Search results

  1. What happened to blue duck?

    If the development team is hiring, I'd be more than happy to assist with development. @TinySlayer
  2. So my suggestion here, make an apology and read the rules specifically 3.4, since I've noticed...

    So my suggestion here, make an apology and read the rules specifically 3.4, since I've noticed that you have a problem with that one.
  3. If you're gunpointed while your vehicle is moving or you're a fair distance from the...

    If you're gunpointed while your vehicle is moving or you're a fair distance from the officer/civilian, then it's realistic to attempt an escape since you have a high chance to get away. Believe me, when you get banned it's a real pain but complaining about it won't solve anything, it will only...
  4. Benji will only ban you for a reason and that reason was 3.4. When you're being gun pointed at a...

    Benji will only ban you for a reason and that reason was 3.4. When you're being gun pointed at a close distance, you have no chance of escape, even if you're inside your vehicle. If the engine isn't even started, you should probably just comply since you're very likely to be shot and killed.
  5. Blender is alright but I found Maya a lot easier to use, too expensive though..

    Blender is alright but I found Maya a lot easier to use, too expensive though..
  6. Maybe the ziptie screen should have a cooldown, might suggest that.

    Maybe the ziptie screen should have a cooldown, might suggest that.
  7. About Liam Garcia!

    As miniraze said as well, there's no point crying about it here. Just wait out your ban, improve your reputation within the community and we'll forgive you. I used to be just like you and well I guess everyones mostly forgiven me since 4 years ago lol.
  8. About Liam Garcia!

    Awww that's so cute, the only reason why you think blackdown gave you so much respect is cuz he banned me for targeting you. Honestly it's been too long for me to care anymore so if you wanna drop everything I will.
  9. Thank you Benji, I won't let you down. I think I've realized how serious my actions are and if...

    Thank you Benji, I won't let you down. I think I've realized how serious my actions are and if I'm in a trolling mood, I'll probably just leave the server for a bit.
  10. Welcome back, good luck on your appeal!

    Welcome back, good luck on your appeal!
  11. Ban Apology (Benji)

    Punishment Type: Ban Appeal Type: Apology Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Benj How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 3 Days Your Steam Name: Henry Your Roleplay Name: Henry Eman Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:54209905 Why were you banned/blacklisted?: 3.4, 3.6, 3.21: Broke into PD...
  12. Happy Birthday

    Happy Birthday
  13. Happy Birthday

    Happy Birthday
  14. oh ffs

    oh ffs
  15. Nah I've just noticed that you always consider the appeals for new players.

    Nah I've just noticed that you always consider the appeals for new players.
  16. We need more mods like you.

    We need more mods like you.
  17. Let me introduce myself...

    most likely yeah
  18. I miss your inkempotentce

    I miss your inkempotentce
  19. should i make more retarded perpheads videos

    perp will never be the same
  20. Hiii

    Silly ban evader Tbh though, can't talk cuz I did it like 4 times lol
  23. Hiii

    Hello and Welcome to the Perpheads Community. If you need help with anything, feel free to ask me in game or on steam. My name is Henry Eman.
  24. Ban Dispute (CONSOLE)

    Punishment Type: Ban Appeal Type: Dispute Which staff member issued the punishment?: CONSOLE How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: Permanent Your Steam Name: Saweet_Bunny Your Roleplay Name: Lara Griffin Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:621906764 Why were you banned/blacklisted?: Alt...
  25. What are we doing browsing the ph forums at 6 am :D

    What are we doing browsing the ph forums at 6 am :D
  26. omg Kenji, I completely forgot about you lol. Congrats on mod!

    omg Kenji, I completely forgot about you lol. Congrats on mod!
  27. Hello!!!

    yes lol, this guy seems like a ban evader to me
  28. how do i install cheats?

    we're gonna take over the entire server!
  29. how do i install cheats?

    omg yeah, thought that sounded familier
  30. very late reply but thanks :D

    very late reply but thanks :D