of many many people. As you can see in the video, you talk firstly on TS / Skype then in-game to hide that you did metagame, as you knew thats going to be kept within the whole community. When you talk on Skype / TS you immediately talk in the game to "prove" you...
  30. Frank

    3 more days for 1 year anniversary and for expert. Wow.

    3 more days for 1 year anniversary and for expert. Wow.