RR Server Crash (not really)

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Your in-game name: George Schurr

Steam ID:

What do you need refunded: 4 Large Pots, 10 Coke Seeds, and 10 Weed seeds.

Why do you want your item(s) refunded: Basically, I was driving towards the suburbs going to get some delicious burgers from Freddy's until someone decided to D Dos the server. At first I thought it was with my connection or something so I decided to tell some people to pick my drugs up due to me losing connection. I decided to text @Brinch so that he would contact @D3luX and tell him to pick up my drugs. Brinch then told me that it was a server crash which turned out to be true. I then decided to rejoin the server, which did not work at first, but when I came back to ask people if they crashed or not some of them said: "We only froze for a while, but there is still some lag going on". If it wasn't for that D Dos or Server Crash I would've still been able to continue playing. Therefore, I believe this is a server side issue because I wouldn't have left if it wasn't for the Server Crash/D Dos. I also went to check my storage for any items, sadly they weren't there. Hopefully someone can also confirm the D Dosing. *Cough* @Xquality *Cough*.


Tick: N/A (Youtube video)
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I do understand it, for anyone that did not get it what happened was he was timing out while others weren't even though it was a "Crash" He lost connection due to either having a poor connection, or something else. Not everyone stays in the game when it freezes sometimes it times you out and it's not a client side issue if he lost connection due to something which happened to the server.
@Amber Powell

Amber Powell: "so you told people to do stuff ig oocly. and kinda unrealistic considering you wouldnt check twitter and stop dead on a motor way"

Im sorry, next time I'll make sure to RP it out, oh wait, I lost fucking connection. Which basically means I cant continue with my role-play, there is no one on earth who is stupid enough not to know that. "kinda unrealistic considering you wouldnt check twitter and stop dead on a motor way". I should get a ban for losing connection while driving, since its unrealistic to lose connection while driving and checking twitter. :banghead:
By the way I wouldn't be surprised if you didn't notice, but the getting banned part was just sarcasm.
Amber Powell: "then he should make a refund request as it is here, so if his friend did get his stuff he gets double, everyone else has to."

I contacted my friend so that he would pick up my stuff since I thought it was a Client Side issue, I couldn't make an RR if it was a client side issue can I? I have also done this many times, with staff members too, and it is not considered as meta gaming because you cant lose connection from real life... . After they pick up my drugs from me losing connection I would rejoin and get my drugs back, then we would continue role-playing and live happily ever after.

Amber Powell: "well if he did (lose connection) and his friend didn't then its not serverside"

Fuck this. I'm done! I lost enough brain cells today.
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If the server crashed your drugs should be in your storage as far as I know.
The server doesn't crash but times out for most people. Then, it doesn't restore it due to server thinking its a client side issue which is NOT
The server doesn't crash but times out for most people. Then, it doesn't restore it due to server thinking its a client side issue which is NOT
It doesnt believe it's a client sided issue, it only does the "calculation" when the server crashes... Deleted my comment as I didnt get the thread in the first place

Contact Senior Administration ingame to receive your item(s)

For future reference I advise you bear with the server if freezes like this occur, and if you time out completely wait out the red auto disconnect as this will ensure your drugs are returned to storage.
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